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Commentary on buy ventolin nebules 2mg Carlton E, Kohne J, buy ventolin nebules 2mg Shankar-Hari, et al. Readmission diagnoses after paediatric severe sepsis hospitalisation. Crit Care Med 2019;47:583–90.Implications for practice and researchChildren with coexisting comorbidities when discharged following severe sepsis have a higher rate of readmission as compared with matched hospitalisations for other acute medical conditions.There is a need for internationally agreed evidence-based guidelines/consensus paper to minimise post-sepsis readmissions through identification of potentially preventable factors, appropriate discharge criteria and parental education.More research is required into strategies towards prevention of readmissions following discharge after an buy ventolin nebules 2mg episode of severe sepsis in children.ContextSepsis is a leading cause of avoidable death across all age groups.1 Attempts have been made to streamline the management pathways in the UK and elsewhere through publication of national guidelines.1 While robust guidelines exist for management of initial sepsis episodes, strategies to identify and prevent readmissions are necessary. This ….

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Krogue got a call that s were spreading to a side of the jail that had been ventolin-free.He hung up the phone and put his head in his hands.“I just kind of lost it, like, ‘My God, I don’t know how much longer I can do where can i get ventolin this,’” Mr. Krogue, a nurse practitioner, recalled. €œI was just scared that I’m not going to be able to see it through, that I’m going to get sick — you just feel so exhausted and it’s just a lot.”The Mountain West, which for months avoided the worst of the ventolin, has rapidly devolved into one of the most alarming hot spots in a country that recorded its eight millionth confirmed case on Thursday, a day when more than 65,000 cases were announced nationwide, the most in a single day since July.Seventeen states, including many in the Mountain West, have added more cases in the past week than any other week of the ventolin. And the spread through sparsely populated areas of rural America has created problems in small towns that lack critical resources — including doctors — even in ordinary times.Wyoming, which did not have where can i get ventolin 1,000 total cases until June, recently added more than 1,000 in a single week.

Reports of new s have recently reached record levels in Alaska, Colorado and Idaho. And Montana, where more than half of the state’s cases have been announced since August, is averaging more than 500 cases per day.In Cascade County, more than 300 inmates and staff members have been infected in a facility meant to hold 365 people, the county’s first major outbreak in a region where the ventolin is suddenly surging.The county seat, Great Falls, is seeing its worst case numbers yet. The local hospital and its 27-bed asthma treatment unit is where can i get ventolin at capacity. The county health department is racing to hire new contact tracers.

And Mr. Krogue, who also teaches nursing at Montana where can i get ventolin State University’s Great Falls campus, has seen attendance in his classes dwindle as students fall ill or quarantine.“I was just scared that I’m not going to be able to see it through, that I’m going to get sick,” said Paul Krogue, the jail’s medical director.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesOne place where the s have spread has been local jails, which are confined, often crowded spaces. Jails are staples of local communities and tend to have people coming and going more quickly than prisons. Jails can hold everyone from people awaiting criminal trials for months to those picked up for a suspended driver’s license for a few hours.

With so many people filtering in and out, jails pose extra risks for the ventolin’s spread — not only inside facilities but in potentially feeding outbreaks in the rest of the community.Nationally, jails and prisons have seen disproportionate rates of and death, with a mortality rate twice as high where can i get ventolin as in the general population and an rate more than four times as high, according to recent data. #styln-briefing-block { font-family. Nyt-franklin,helvetica,arial,sans-serif. Background-color.

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100%. } } Latest Updates. The asthma Outbreak 15h ago Senate Republicans push narrow stimulus bills as Pelosi and Mnuchin resume talks. 17h ago A frozen yogurt shop in Colorado offered maskless customers a 10 percent discount.

Uproar ensued. 19h ago An at Pope Francis’ residence adds to concerns for his safety. See more updates More live coverage. Markets A New York Times database has tracked clusters of at least 50 asthma cases in a dozen rural jails in Montana, Idaho, Utah and New Mexico during the ventolin.

Among them. The Purgatory Correctional Center in Hurricane, Utah, with 166 s. The jail in Twin Falls, Idaho, with 279. And, in New Mexico, the Cibola County Correctional Center, which has reported 357 cases.In Cascade County, s at the jail make up about a quarter of all known ventolin cases in the county.

Health authorities say that the jail’s outbreak, which began in mid-August, was not believed to be the main cause of the community’s recent surge, but that it had led to some cases. In the past two months, Mr. Krogue said, the jail released 29 people who were considered actively infected.s at the jail make up about a quarter of Cascade County’s known ventolin cases.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesGreat Falls, home to about 58,000 residents, is in the less mountainous part of Montana, with the Missouri River flowing through and a large oil refinery on its banks. The Cascade County Detention Center sits along a highway at the edge of town.

Drive five miles in any direction and you are surrounded by wide-open plains.Montana requires that masks be worn inside businesses and indoor public spaces, and many people in Great Falls wear them when walking around downtown’s Central Avenue, where shops and cafes are still recovering from shutting down in the spring. Others go without masks, citing the open space and lack of crowds.Bob Kelly, the mayor, said people had not been overly worried about how the jail outbreak might affect the rest of town when it started.“I think that by the very definition of a jail, hopefully, the disease will be incarcerated, as well as the patients,” he said. €œIs there concern?. Sure, there’s concern.

But is there overreaction?. No.”The mayor of Great Falls said that residents had considered the jail’s outbreak a distant concern at first.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesSome residents’ nonchalance about the risks of the ventolin, said Mr. Krogue, the jail’s medical director, can be traced to a spring and early summer when almost no one in Cascade County knew anyone who had been sickened.“We benefited from that early on,” he said. €œBut in some ways, I think it did us a disservice, too, because it also created a certain level of complacency.”That has quickly shifted now, he said, as cases have spiked.The number of active cases known to county officials on any given day has risen sharply to about 600, according to Trisha Gardner, Cascade County’s health officer.

The county has seen 1,261 cases and six deaths during the ventolin, a Times database shows. Some of the cases have been tied to the jail outbreak, she said, and others have been connected to bars and restaurants. Even figuring out what has led to some cases has been complex, she said, as residents have been reluctant to cooperate with contact tracers.“Our hospitals are at capacity, our public health system is at capacity,” she said. €œIt’s not sustainable at this rate.”When the outbreak at the jail began, social distancing was impossible, the authorities said.

Three inmates shared cells designed for two. At night, men slept on thin blue pads in every available space. On the floor in the day room, in shower stalls, in stairwells, in hallways outside of cells.Inmates did not receive masks until August, and jail officials said many have refused to wear them.In interviews with more than a dozen inmates and their family members, inmates described the jail during the outbreak as chaotic and unsanitary. They said their pleas for help often went unanswered by nurses and guards.Newly arriving inmates were not always quarantined from one another before their test results were known because of a lack of space, inmates and jail officials said.Owen Hawley, 30, said every inmate in his living area of 38 men had tested positive for the ventolin.

He said he had been unable to eat for three days, had intensive body aches and suffered from a headache so powerful it felt as if it was “behind my eyes.”“After the fourth day of like, not eating and stuff, I just shut off, you know?. € he said.A jail area set aside for quarantining new inmates.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesAt one point, Mr. Hawley said, he and other prisoners protested the way the ventolin was being handled by refusing to leave their living areas and by blocking new inmates from entering. Everyone was ultimately tested, Mr.

Hawley said, and each prisoner was given a disposable mask.Sierra Jasmine Wells, 25, another inmate, said women in her dormitory had grown ill, one after the next.“Everyone around me was getting sick and it was tough on me,” she said. €œBy then, I had already accepted the fact that I was going to get sick.”When she became infected, she said, she was given cough syrup and Tylenol.“I kind of was just left alone to deal with it,” she said.Jesse Slaughter, the county sheriff who oversees the jail, said that the jail’s medical staff was doing everything it could, and that he had been seeking health care assistance from other counties. Officials defended their handling of the outbreak, noting that all inmates received standard medications including Tylenol twice a day and were taken to area hospitals when they needed added care. Seven inmates, as well as some staff members, were hospitalized.

No one from the jail has died from the ventolin, officials said.Sheriff Jesse Slaughter, who oversees the jail, said he had been seeking health care assistance from other counties.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesMr. Krogue said that since the start of the outbreak he had been working up to 16 hours each day and sleeping in his basement, away from his wife and children. He remains healthy but says he fears bringing the ventolin home. The ventolin has slowed some in the jail, and officials have moved some inmates to other facilities, but other prisons and jails in the state are now seeing outbreaks.“You can start to see what some of these other places experienced much earlier on, and we just didn’t have that experience, but it’s certainly happening now,” Mr.

Krogue said. €œIt’s just real in a way that it wasn’t.”Lucy Tompkins reported from Great Falls, Maura Turcotte from Chicago and Libby Seline from Lincoln, Neb. Reporting was contributed by Izzy Colón from Columbia, Mo., Brendon Derr from Phoenix, Rebecca Griesbach from Tuscaloosa, Ala., Danya Issawi and Timothy Williams from New York, Ann Hinga Klein from Des Moines, K.B. Mensah from Silver Spring, Md., and Mitch Smith from Chicago.Start Preamble Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT.

Notice of funding opportunity. The asthma Disease 2019 (asthma treatment) public health emergency Start Printed Page 63654has had a significant impact on transit operations. During a series of FTA listening sessions held over the last three months, transit agencies asked FTA to support research to identify solutions to address the operational challenges that they are facing as a result of asthma treatment. In response, FTA makes available through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) funding to support research demonstration grants to public transit agencies to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies, as well as enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the asthma treatment public health emergency.

Demonstration grants under this NOFO are authorized under FTA's Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 5312). Eligible projects will demonstrate innovative solutions to improve the operational efficiencies of transit systems and enhance mobility for their communities in four major areas. (1) Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis.

(2) exposure mitigation measures. (3) innovative mobility such as contactless payments. And (4) measures that strengthen public confidence in transit services. The total funding available for awards under this NOFO is $10,000,000.

FTA may supplement this amount if additional funding becomes available. Applicants must submit completed proposals for funding opportunity FTA-2020-015-TRI through the GRANTS.GOV “APPLY” function by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on November 2, 2020. Prospective applicants should register as soon as possible on the GRANTS.GOV website to ensure they can complete the application process before the submission deadline.

Application instructions are available on FTA's website at​howtoapply and in the “FIND” module of GRANTS.GOV. FTA will not accept mail and fax submissions. Start Further Info Please send any questions on this notice to Jamel El-Hamri email. phone.

2020-366-8985. A Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) is available for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing at 1-800-877-8339. End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information Table of Contents A. Program Description B.

Federal Award Information C. Eligibility Information D. Application and Submission Information E. Application Review Information F.

Federal Award Administration Information G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact Information A. Program Description The Public Transportation asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program is funded through the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 5312), with the goal to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies, as well as enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the asthma treatment public health emergency.

Eligible projects will propose to develop and deploy innovative solutions in four major areas. (1) Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis. (2) exposure mitigation measures. (3) innovative mobility such as contactless payments.

And (4) measures that strengthen public confidence in transit. As required by 49 U.S.C. 5312(e)(4), projects funded under this NOFO must participate in an evaluation by an independent outside entity that will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the success or failure of the projects funded under this subsection and any plan for broad-based implementation of the innovation promoted by successful projects. B.

Federal Award Information FTA makes available $10,000,000 in fiscal year (FY) 2020 funds under the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 5312) to finance the Public Transportation asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program. FTA may supplement the total funds available if additional funding becomes available at the time project selections are made. FTA will grant pre-award authority starting on the date of the project award announcement for selected projects and should be completed within 24 months from the date of award.

Funds are available only for eligible expenses incurred after the announcement of project selections. C. Eligibility Information (1) Eligible Applicants Eligible applicants include State and local governmental authorities, direct recipients of Urbanized Area (49 U.S.C. 5307) and Rural Area (49 U.S.C.

5311) formula funds, and Indian tribes. Eligible applicants are limited to FTA grantees or subrecipients who would be the primary beneficiaries of the innovative products and services that are developed—typically public transit agencies. Except for projects proposed by Indian tribes, proposals for projects in rural (non-urbanized) areas must be submitted as part of a consolidated State proposal. States and other eligible applicants also may submit consolidated proposals for projects in urbanized areas.

The submission of the Statewide application will not preclude the submission and consideration of any application from other eligible recipients in an urbanized area in a State. Proposals may contain projects to be implemented by the recipient or its subrecipients. Eligible subrecipients include public agencies, private nonprofit organizations, and private providers engaged in public transportation. Eligible applicants may submit consolidated proposals for projects.

(2) Cost Sharing or Matching The maximum Federal share of project costs is 100 percent. FTA may give additional consideration to applicants that propose a local share and may view these applicants as more competitive. The applicant must document the source(s) of the local match, if any, in the grant application. For any applicants proposing match, eligible local match sources include the following.

Cash from non-Government sources other than revenues from providing public transportation services. Revenues derived from the sale of advertising and concessions. Revenues generated from value capture financing mechanisms. Funds from an undistributed cash surplus.

Replacement or depreciation cash fund or reserve. New capital. Or in-kind contributions. (3) Eligible Projects Eligible projects will propose innovative solutions to improve operational efficiencies of transit agencies and enhance the mobility of transit users, through projects that demonstrate innovative solutions for.

Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis. Exposure mitigation measures such a real-time notification of rail and bus passenger loads. New multi-modal payment innovative mobility systems such as contactless payments. And measures that strengthen public confidence in transit.

Each applicant may only submit one proposal.Start Printed Page 63655 D. Application and Submission Information (1) Address and Form of Application Submission Applications must be submitted through GRANTS.GOV. Applicants can find general information for submitting applications through GRANTS.GOV at​howtoapply, along with specific instructions for the forms and attachments required for submission. Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted.

(2) Content and Form of Application Submission a. Proposal Submission A complete proposal submission consists of at least two forms. 1. The SF-424 Mandatory Form (downloadable from GRANTS.GOV) and 2.

The supplemental form for the FY 2020 asthma treatment Demonstration Program (downloadable from GRANTS.GOV), which is available on FTA's website at (placeholder for FTA asthma treatment Demonstration Program). The application must include responses to all sections of the SF-424 mandatory form and the supplemental form unless a section is indicated as optional. FTA will use the information on the supplemental form to determine applicant and project eligibility for the program and to evaluate the proposal against the selection criteria described in part E of this notice. FTA will accept only one supplemental form per SF-424 submission.

FTA encourages applicants to consider submitting a single supplemental form that includes multiple activities to be evaluated as a consolidated proposal. Applicants may attach additional supporting information to the SF-424 submission, including but not limited to letters of support, project budgets, or excerpts from relevant planning documents. Supporting documentation must be described and referenced by file name in the appropriate response section of the supplemental form, or it may not be reviewed. Information such as applicant name, Federal amount requested, local match amount, description of areas served, etc., may be requested in varying degrees of detail on both the SF-424 form and supplemental form.

Applicants must fill in all fields unless stated otherwise on the forms. If applicants copy information into the supplemental form from another source, they should verify that the supplemental form has fully captured pasted text and that it has not truncated the text due to character limits built into the form. Applicants should use both the “Check Package for Errors” and the “Validate Form” validation buttons on both forms to check all required fields. Applicants should also ensure that the Federal and local amounts specified are consistent.

Addressing the deteriorating conditions and disproportionately high fatality rates on our rural transportation infrastructure is of critical interest to the Department, as rural transportation networks face unique challenges in safety, infrastructure condition, and passenger and freight usage. Consistent with the R.O.U.T.E.S. Initiative, the Department encourages applicants to consider how the project will address the challenges faced by rural areas. B.

Application Content The SF-424 Mandatory Form and the supplemental form will prompt applicants for the required information, including. I. Applicant Name ii. Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number iii.

Key contact information (contact name, address, email address, and phone number) iv. Congressional district(s) where project will take place v. Project Information (title, executive summary, and type) vi. A detailed description of the need for the project vii.

A detailed description of how the project will support the Program objectives viii. Evidence that the applicant can provide the local cost shares ix. A description of the technical, legal, and financial capacity of the applicant x. A detailed project budget xi.

Details on the local matching funds xii. A detailed project timeline xiii. Whether the project impacts an Opportunity Zone (3) Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM) Each applicant is required to. (1) Be registered in SAM before submitting an application.

(2) provide a valid unique entity identifier in its application. And (3) continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which the applicant has an active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by FTA. These requirements do not apply if the applicant. (1) Is excepted from the requirements under 2 CFR 25.110(b) or (c).

Or (2) has an exception approved by FTA under 2 CFR 25.110(d). FTA may not make an award until the applicant has complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM requirements. If an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time FTA is ready to make an award, FTA may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making a Federal award to another applicant. All applicants must provide a unique entity identifier provided by SAM.

Registration in SAM may take as little as 3-5 business days, but there can be unexpected steps or delays. For example, the applicant may need to obtain an Employer Identification Number. FTA recommends allowing ample time, up to several weeks, to complete all steps. For additional information on obtaining a unique entity identifier, please visit

(4) Submission Dates and Times Project proposals must be submitted electronically through GRANTS.GOV by 11:59 p.m. Eastern on November 2, 2020. Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted. FTA urges applicants to submit applications at least 72 hours prior to the due date to allow time to correct any problems that may have caused either GRANTS.GOV or FTA systems to reject the submission.

Proposals submitted after the deadline will only be considered under extraordinary circumstances not within the applicant's control. Deadlines will not be extended due to scheduled website maintenance. GRANTS.GOV scheduled maintenance and outage times are announced on the GRANTS.GOV website. Within 48 hours after submitting an electronic application, the applicant should receive two email messages from GRANTS.GOV.

(1) Confirmation of successful transmission to GRANTS.GOV. And (2) confirmation of successful validation by GRANTS.GOV. If the applicant does not receive confirmation of successful validation or receives a notice of failed validation or incomplete materials, the applicant must address the reason for the failed validation, as described in the email notice, and resubmit before the submission deadline. If making a resubmission for any reason, applicants must include all original attachments regardless of which attachments were updated and check the box on the supplemental form indicating this is a resubmission.

Applicants are encouraged to begin the process of registration on the GRANTS.GOV site well in advance of the submission deadline. Registration is Start Printed Page 63656a multi-step process, which may take several weeks to complete before an application can be submitted. Registered applicants may still be required to update their registration before submitting an application. Registration in SAM is renewed annually and persons making submissions on behalf of the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must be authorized in GRANTS.GOV by the AOR to make submissions.

(5) Funding Restrictions Funds may be used for post-award expenditures only. Funds under this NOFO cannot be used to reimburse projects for otherwise eligible expenses incurred prior to the date of project award announcements. (6) Other Submission Requirements FTA encourages applicants to identify scaled funding options in case insufficient funding is available to fund a project at the full requested amount. If an applicant indicates that a project is scalable, the applicant must provide an appropriate minimum funding amount that will fund an eligible project that achieves the objectives of the program and meets all relevant program requirements.

The applicant must provide a clear explanation of how a reduced award would affect the project budget and scope. FTA may award a lesser amount whether or not the applicant provides a scalable option. E. Application Review Information (1) Project Evaluation Criteria Addressing the deteriorating conditions and disproportionately high fatality rates on our rural transportation infrastructure is of critical interest to the Department, as rural transportation networks face unique challenges in safety, infrastructure condition, and passenger and freight usage.

Consistent with the R.O.U.T.E.S. Initiative, the Department will consider how the project will address the challenges faced by rural areas. In addition, the Department will review and consider applications for funding pursuant to this Notice in accordance with the President's September 2, 2020 memorandum, entitled Memorandum on Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients of Federal Funds that Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities, consistent with guidance from the Office of Management and Budget and the Attorney General and with all applicable laws. FTA will evaluate proposals submitted according to the following criteria.

(a) Project Innovation and Impact. (b) Project Approach. (c) National Applicability. (d) Commercialization and/or Knowledge Transfer.

And (e) Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity. FTA encourages each applicant to demonstrate how a project supports all criteria with the most relevant information the applicant can provide, regardless of whether such information has been specifically requested or identified in this notice. A. Project Innovation and Impact i.

Effectiveness of the project in achieving and demonstrating the specific objectives of this program. Ii. Demonstration of benefits in addressing the needs of the transit agency and industry and impacts to infrastructure, equipment, transit workforce, and riders. Iii.

Degree of improvement over current and existing technologies, designs, and/or practices applicable to the transit industry. B. Project Approach i. Quality of the project approach such as existing partnerships, collaboration strategies and level of commitment of the project partners.

Ii. Proposal is realistic in its approach to fulfill the milestones/deliverables, schedule and goals. C. National Applicability i.

Degree to which the project could be replicated by other transit agencies regionally or nationally. Ii. Ability to evaluate technologies, designs and/or practices in a wide variety of conditions and locales. Iii.

Degree to which the technology, designs and/or practices can be replicated by other transportation modes. D. Commercialization and/or Knowledge Transfer i. Demonstrates a realistic plan for moving the results of the project into the transit marketplace (patents, conferences, articles in trade magazines, webinar, site visits, etc.).

Ii. How the project team plans to work with the industry on improving best practices, guidance and/or standards, if applicable. Iii. Demonstrate a clear understanding and robust approach to data collection, access and management.

E. Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity Capacity of the applicant and any partners to successfully execute the project effort. There should be no outstanding legal, technical, or financial issues with the applicant that would make this a high-risk project. (2) Review and Selection Process An FTA technical evaluation committee will evaluate proposals based on the published project evaluation criteria.

Members of the technical evaluation committee will rate the applications and may seek clarification about any statement in an application. The FTA Administrator will determine the final selection and amount of funding for each project after consideration of the findings of the technical evaluation committee. Geographic diversity, diversity of the project type, the amount of local match to be provided, and the applicant's receipt and management of other Federal transit funds may be considered in FTA's award decisions. Prior fare payment innovation efforts may receive priority consideration.

The FTA Administrator will consider the following key DOT objectives. A. Utilizing alternative funding sources and innovative financing models to attract non-Federal sources of investment. B.

Whether the project is located in or supports public transportation service in a qualified opportunity zone designated pursuant to 26.U.S.C. 1400Z-1. And c. The extent to which the project addresses challenges specific to the provision of rural public transportation.

(3) FAPIIS Review Prior to making a grant award, FTA is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) accessible through SAM. An applicant may review and comment on information about itself that a Federal awarding agency previously entered. FTA will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in FAPIIS, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in 2 CFR 200.205 Federal Awarding Agency Review of Risk Posed by Applicants. F.

Federal Award Administration Information (1) Federal Award Notices FTA will announce the final project selections on the FTA website. Project recipients should contact their FTA Regional Office for additional information regarding allocations for Start Printed Page 63657projects. At the time project selections are announced, FTA will extend pre-award authority for the selected projects. There is no blanket pre-award authority for these projects before announcement.

There is no minimum or maximum grant award amount, but FTA intends to fund as many meritorious projects as possible. FTA only will consider proposals from eligible recipients for eligible activities. Due to funding limitations, projects selected for funding may receive less than the amount originally requested. In those cases, applicants must be able to demonstrate that the proposed projects are still viable and can be completed with the amount awarded.

(2) Administrative and National Policy Requirements a. Pre-Award Authority FTA will issue specific guidance to recipients regarding pre-award authority at the time of selection. FTA does not provide pre-award authority for competitive funds until projects are selected, and there are Federal requirements that must be met before costs are incurred. For more information about FTA's policy on pre-award authority, see the FY 2020 Apportionments Notice published on June 3, 2020, at​content/​pkg/​FR-2020-06-03/​pdf/​2020-11946.pdf.

b. Grant Requirements Selected applicants will submit a grant application through FTA's electronic grant management system and adhere to the customary FTA grant requirements for research project (insert Circular name). All competitive grants, regardless of award amount, will be subject to the Congressional notification and release process. FTA emphasizes that third-party procurement applies to all funding awards, as described in FTA Circular 4220.1F, “Third Party Contracting Guidance.” However, FTA may approve applications that include a specifically identified partnering organization(s) (2 CFR 200.302(f)).

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600px) { #styln-briefing-block a.briefing-block-link { font-size. 1.0625rem. Line-height. 1.5rem. } #styln-briefing-block .briefing-block-bullet::before { content.

-2px. Position. Relative. } #styln-briefing-block .briefing-block-update-time a { font-size. 13px.

} } @media only screen and (min-width. 1024px) { #styln-briefing-block { width. 100%. } } Latest Updates. The asthma Outbreak 15h ago Senate Republicans push narrow stimulus bills as Pelosi and Mnuchin resume talks.

17h ago A frozen yogurt shop in Colorado offered maskless customers a 10 percent discount. Uproar ensued. 19h ago An at Pope Francis’ residence adds to concerns for his safety. See more updates More live coverage. Markets A New York Times database has tracked clusters of at least 50 asthma cases in a dozen rural jails in Montana, Idaho, Utah and New Mexico during the ventolin.

Among them. The Purgatory Correctional Center in Hurricane, Utah, with 166 s. The jail in Twin Falls, Idaho, with 279. And, in New Mexico, the Cibola County Correctional Center, which has reported 357 cases.In Cascade County, s at the jail make up about a quarter of all known ventolin cases in the county. Health authorities say that the jail’s outbreak, which began in mid-August, was not believed to be the main cause of the community’s recent surge, but that it had led to some cases.

In the past two months, Mr. Krogue said, the jail released 29 people who were considered actively infected.s at the jail make up about a quarter of Cascade County’s known ventolin cases.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesGreat Falls, home to about 58,000 residents, is in the less mountainous part of Montana, with the Missouri River flowing through and a large oil refinery on its banks. The Cascade County Detention Center sits along a highway at the edge of town. Drive five miles in any direction and you are surrounded by wide-open plains.Montana requires that masks be worn inside businesses and indoor public spaces, and many people in Great Falls wear them when walking around downtown’s Central Avenue, where shops and cafes are still recovering from shutting down in the spring. Others go without masks, citing the open space and lack of crowds.Bob Kelly, the mayor, said people had not been overly worried about how the jail outbreak might affect the rest of town when it started.“I think that by the very definition of a jail, hopefully, the disease will be incarcerated, as well as the patients,” he said.

€œIs there concern?. Sure, there’s concern. But is there overreaction?. No.”The mayor of Great Falls said that residents had considered the jail’s outbreak a distant concern at first.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesSome residents’ nonchalance about the risks of the ventolin, said Mr. Krogue, the jail’s medical director, can be traced to a spring and early summer when almost no one in Cascade County knew anyone who had been sickened.“We benefited from that early on,” he said.

€œBut in some ways, I think it did us a disservice, too, because it also created a certain level of complacency.”That has quickly shifted now, he said, as cases have spiked.The number of active cases known to county officials on any given day has risen sharply to about 600, according to Trisha Gardner, Cascade County’s health officer. The county has seen 1,261 cases and six deaths during the ventolin, a Times database shows. Some of the cases have been tied to the jail outbreak, she said, and others have been connected to bars and restaurants. Even figuring out what has led to some cases has been complex, she said, as residents have been reluctant to cooperate with contact tracers.“Our hospitals are at capacity, our public health system is at capacity,” she said. €œIt’s not sustainable at this rate.”When the outbreak at the jail began, social distancing was impossible, the authorities said.

Three inmates shared cells designed for two. At night, men slept on thin blue pads in every available space. On the floor in the day room, in shower stalls, in stairwells, in hallways outside of cells.Inmates did not receive masks until August, and jail officials said many have refused to wear them.In interviews with more than a dozen inmates and their family members, inmates described the jail during the outbreak as chaotic and unsanitary. They said their pleas for help often went unanswered by nurses and guards.Newly arriving inmates were not always quarantined from one another before their test results were known because of a lack of space, inmates and jail officials said.Owen Hawley, 30, said every inmate in his living area of 38 men had tested positive for the ventolin. He said he had been unable to eat for three days, had intensive body aches and suffered from a headache so powerful it felt as if it was “behind my eyes.”“After the fourth day of like, not eating and stuff, I just shut off, you know?.

€ he said.A jail area set aside for quarantining new inmates.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesAt one point, Mr. Hawley said, he and other prisoners protested the way the ventolin was being handled by refusing to leave their living areas and by blocking new inmates from entering. Everyone was ultimately tested, Mr. Hawley said, and each prisoner was given a disposable mask.Sierra Jasmine Wells, 25, another inmate, said women in her dormitory had grown ill, one after the next.“Everyone around me was getting sick and it was tough on me,” she said. €œBy then, I had already accepted the fact that I was going to get sick.”When she became infected, she said, she was given cough syrup and Tylenol.“I kind of was just left alone to deal with it,” she said.Jesse Slaughter, the county sheriff who oversees the jail, said that the jail’s medical staff was doing everything it could, and that he had been seeking health care assistance from other counties.

Officials defended their handling of the outbreak, noting that all inmates received standard medications including Tylenol twice a day and were taken to area hospitals when they needed added care. Seven inmates, as well as some staff members, were hospitalized. No one from the jail has died from the ventolin, officials said.Sheriff Jesse Slaughter, who oversees the jail, said he had been seeking health care assistance from other counties.Credit...Tailyr Irvine for The New York TimesMr. Krogue said that since the start of the outbreak he had been working up to 16 hours each day and sleeping in his basement, away from his wife and children. He remains healthy but says he fears bringing the ventolin home.

The ventolin has slowed some in the jail, and officials have moved some inmates to other facilities, but other prisons and jails in the state are now seeing outbreaks.“You can start to see what some of these other places experienced much earlier on, and we just didn’t have that experience, but it’s certainly happening now,” Mr. Krogue said. €œIt’s just real in a way that it wasn’t.”Lucy Tompkins reported from Great Falls, Maura Turcotte from Chicago and Libby Seline from Lincoln, Neb. Reporting was contributed by Izzy Colón from Columbia, Mo., Brendon Derr from Phoenix, Rebecca Griesbach from Tuscaloosa, Ala., Danya Issawi and Timothy Williams from New York, Ann Hinga Klein from Des Moines, K.B. Mensah from Silver Spring, Md., and Mitch Smith from Chicago.Start Preamble Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT.

Notice of funding opportunity. The asthma Disease 2019 (asthma treatment) public health emergency Start Printed Page 63654has had a significant impact on transit operations. During a series of FTA listening sessions held over the last three months, transit agencies asked FTA to support research to identify solutions to address the operational challenges that they are facing as a result of asthma treatment. In response, FTA makes available through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) funding to support research demonstration grants to public transit agencies to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies, as well as enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the asthma treatment public health emergency. Demonstration grants under this NOFO are authorized under FTA's Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C.

5312). Eligible projects will demonstrate innovative solutions to improve the operational efficiencies of transit systems and enhance mobility for their communities in four major areas. (1) Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis. (2) exposure mitigation measures. (3) innovative mobility such as contactless payments.

And (4) measures that strengthen public confidence in transit services. The total funding available for awards under this NOFO is $10,000,000. FTA may supplement this amount if additional funding becomes available. Applicants must submit completed proposals for funding opportunity FTA-2020-015-TRI through the GRANTS.GOV “APPLY” function by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on November 2, 2020.

Prospective applicants should register as soon as possible on the GRANTS.GOV website to ensure they can complete the application process before the submission deadline. Application instructions are available on FTA's website at​howtoapply and in the “FIND” module of GRANTS.GOV. FTA will not accept mail and fax submissions. Start Further Info Please send any questions on this notice to Jamel El-Hamri email. phone.

2020-366-8985. A Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) is available for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing at 1-800-877-8339. End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information Table of Contents A. Program Description B. Federal Award Information C.

Eligibility Information D. Application and Submission Information E. Application Review Information F. Federal Award Administration Information G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact Information A.

Program Description The Public Transportation asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program is funded through the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 5312), with the goal to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies, as well as enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the asthma treatment public health buy ventolin online without a prescription emergency. Eligible projects will propose to develop and deploy innovative solutions in four major areas. (1) Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis. (2) exposure mitigation measures.

(3) innovative mobility such as contactless payments. And (4) measures that strengthen public confidence in transit. As required by 49 U.S.C. 5312(e)(4), projects funded under this NOFO must participate in an evaluation by an independent outside entity that will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the success or failure of the projects funded under this subsection and any plan for broad-based implementation of the innovation promoted by successful projects. B.

Federal Award Information FTA makes available $10,000,000 in fiscal year (FY) 2020 funds under the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 5312) to finance the Public Transportation asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program. FTA may supplement the total funds available if additional funding becomes available at the time project selections are made. FTA will grant pre-award authority starting on the date of the project award announcement for selected projects and should be completed within 24 months from the date of award. Funds are available only for eligible expenses incurred after the announcement of project selections.

C. Eligibility Information (1) Eligible Applicants Eligible applicants include State and local governmental authorities, direct recipients of Urbanized Area (49 U.S.C. 5307) and Rural Area (49 U.S.C. 5311) formula funds, and Indian tribes. Eligible applicants are limited to FTA grantees or subrecipients who would be the primary beneficiaries of the innovative products and services that are developed—typically public transit agencies.

Except for projects proposed by Indian tribes, proposals for projects in rural (non-urbanized) areas must be submitted as part of a consolidated State proposal. States and other eligible applicants also may submit consolidated proposals for projects in urbanized areas. The submission of the Statewide application will not preclude the submission and consideration of any application from other eligible recipients in an urbanized area in a State. Proposals may contain projects to be implemented by the recipient or its subrecipients. Eligible subrecipients include public agencies, private nonprofit organizations, and private providers engaged in public transportation.

Eligible applicants may submit consolidated proposals for projects. (2) Cost Sharing or Matching The maximum Federal share of project costs is 100 percent. FTA may give additional consideration to applicants that propose a local share and may view these applicants as more competitive. The applicant must document the source(s) of the local match, if any, in the grant application. For any applicants proposing match, eligible local match sources include the following.

Cash from non-Government sources other than revenues from providing public transportation services. Revenues derived from the sale of advertising and concessions. Revenues generated from value capture financing mechanisms. Funds from an undistributed cash surplus. Replacement or depreciation cash fund or reserve.

New capital. Or in-kind contributions. (3) Eligible Projects Eligible projects will propose innovative solutions to improve operational efficiencies of transit agencies and enhance the mobility of transit users, through projects that demonstrate innovative solutions for. Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis. Exposure mitigation measures such a real-time notification of rail and bus passenger loads.

New multi-modal payment innovative mobility systems such as contactless payments. And measures that strengthen public confidence in transit. Each applicant may only submit one proposal.Start Printed Page 63655 D. Application and Submission Information (1) Address and Form of Application Submission Applications must be submitted through GRANTS.GOV. Applicants can find general information for submitting applications through GRANTS.GOV at​howtoapply, along with specific instructions for the forms and attachments required for submission.

Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted. (2) Content and Form of Application Submission a. Proposal Submission A complete proposal submission consists of at least two forms. 1. The SF-424 Mandatory Form (downloadable from GRANTS.GOV) and 2.

The supplemental form for the FY 2020 asthma treatment Demonstration Program (downloadable from GRANTS.GOV), which is available on FTA's website at (placeholder for FTA asthma treatment Demonstration Program). The application must include responses to all sections of the SF-424 mandatory form and the supplemental form unless a section is indicated as optional. FTA will use the information on the supplemental form to determine applicant and project eligibility for the program and to evaluate the proposal against the selection criteria described in part E of this notice. FTA will accept only one supplemental form per SF-424 submission. FTA encourages applicants to consider submitting a single supplemental form that includes multiple activities to be evaluated as a consolidated proposal.

Applicants may attach additional supporting information to the SF-424 submission, including but not limited to letters of support, project budgets, or excerpts from relevant planning documents. Supporting documentation must be described and referenced by file name in the appropriate response section of the supplemental form, or it may not be reviewed. Information such as applicant name, Federal amount requested, local match amount, description of areas served, etc., may be requested in varying degrees of detail on both the SF-424 form and supplemental form. Applicants must fill in all fields unless stated otherwise on the forms. If applicants copy information into the supplemental form from another source, they should verify that the supplemental form has fully captured pasted text and that it has not truncated the text due to character limits built into the form.

Applicants should use both the “Check Package for Errors” and the “Validate Form” validation buttons on both forms to check all required fields. Applicants should also ensure that the Federal and local amounts specified are consistent. Addressing the deteriorating conditions and disproportionately high fatality rates on our rural transportation infrastructure is of critical interest to the Department, as rural transportation networks face unique challenges in safety, infrastructure condition, and passenger and freight usage. Consistent with the R.O.U.T.E.S. Initiative, the Department encourages applicants to consider how the project will address the challenges faced by rural areas.

B. Application Content The SF-424 Mandatory Form and the supplemental form will prompt applicants for the required information, including. I. Applicant Name ii. Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number iii.

Key contact information (contact name, address, email address, and phone number) iv. Congressional district(s) where project will take place v. Project Information (title, executive summary, and type) vi. A detailed description of the need for the project vii. A detailed description of how the project will support the Program objectives viii.

Evidence that the applicant can provide the local cost shares ix. A description of the technical, legal, and financial capacity of the applicant x. A detailed project budget xi. Details on the local matching funds xii. A detailed project timeline xiii.

Whether the project impacts an Opportunity Zone (3) Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM) Each applicant is required to. (1) Be registered in SAM before submitting an application. (2) provide a valid unique entity identifier in its application. And (3) continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which the applicant has an active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by FTA. These requirements do not apply if the applicant.

(1) Is excepted from the requirements under 2 CFR 25.110(b) or (c). Or (2) has an exception approved by FTA under 2 CFR 25.110(d). FTA may not make an award until the applicant has complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM requirements. If an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time FTA is ready to make an award, FTA may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making a Federal award to another applicant. All applicants must provide a unique entity identifier provided by SAM.

Registration in SAM may take as little as 3-5 business days, but there can be unexpected steps or delays. For example, the applicant may need to obtain an Employer Identification Number. FTA recommends allowing ample time, up to several weeks, to complete all steps. For additional information on obtaining a unique entity identifier, please visit (4) Submission Dates and Times Project proposals must be submitted electronically through GRANTS.GOV by 11:59 p.m.

Eastern on November 2, 2020. Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted. FTA urges applicants to submit applications at least 72 hours prior to the due date to allow time to correct any problems that may have caused either GRANTS.GOV or FTA systems to reject the submission. Proposals submitted after the deadline will only be considered under extraordinary circumstances not within the applicant's control. Deadlines will not be extended due to scheduled website maintenance.

GRANTS.GOV scheduled maintenance and outage times are announced on the GRANTS.GOV website. Within 48 hours after submitting an electronic application, the applicant should receive two email messages from GRANTS.GOV. (1) Confirmation of successful transmission to GRANTS.GOV. And (2) confirmation of successful validation by GRANTS.GOV. If the applicant does not receive confirmation of successful validation or receives a notice of failed validation or incomplete materials, the applicant must address the reason for the failed validation, as described in the email notice, and resubmit before the submission deadline.

If making a resubmission for any reason, applicants must include all original attachments regardless of which attachments were updated and check the box on the supplemental form indicating this is a resubmission. Applicants are encouraged to begin the process of registration on the GRANTS.GOV site well in advance of the submission deadline. Registration is Start Printed Page 63656a multi-step process, which may take several weeks to complete before an application can be submitted. Registered applicants may still be required to update their registration before submitting an application. Registration in SAM is renewed annually and persons making submissions on behalf of the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must be authorized in GRANTS.GOV by the AOR to make submissions.

(5) Funding Restrictions Funds may be used for post-award expenditures only. Funds under this NOFO cannot be used to reimburse projects for otherwise eligible expenses incurred prior to the date of project award announcements. (6) Other Submission Requirements FTA encourages applicants to identify scaled funding options in case insufficient funding is available to fund a project at the full requested amount. If an applicant indicates that a project is scalable, the applicant must provide an appropriate minimum funding amount that will fund an eligible project that achieves the objectives of the program and meets all relevant program requirements. The applicant must provide a clear explanation of how a reduced award would affect the project budget and scope.

FTA may award a lesser amount whether or not the applicant provides a scalable option. E. Application Review Information (1) Project Evaluation Criteria Addressing the deteriorating conditions and disproportionately high fatality rates on our rural transportation infrastructure is of critical interest to the Department, as rural transportation networks face unique challenges in safety, infrastructure condition, and passenger and freight usage. Consistent with the R.O.U.T.E.S. Initiative, the Department will consider how the project will address the challenges faced by rural areas.

In addition, the Department will review and consider applications for funding pursuant to this Notice in accordance with the President's September 2, 2020 memorandum, entitled Memorandum on Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients of Federal Funds that Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities, consistent with guidance from the Office of Management and Budget and the Attorney General and with all applicable laws. FTA will evaluate proposals submitted according to the following criteria. (a) Project Innovation and Impact. (b) Project Approach. (c) National Applicability.

(d) Commercialization and/or Knowledge Transfer. And (e) Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity. FTA encourages each applicant to demonstrate how a project supports all criteria with the most relevant information the applicant can provide, regardless of whether such information has been specifically requested or identified in this notice. A. Project Innovation and Impact i.

Effectiveness of the project in achieving and demonstrating the specific objectives of this program. Ii. Demonstration of benefits in addressing the needs of the transit agency and industry and impacts to infrastructure, equipment, transit workforce, and riders. Iii. Degree of improvement over current and existing technologies, designs, and/or practices applicable to the transit industry.

B. Project Approach i. Quality of the project approach such as existing partnerships, collaboration strategies and level of commitment of the project partners. Ii. Proposal is realistic in its approach to fulfill the milestones/deliverables, schedule and goals.

C. National Applicability i. Degree to which the project could be replicated by other transit agencies regionally or nationally. Ii. Ability to evaluate technologies, designs and/or practices in a wide variety of conditions and locales.

Iii. Degree to which the technology, designs and/or practices can be replicated by other transportation modes. D. Commercialization and/or Knowledge Transfer i. Demonstrates a realistic plan for moving the results of the project into the transit marketplace (patents, conferences, articles in trade magazines, webinar, site visits, etc.).

Ii. How the project team plans to work with the industry on improving best practices, guidance and/or standards, if applicable. Iii. Demonstrate a clear understanding and robust approach to data collection, access and management. E.

Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity Capacity of the applicant and any partners to successfully execute the project effort. There should be no outstanding legal, technical, or financial issues with the applicant that would make this a high-risk project. (2) Review and Selection Process An FTA technical evaluation committee will evaluate proposals based on the published project evaluation criteria. Members of the technical evaluation committee will rate the applications and may seek clarification about any statement in an application. The FTA Administrator will determine the final selection and amount of funding for each project after consideration of the findings of the technical evaluation committee.

Geographic diversity, diversity of the project type, the amount of local match to be provided, and the applicant's receipt and management of other Federal transit funds may be considered in FTA's award decisions. Prior fare payment innovation efforts may receive priority consideration. The FTA Administrator will consider the following key DOT objectives. A. Utilizing alternative funding sources and innovative financing models to attract non-Federal sources of investment.

B. Whether the project is located in or supports public transportation service in a qualified opportunity zone designated pursuant to 26.U.S.C. 1400Z-1. And c. The extent to which the project addresses challenges specific to the provision of rural public transportation.

(3) FAPIIS Review Prior to making a grant award, FTA is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) accessible through SAM. An applicant may review and comment on information about itself that a Federal awarding agency previously entered. FTA will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in FAPIIS, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in 2 CFR 200.205 Federal Awarding Agency Review of Risk Posed by Applicants. F. Federal Award Administration Information (1) Federal Award Notices FTA will announce the final project selections on the FTA website.

Project recipients should contact their FTA Regional Office for additional information regarding allocations for Start Printed Page 63657projects. At the time project selections are announced, FTA will extend pre-award authority for the selected projects. There is no blanket pre-award authority for these projects before announcement. There is no minimum or maximum grant award amount, but FTA intends to fund as many meritorious projects as possible. FTA only will consider proposals from eligible recipients for eligible activities.

Due to funding limitations, projects selected for funding may receive less than the amount originally requested. In those cases, applicants must be able to demonstrate that the proposed projects are still viable and can be completed with the amount awarded. (2) Administrative and National Policy Requirements a. Pre-Award Authority FTA will issue specific guidance to recipients regarding pre-award authority at the time of selection. FTA does not provide pre-award authority for competitive funds until projects are selected, and there are Federal requirements that must be met before costs are incurred.

For more information about FTA's policy on pre-award authority, see the FY 2020 Apportionments Notice published on June 3, 2020, at​content/​pkg/​FR-2020-06-03/​pdf/​2020-11946.pdf. b. Grant Requirements Selected applicants will submit a grant application through FTA's electronic grant management system and adhere to the customary FTA grant requirements for research project (insert Circular name). All competitive grants, regardless of award amount, will be subject to the Congressional notification and release process. FTA emphasizes that third-party procurement applies to all funding awards, as described in FTA Circular 4220.1F, “Third Party Contracting Guidance.” However, FTA may approve applications that include a specifically identified partnering organization(s) (2 CFR 200.302(f)).

When included, the application, budget, and budget narrative should provide a clear understanding of how the selection of these organizations is critical for the project and give sufficient detail about the costs involved. C. Planning FTA encourages applicants to engage the appropriate State Departments of Transportation, Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, or Metropolitan Planning Organizations in areas to be served by the project funds available under this program. D. Standard Assurances The applicant assures that it will comply with all applicable Federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, FTA circulars, and other Federal administrative requirements in carrying out any project supported by the FTA grant.

The applicant acknowledges that it is under a continuing obligation to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement issued for its project with FTA. The applicant understands that Federal laws, regulations, policies, and administrative practices might be modified from time to time and may affect the implementation of the project. The applicant agrees that the most recent Federal requirements will apply to the project unless FTA issues a written determination otherwise. The applicant must submit the Certifications and Assurances before receiving a grant if it does not have current certifications on file. E.

Free Speech and Religious Liberty In connection with any program or activity conducted with or benefiting from funds awarded under this notice, recipients of funds must comply with all applicable requirements of Federal law, including, without limitation, the Constitution of the United States. Statutory, regulatory, and public policy requirements, including without limitation, those protecting free speech, religious liberty, public welfare, the environment, and prohibiting discrimination. The conditions of performance, non-discrimination requirements, and other assurances made applicable to the award of funds in accordance with regulations of the Department of Transportation. And applicable Federal financial assistance and contracting principles promulgated by the Office of Management and Budget. In complying with these requirements, recipients must ensure that no concession agreements are denied or other contracting decisions made on the basis of speech or other activities protected by the First Amendment.

If the Department determines that a recipient has failed to comply with applicable Federal requirements, the Department may terminate the award of funds and disallow previously incurred costs, requiring the recipient to reimburse any expended award funds. (3) Reporting The post-award reporting requirements include submission of the Federal Financial Report (FFR) and Milestone Progress Report in TrAMS. An evaluation of the grant will occur at various points in the demonstration process and at the end of the project. In addition, FTA is responsible for producing an Annual Report to Congress that compiles evaluation of selected projects, including an evaluation of the performance measures identified by the applicants. All applicants must develop an evaluation plan to measure the success or failure of their projects and describe any plans for broad-based implementation of successful projects.

FTA may request data and reports to support the evaluation and Annual Report. A. Independent Evaluation To achieve a comprehensive understanding of the impacts and implications of each proposed asthma treatment Research Demonstration Program, projects funded under this announcement will require the recipient to conduct a third party independent evaluation of their project. Recipients will be required to contract with a third party independent evaluator to assist in developing an evaluation plan, and collecting, storing and managing data required to fulfill the evaluation requirement. No more than 10 percent of the Federal share of the project may be used to hire the third-party independent evaluator and the inclusion of a third-party independent evaluation should be described in the grant application.

If the project duration is more than two years, an interim evaluation report would need to be submitted to FTA, otherwise the evaluation report should be included as part of the final project report. B.

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First-of-its-kind study, based on a mouse model, finds living in a polluted environment could be comparable to eating a high-fat diet, leading to a pre-diabetic state CLEVELAND—Air pollution cheap ventolin is the world’s leading environmental risk factor, and causes more than nine million deaths per year. New research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation shows air pollution may play a role in the development of cardiometabolic diseases, such as diabetes. Importantly, the effects were reversible cheap ventolin with cessation of exposure. Researchers found that air pollution was a “risk factor for a risk factor” that contributed to the common soil of other fatal problems like heart attack and stroke. Similar to how an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise can lead to disease, exposure to air pollution could be added to this risk factor list as well.

“In this cheap ventolin study, we created an environment that mimicked a polluted day in New Delhi or Beijing,” said Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD, first author on the study, Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine at University Hospitals Harrington Heart and Vascular Institute, and Director of the Case Western Reserve University Cardiovascular Research Institute. €œWe concentrated fine particles of air pollution, called PM2.5 (particulate matter component <. 2.5 microns) cheap ventolin. Concentrated particles like this develop from human impact on the environment, such as automobile exhaust, power generation and other fossil fuels.” These particles have been strongly connected to risk factors for disease. For example, cardiovascular effects of air pollution can lead to heart attack and stroke.

The research team has shown exposure to air pollution can increase the likelihood of the same risk factors that lead to heart cheap ventolin disease, such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In the mouse model study, three groups were observed. A control group receiving clean filtered air, a group exposed to polluted air for 24 weeks, and a group fed a high-fat diet. Interestingly, the cheap ventolin researchers found that being exposed to air pollution was comparable to eating a high-fat diet. Both the air pollution and high-fat diet groups showed insulin resistance and abnormal metabolism – just like one would see in a pre-diabetic state.

These changes were associated with changes in the epigenome, a layer of control that can masterfully turn cheap ventolin on and turn off thousands of genes, representing a critical buffer in response to environmental factors. This study is the first-of-its-kind to compare genome-wide epigenetic changes in response to air pollution, compare and contrast these changes with that of eating an unhealthy diet, and examine the impact of air pollution cessation on these changes.“The good news is that these effects were reversible, at least in our experiments” added Dr. Rajagopalan. €œOnce the air pollution was removed from the environment, cheap ventolin the mice appeared healthier and the pre-diabetic state seemed to reverse.” Dr. Rajagopalan explains that if you live in a densely polluted environment, taking actions such as wearing an N95 mask, using portable indoor air cleaners, utilizing air conditioning, closing car windows while commuting, and changing car air filters frequently could all be helpful in staying healthy and limiting air pollution exposure.Next steps in this research involve meeting with a panel of experts, as well as the National Institutes of Health, to discuss conducting clinical trials that compare heart health and the level of air pollution in the environment.

For example, if someone has a heart attack, should they be wearing an N95 mask or using a portable air filter at home during recovery?. Dr cheap ventolin. Rajagopalan and his team believe that it is important to address the environment as a population health risk factor and continue to diligently research these issues. The authors also note that these findings should encourage policymakers to enact measures aimed at reducing air pollution.Shyam Biswal, PhD, Professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University School cheap ventolin of Public Health, is the joint senior author on the study. Drs.

Rajagopalan and Biswal are co-PIs on the NIH grant that supported this work.###Rajagopalan, S., Biswal, S., et al. €œMetabolic effects of cheap ventolin air pollution exposure and reversibility.” Journal of Clinical Investigation. DOI. 10.1172/JCI137315. This work was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences TaRGET II Consortium grant U01ES026721, as well as grants R01ES015146 and R01ES019616.About one in five women experience some form of depression during pregnancy, with poorly understood effects on the fetus.

Prenatal depression is linked to behavioural and developmental issues in children as well as an increased risk for depression as young adults. But how prenatal depression leads to these changes remains unclear. UCalgary researcher Dr. Catherine Lebel, PhD, is helping understand what may be happening in the developing brains of these children. The research team has shown that young children whose mothers experienced more numerous symptoms of depression in pregnancy have weakened connectivity in brain pathways involved in emotion.

These structural changes can be related to increased hyperactivity and aggression in boys. The research is based on diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, an imaging technique that probes the strength of structural connections between brain regions. The findings are published in The Journal of Neuroscience. Catherine Lebel, senior author and investigator. Riley Brandt, University of Calgary “The results help us understand how depression can have multigenerational impacts, and speaks to the importance of helping mothers who may be experiencing depression during pregnancy,” says Lebel, an associate professor at the Cumming School of Medicine, and researcher in the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

She holds the Canada Research Chair in Paediatric Neuroimaging. Lebel and her team studied 54 Calgary mothers and their children. They were enrolled from the ongoing, prospective study called the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition study. Mothers answered a survey about their depression symptoms at several points during their pregnancy. Their children were followed after birth and undertook an MRI scan at the Alberta Children’s Hospital at around age four.

As well, the children’s behaviour was assessed within six months of their MRI scan. The team found a significant reduction in structural brain connectivity between the amygdala, a structure essential for emotional processing, and the frontal cortex. Weakened connectivity between the amygdala and frontal cortex is associated with disruptive behaviours and vulnerability to depression. The first author on the study, Dr. Rebecca Hay, MD, stresses the importance of recognition of depression and intervention in prenatal health.

€œThese results suggest complex associations between the prenatal environment and children’s brain development, and may help us to understand why children of depressed mothers are more vulnerable to depression themselves,” says Hay, a resident physician in paediatrics and recent Cumming School of Medicine graduate. The main clinical takeaway from this is to emphasize the importance of recognizing, treating prenatal depression and supporting mothers, both for better maternal outcomes and to help future child development. Rebecca Hay, the study's first author. Courtesy Rebecca Hay Current study looks at stress during ventolin Lebel and her research team are currently trying to understand how stress and mental health are affecting pregnant women during the asthma treatment ventolin. She is examining how factors such as social supports might mitigate stress, and how this may influence pregnancy and birth outcomes.

If you are interested, you can get involved here in the Pregnancy During the asthma treatment ventolin study at the University of Calgary. So far, approximately 7,500 women from across Canada are enrolled and supplying information through questionnaires. €œIt is critical to appropriately recognize and treat prenatal maternal mental health problems, both for the mothers and to improve child outcomes,” says Lebel. €œNow more than ever, with increased stress, anxiety and depression during the asthma treatment ventolin, we should do more to support mothers to positively impact the health of their children.” Lebel is an associate professor in the Department of Radiology at the Cumming School of Medicine, adjunct associate professor in the Werklund School of Education and a member of The Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research &. Education, Owerko Centre at ACHRI, Hotchkiss Brain Institute and Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute.

The study was funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research, Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions, the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Mach-Gaensslen Foundation, and an Eyes High University of Calgary Postdoctoral Scholar. Led by the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Brain and Mental Health is one of six research strategies guiding the University of Calgary toward its Eyes High goals. The strategy provides a unifying direction for brain and mental health research at the university..

First-of-its-kind study, buy ventolin nebules 2mg based on a mouse model, finds living in a polluted environment could be comparable to eating a high-fat diet, leading to a pre-diabetic state CLEVELAND—Air pollution is the world’s leading environmental risk factor, and causes more than nine million deaths per year. New research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation shows air pollution may play a role in the development of cardiometabolic diseases, such as diabetes. Importantly, the buy ventolin nebules 2mg effects were reversible with cessation of exposure. Researchers found that air pollution was a “risk factor for a risk factor” that contributed to the common soil of other fatal problems like heart attack and stroke. Similar to how an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise can lead to disease, exposure to air pollution could be added to this risk factor list as well.

“In this study, we created an environment that mimicked a polluted day in New Delhi or Beijing,” said Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD, first author on the study, Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine at University Hospitals Harrington Heart and Vascular Institute, and Director of the Case Western Reserve University buy ventolin nebules 2mg Cardiovascular Research Institute. €œWe concentrated fine particles of air pollution, called PM2.5 (particulate matter component <. 2.5 microns) buy ventolin nebules 2mg. Concentrated particles like this develop from human impact on the environment, such as automobile exhaust, power generation and other fossil fuels.” These particles have been strongly connected to risk factors for disease. For example, cardiovascular effects of air pollution can lead to heart attack and stroke.

The research buy ventolin nebules 2mg team has shown exposure to air pollution can increase the likelihood of the same risk factors that lead to heart disease, such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In the mouse model study, three groups were observed. A control group receiving clean filtered air, a group exposed to polluted air for 24 weeks, and a group fed a high-fat diet. Interestingly, the researchers found that being exposed to air pollution was comparable to eating a buy ventolin nebules 2mg high-fat diet. Both the air pollution and high-fat diet groups showed insulin resistance and abnormal metabolism – just like one would see in a pre-diabetic state.

These buy ventolin nebules 2mg changes were associated with changes in the epigenome, a layer of control that can masterfully turn on and turn off thousands of genes, representing a critical buffer in response to environmental factors. This study is the first-of-its-kind to compare genome-wide epigenetic changes in response to air pollution, compare and contrast these changes with that of eating an unhealthy diet, and examine the impact of air pollution cessation on these changes.“The good news is that these effects were reversible, at least in our experiments” added Dr. Rajagopalan. €œOnce the air pollution was removed from the environment, the mice buy ventolin nebules 2mg appeared healthier and the pre-diabetic state seemed to reverse.” Dr. Rajagopalan explains that if you live in a densely polluted environment, taking actions such as wearing an N95 mask, using portable indoor air cleaners, utilizing air conditioning, closing car windows while commuting, and changing car air filters frequently could all be helpful in staying healthy and limiting air pollution exposure.Next steps in this research involve meeting with a panel of experts, as well as the National Institutes of Health, to discuss conducting clinical trials that compare heart health and the level of air pollution in the environment.

For example, if someone has a heart attack, should they be wearing an N95 mask or using a portable air filter at home during recovery?. Dr buy ventolin nebules 2mg. Rajagopalan and his team believe that it is important to address the environment as a population health risk factor and continue to diligently research these issues. The authors buy ventolin nebules 2mg also note that these findings should encourage policymakers to enact measures aimed at reducing air pollution.Shyam Biswal, PhD, Professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, is the joint senior author on the study. Drs.

Rajagopalan and Biswal are co-PIs on the NIH grant that supported this work.###Rajagopalan, S., Biswal, S., et al. €œMetabolic effects of air pollution exposure and reversibility.” Journal of Clinical buy ventolin nebules 2mg Investigation. DOI. 10.1172/JCI137315. This work was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences TaRGET II Consortium grant U01ES026721, as well as grants R01ES015146 and R01ES019616.About one in five women experience some form of depression during pregnancy, with poorly understood effects on the fetus.

Prenatal depression is linked to behavioural and developmental issues in children as well as an increased risk for depression as young adults. But how prenatal depression leads to these changes remains unclear. UCalgary researcher Dr. Catherine Lebel, PhD, is helping understand what may be happening in the developing brains of these children. The research team has shown that young children whose mothers experienced more numerous symptoms of depression in pregnancy have weakened connectivity in brain pathways involved in emotion.

These structural changes can be related to increased hyperactivity and aggression in boys. The research is based on diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, an imaging technique that probes the strength of structural connections between brain regions. The findings are published in The Journal of Neuroscience. Catherine Lebel, senior author and investigator. Riley Brandt, University of Calgary “The results help us understand how depression can have multigenerational impacts, and speaks to the importance of helping mothers who may be experiencing depression during pregnancy,” says Lebel, an associate professor at the Cumming School of Medicine, and researcher in the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

She holds the Canada Research Chair in Paediatric Neuroimaging. Lebel and her team studied 54 Calgary mothers and their children. They were enrolled from the ongoing, prospective study called the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition study. Mothers answered a survey about their depression symptoms at several points during their pregnancy. Their children were followed after birth and undertook an MRI scan at the Alberta Children’s Hospital at around age four.

As well, the children’s behaviour was assessed within six months of their MRI scan. The team found a significant reduction in structural brain connectivity between the amygdala, a structure essential for emotional processing, and the frontal cortex. Weakened connectivity between the amygdala and frontal cortex is associated with disruptive behaviours and vulnerability to depression. The first author on the study, Dr. Rebecca Hay, MD, stresses the importance of recognition of depression and intervention in prenatal health.

€œThese results suggest complex associations between the prenatal environment and children’s brain development, and may help us to understand why children of depressed mothers are more vulnerable to depression themselves,” says Hay, a resident physician in paediatrics and recent Cumming School of Medicine graduate. The main clinical takeaway from this is to emphasize the importance of recognizing, treating prenatal depression and supporting mothers, both for better maternal outcomes and to help future child development. Rebecca Hay, the study's first author. Courtesy Rebecca Hay Current study looks at stress during ventolin Lebel and her research team are currently trying to understand how stress and mental health are affecting pregnant women during the asthma treatment ventolin. She is examining how factors such as social supports might mitigate stress, and how this may influence pregnancy and birth outcomes.

If you are interested, you can get involved here in the Pregnancy During the asthma treatment ventolin study at the University of Calgary. So far, approximately 7,500 women from across Canada are enrolled and supplying information through questionnaires. €œIt is critical to appropriately recognize and treat prenatal maternal mental health problems, both for the mothers and to improve child outcomes,” says Lebel. €œNow more than ever, with increased stress, anxiety and depression during the asthma treatment ventolin, we should do more to support mothers to positively impact the health of their children.” Lebel is an associate professor in the Department of Radiology at the Cumming School of Medicine, adjunct associate professor in the Werklund School of Education and a member of The Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research &. Education, Owerko Centre at ACHRI, Hotchkiss Brain Institute and Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute.

The study was funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research, Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions, the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Mach-Gaensslen Foundation, and an Eyes High University of Calgary Postdoctoral Scholar. Led by the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Brain and Mental Health is one of six research strategies guiding the University of Calgary toward its Eyes High goals. The strategy provides a unifying direction for brain and mental health research at the university..

Ventolin spray

Lauren Gambill, MDPediatrician, AustinMember, Texas Medical ventolin spray Association (TMA) Committee on Child and Adolescent HealthExecutive Board Member, Texas Pediatric SocietyDoctors are Ventolin hfa price walgreens community leaders. This role has become even more important during the asthma treatment ventolin. As patients ventolin spray navigate our new reality, they are looking to us to determine what is safe, how to protect their families, and the future of their health care. As more Texans lose their jobs, their health insurance, or even their homes, it is crucial that Texas receives the resources it needs to uphold our social safety net. The U.S.

Census helps determine funding for those resources, and that is why it is of the upmost importance that each and every Texan, no matter address, immigration status, or age, respond ventolin spray to the 2020 U.S. Census. The deadline has been cut short one month ventolin spray and now closes Sept. 30.asthma treatment has only increased the importance of completing the census to help our local communities and economies recover. The novel asthma has inflicted unprecedented strain on patients and exacerbated inequality as more people are out of work and are many in need of help with food, health care, housing, and more.

Schools also have been stretched thin, ventolin spray with teachers scrambling to teach students online. Yet, the amount of federal funding Texas has available today to help weather this emergency was driven in part by the census responses made a decade ago. Getting an accurate count in 2020 will help Texans prepare for the decade to follow, the first few years of which most certainly will be spent rebuilding from the ventolin’s fallout. Therefore, it is ventolin spray vital that all Texans be counted.The federal dollars Texas receives generally depends on our population. A George Washington University study recently found that even a 1% undercount can lead to a $300 million loss in funding.Take Medicaid, for example.

Federal funds pay for ventolin spray 60% of the state’s program, which provides health coverage for two out of five Texas children, one in three individuals with disabilities, and 53% of all births. The complicated formula used to calculate the federal portion of this funding depends on accurate census data. If Texas’ population is undercounted, Texans may appear better off financially than they really are, resulting in Texas getting fewer federal Medicaid dollars. If that happens, lawmakers will have to make up the difference, with cuts in ventolin spray services, program eligibility, or physician and provider payments, any of which are potentially detrimental.The census data also is key to funding other aspects of a community’s social safety net:Health careThe Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides low-cost health insurance to children whose parents make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford quality coverage. Like Medicaid, how much money the federal government reimburses the state for the program depends in part on the census.Maternal and child health programs that promote public health and help ensure children are vaccinated relies on data from the census.

Texas also uses this federal funding to study and respond to maternal mortality and perinatal depression.Food and housing As unemployment rises and families struggle financially, many live with uncertainty as to where they will find their next meal ventolin spray. Already, one in seven Texans experiences food insecurity, and 20% of Texas children experience hunger. Food insecurity is rising in Texas as the ventolin continues. The Central Texas ventolin spray Food Bank saw a 206% rise in clients in March. Funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and school lunch programs are both determined by the census.

Funding for local housing programs also is calculated via the census. An accurate count will help ensure that ventolin spray people who lose their homes during this economic crisis have better hope of finding shelter while our communities recover. Homelessness is closely connected with declines in overall physical and mental health.Childcare and educationAs we navigate the new reality brought on by asthma, more parents are taking on roles as breadwinner, parent, teacher, and caretaker. This stress highlights the ventolin spray desperate need for affordable childcare. The census determines funding for programs like Head Start that provide comprehensive early childhood education to low-income families.

The good news is you still have time to complete the census. Visit ventolin spray to take it. It takes less than five minutes to complete. Then talk to your family, neighbors, and colleagues about ventolin spray doing the same. If you are wondering who counts, the answer is everyone, whether it’s a newborn baby, child in foster care, undocumented immigrant, or an individual experiencing homelessness.Completing the census is one of the best things that you can do for the health of your community, especially during the ventolin.

Thank you for helping Texas heal and for supporting these essential safety net programs.(L to R). UTHSA medical students Swetha Maddipudi, Brittany Hansen, Charles Wang, Carson Cortino, faculty advisor Kaparaboyna Kumar, MD, Ryan Wealther, Sidney Akabogu, Irma Ruiz, ventolin spray and Frank Jung pose with the TMA Be Wise Immunize banner. Photo courtesy by Ryan WealtherRyan WealtherMedical Student, UT Health San Antonio Long School of MedicineStudent Member, Texas Medical AssociationEditor’s Note. August is National Immunization Awareness Month. This article is part of a Me&My Doctor series highlighting and ventolin spray promoting the use of vaccinations.“Can the flu shot give you the flu?.

€â€œIs it dangerous for pregnant women to get a flu shot?. €â€œCan treatments ventolin spray cause autism?. €These were questions women at Alpha Home, a residential substance abuse rehabilitation center in San Antonio, asked my fellow medical students and me during a flu treatment discussion. It is easy to see why these questions were asked, as treatment misinformation is common today.UTHSA medical student Frank Jing (left) gets a treatment fromKaparaboyna Kumar, MD, (right).Photo courtesy of Ryan Wealther“No” is the answer to all the questions. These were exactly the types of myths we set out to dispel at our vaccination drive.UT Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine medical students (under the supervision of ventolin spray Kaparaboyna Ashok Kumar, MD, faculty advisor for the Texas Medical Association Medical Student Section at UT Health San Antonio) hosted the treatment drive at Alpha Home with the support of TMA’s Be Wise – Immunize℠ program, a public health initiative that aims to increase vaccinations and treatment awareness through shot clinics and education.

Our program consisted of a vaccination drive and an interactive, educational presentation that addressed influenza, common flu shot questions, and general treatment myths. The Alpha Home residents could ask us questions during the program.We were interested to see if our educational ventolin spray program could answer Alpha Home residents’ questions about vaccinations and allay their hesitations about getting a flu vaccination. To gauge this, we created a brief survey.(Before I discuss the results of the survey, I should define treatment hesitancy. treatment hesitancy is a concept defined by the World Health Organization. It relates to when patients ventolin spray do not vaccinate despite having access to treatments.

treatment hesitancy is a problem because it prevents individuals from receiving their vaccinations. That makes them more susceptible to getting sick from treatment-preventable diseases.)We surveyed the residents’ opinions about vaccinations before and after our educational program. While opinions about shots improved with each survey question, we saw the most significant attitude change reflected ventolin spray in answers to the questions “I am concerned that vaccinations might not be safe,” and “How likely are you to receive a flu shot today?. € We had informed the residents and improved their understanding and acceptance of immunizations.Post-survey results show more residents at the Alpha Home shifted to more positive attitudes about treatments, after learning more about their effectiveness by trusted members of the medical community. Graph by Ryan ventolin spray WealtherWhy is this important?.

First, our findings confirm what we already knew. Education by a trusted member of the medical community can effect change. In fact, it is widely known that physician recommendation of vaccination is one of the most critical factors affecting whether patients receive an influenza vaccination ventolin spray. Perhaps some added proof to this is that a few of the Alpha Home residents were calling me “Dr. Truth” by ventolin spray the end of the evening.Second, our findings add to our understanding of adult treatment hesitancy.

This is significant because most of what we know about treatment hesitancy is limited to parental attitudes toward their children’s vaccinations. Some parents question shots for their children, and many of the most deadly diseases we vaccinate against are given in childhood, including polio, tetanus, measles, and whooping cough shots. However, adults need some vaccinations as well, like the yearly ventolin spray influenza treatment. After taking part in the UTHSA educational program, more residents at the Alpha Home shared more willingness to receive the flu treatment. Graph by Ryan WealtherAnother reason improving attitudes is important is that receiving a flu shot is even more timely during the asthma treatment ventolin because it decreases illnesses and conserves health care resources.

Thousands of people each year are hospitalized from the flu, and with ventolin spray hospitals filling up with asthma patients, we could avoid adding dangerously ill flu patients to the mix. Lastly, these findings are important because once a asthma treatment vaccination becomes available, more people might be willing to receive it if their overall attitude toward immunizations is positive. Though the asthma treatment is still in development, it is not ventolin spray immune to treatment hesitancy. Recent polls have indicated up to one-third of Americans would not receive a asthma treatment even if it were accessible and affordable. Work is already being done to try to raise awareness and acceptance.

In addition, ventolin spray misinformation about the asthma treatment is circulating widely. (Someone recently asked me if the asthma treatment will implant a microchip in people, and I have seen the same myth circulating on social media. It will not.) This myth, however, illustrates the need for health care professionals to answer patients’ questions and to assuage their concerns.treatments work best when many people ventolin spray in a community receive them, and treatment hesitancy can diminish vaccination rates, leaving people who can't get certain treatments susceptible to these treatment-preventable diseases. For example, babies under 6 months of age should not receive a flu shot, so high community vaccination rates protect these babies from getting sick with the flu. Our educational program at Alpha Home is just one example of how health care professionals can increase awareness and acceptance of shots.

As the asthma treatment ventolin spray ventolin progresses, we need to ensure children and adults receive their vaccinations as recommended by their physician and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I encourage readers who have questions about the vaccinations they or their child may need to talk with their physician. As health care professionals, we’re more than happy to answer your questions..

Lauren Gambill, MDPediatrician, AustinMember, Texas Medical Association (TMA) Committee on Child and Adolescent you can find out more HealthExecutive Board Member, Texas buy ventolin nebules 2mg Pediatric SocietyDoctors are community leaders. This role has become even more important during the asthma treatment ventolin. As patients navigate our new reality, they are looking to us to determine what is safe, how to protect their families, and the future of their health buy ventolin nebules 2mg care. As more Texans lose their jobs, their health insurance, or even their homes, it is crucial that Texas receives the resources it needs to uphold our social safety net.

The U.S. Census helps determine funding for those resources, and that is why it is of the upmost importance that buy ventolin nebules 2mg each and every Texan, no matter address, immigration status, or age, respond to the 2020 U.S. Census. The deadline has been cut short one month and now buy ventolin nebules 2mg closes Sept.

30.asthma treatment has only increased the importance of completing the census to help our local communities and economies recover. The novel asthma has inflicted unprecedented strain on patients and exacerbated inequality as more people are out of work and are many in need of help with food, health care, housing, and more. Schools also have been stretched thin, with teachers scrambling to teach students online buy ventolin nebules 2mg. Yet, the amount of federal funding Texas has available today to help weather this emergency was driven in part by the census responses made a decade ago.

Getting an accurate count in 2020 will help Texans prepare for the decade to follow, the first few years of which most certainly will be spent rebuilding from the ventolin’s fallout. Therefore, it is vital that all Texans be counted.The federal dollars Texas receives generally depends on our population buy ventolin nebules 2mg. A George Washington University study recently found that even a 1% undercount can lead to a $300 million loss in funding.Take Medicaid, for example. Federal funds pay for 60% of the state’s program, which provides health coverage for two out of five Texas children, one in buy ventolin nebules 2mg three individuals with disabilities, and 53% of all births.

The complicated formula used to calculate the federal portion of this funding depends on accurate census data. If Texas’ population is undercounted, Texans may appear better off financially than they really are, resulting in Texas getting fewer federal Medicaid dollars. If that happens, lawmakers will have buy ventolin nebules 2mg to make up the difference, with cuts in services, program eligibility, or physician and provider payments, any of which are potentially detrimental.The census data also is key to funding other aspects of a community’s social safety net:Health careThe Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides low-cost health insurance to children whose parents make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford quality coverage. Like Medicaid, how much money the federal government reimburses the state for the program depends in part on the census.Maternal and child health programs that promote public health and help ensure children are vaccinated relies on data from the census.

Texas also uses this federal funding to study and respond to maternal mortality and perinatal depression.Food and housing As unemployment rises and families struggle financially, many live with uncertainty buy ventolin nebules 2mg as to where they will find their next meal. Already, one in seven Texans experiences food insecurity, and 20% of Texas children experience hunger. Food insecurity is rising in Texas as the ventolin continues. The Central Texas Food Bank saw a 206% rise buy ventolin nebules 2mg in clients in March.

Funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and school lunch programs are both determined by the census. Funding for local housing programs also is calculated via the census. An accurate count will help ensure that people who lose their homes during this economic crisis buy ventolin nebules 2mg have better hope of finding shelter while our communities recover. Homelessness is closely connected with declines in overall physical and mental health.Childcare and educationAs we navigate the new reality brought on by asthma, more parents are taking on roles as breadwinner, parent, teacher, and caretaker.

This stress highlights the desperate need for affordable childcare buy ventolin nebules 2mg. The census determines funding for programs like Head Start that provide comprehensive early childhood education to low-income families. The good news is you still have time to complete the census. Visit to buy ventolin nebules 2mg take it.

It takes less than five minutes to complete. Then talk to your family, neighbors, buy ventolin nebules 2mg and colleagues about doing the same. If you are wondering who counts, the answer is everyone, whether it’s a newborn baby, child in foster care, undocumented immigrant, or an individual experiencing homelessness.Completing the census is one of the best things that you can do for the health of your community, especially during the ventolin. Thank you for helping Texas heal and for supporting these essential safety net programs.(L to R).

UTHSA medical students Swetha Maddipudi, Brittany Hansen, Charles Wang, Carson Cortino, faculty advisor Kaparaboyna Kumar, MD, Ryan Wealther, Sidney Akabogu, Irma Ruiz, and buy ventolin nebules 2mg Frank Jung pose with the TMA Be Wise Immunize banner. Photo courtesy by Ryan WealtherRyan WealtherMedical Student, UT Health San Antonio Long School of MedicineStudent Member, Texas Medical AssociationEditor’s Note. August is National Immunization Awareness Month. This article is part of a Me&My Doctor buy ventolin nebules 2mg series highlighting and promoting the use of vaccinations.“Can the flu shot give you the flu?.

€â€œIs it dangerous for pregnant women to get a flu shot?. €â€œCan treatments buy ventolin nebules 2mg cause autism?. €These were questions women at Alpha Home, a residential substance abuse rehabilitation center in San Antonio, asked my fellow medical students and me during a flu treatment discussion. It is easy to see why these questions were asked, as treatment misinformation is common today.UTHSA medical student Frank Jing (left) gets a treatment fromKaparaboyna Kumar, MD, (right).Photo courtesy of Ryan Wealther“No” is the answer to all the questions.

These were exactly the types of myths we set out to dispel at our vaccination drive.UT Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine medical students (under the supervision of Kaparaboyna Ashok buy ventolin nebules 2mg Kumar, MD, faculty advisor for the Texas Medical Association Medical Student Section at UT Health San Antonio) hosted the treatment drive at Alpha Home with the support of TMA’s Be Wise – Immunize℠ program, a public health initiative that aims to increase vaccinations and treatment awareness through shot clinics and education. Our program consisted of a vaccination drive and an interactive, educational presentation that addressed influenza, common flu shot questions, and general treatment myths. The Alpha Home residents could ask us questions during buy ventolin nebules 2mg the program.We were interested to see if our educational program could answer Alpha Home residents’ questions about vaccinations and allay their hesitations about getting a flu vaccination. To gauge this, we created a brief survey.(Before I discuss the results of the survey, I should define treatment hesitancy.

treatment hesitancy is a concept defined by the World Health Organization. It relates buy ventolin nebules 2mg to when patients do not vaccinate despite having access to treatments. treatment hesitancy is a problem because it prevents individuals from receiving their vaccinations. That makes them more susceptible to getting sick from treatment-preventable diseases.)We surveyed the residents’ opinions about vaccinations before and after our educational program.

While opinions about shots improved with each survey question, we saw the most significant attitude change reflected in answers to the questions “I am concerned that vaccinations might buy ventolin nebules 2mg not be safe,” and “How likely are you to receive a flu shot today?. € We had informed the residents and improved their understanding and acceptance of immunizations.Post-survey results show more residents at the Alpha Home shifted to more positive attitudes about treatments, after learning more about their effectiveness by trusted members of the medical community. Graph by Ryan WealtherWhy is this buy ventolin nebules 2mg important?. First, our findings confirm what we already knew.

Education by a trusted member of the medical community can effect change. In fact, it is widely buy ventolin nebules 2mg known that physician recommendation of vaccination is one of the most critical factors affecting whether patients receive an influenza vaccination. Perhaps some added proof to this is that a few of the Alpha Home residents were calling me “Dr. Truth” by the buy ventolin nebules 2mg end of the evening.Second, our findings add to our understanding of adult treatment hesitancy.

This is significant because most of what we know about treatment hesitancy is limited to parental attitudes toward their children’s vaccinations. Some parents question shots for their children, and many of the most deadly diseases we vaccinate against are given in childhood, including polio, tetanus, measles, and whooping cough shots. However, adults need some vaccinations as well, buy ventolin nebules 2mg like the yearly influenza treatment. After taking part in the UTHSA educational program, more residents at the Alpha Home shared more willingness to receive the flu treatment.

Graph by Ryan WealtherAnother reason improving attitudes is important is that receiving a flu shot is even more timely during the asthma treatment ventolin because it decreases illnesses and conserves health care resources. Thousands of people each year buy ventolin nebules 2mg are hospitalized from the flu, and with hospitals filling up with asthma patients, we could avoid adding dangerously ill flu patients to the mix. Lastly, these findings are important because once a asthma treatment vaccination becomes available, more people might be willing to receive it if their overall attitude toward immunizations is positive. Though the asthma treatment buy ventolin nebules 2mg treatment is still in development, it is not immune to treatment hesitancy.

Recent polls have indicated up to one-third of Americans would not receive a asthma treatment even if it were accessible and affordable. Work is already being done to try to raise awareness and acceptance. In addition, buy ventolin nebules 2mg misinformation about the asthma treatment is circulating widely. (Someone recently asked me if the asthma treatment will implant a microchip in people, and I have seen the same myth circulating on social media.

It will not.) This myth, however, illustrates buy ventolin nebules 2mg the need for health care professionals to answer patients’ questions and to assuage their concerns.treatments work best when many people in a community receive them, and treatment hesitancy can diminish vaccination rates, leaving people who can't get certain treatments susceptible to these treatment-preventable diseases. For example, babies under 6 months of age should not receive a flu shot, so high community vaccination rates protect these babies from getting sick with the flu. Our educational program at Alpha Home is just one example of how health care professionals can increase awareness and acceptance of shots. As the asthma treatment ventolin progresses, we need to ensure children and adults receive their vaccinations as recommended by their physician and the Centers for buy ventolin nebules 2mg Disease Control and Prevention.

I encourage readers who have questions about the vaccinations they or their child may need to talk with their physician. As health care professionals, we’re more than happy to answer your questions..

Ventolin potassium

So you’ve canceled your Thanksgiving travel plans, ventolin potassium quarantined the college student see this here and created a scaled-back, family-only holiday menu. Good job.Now you just need to tackle the food shopping.The crush of grocery store shoppers on the days leading up to Thanksgiving can be maddening in the best of times, but it’s especially stressful this year. The asthma is raging around the country, and many communities are imposing new restrictions and closings.The good ventolin potassium news is that everyone has learned a lot about how to safely navigate a grocery store in the months since asthma lockdowns first started.“People have been shopping throughout the ventolin,” said Linsey Marr, an aerosol scientist at Virginia Tech and one of the world’s leading experts on airborne disease transmission.

€œThere’s no evidence that grocery shopping has led to large outbreaks or a significant amount of transmission.”We talked to Dr. Marr, other public health ventolin potassium experts and store officials about the safest way to shop amid a new wave of s. The bottom line.

Wear a well-fitting mask the entire time, avoid close contact with other shoppers, keep the trip short and wash your hands.Most people catch the ventolin by spending extended time with an infected person in an enclosed space — and the ventolin potassium infected person may not have symptoms or know they are contagious. Wearing a mask reduces your risk but doesn’t eliminate it, which is why you shouldn’t linger in the food aisles.“Don’t count on your mask to be a total blockade,” said Michael Osterholm, a member of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s asthma advisory group ventolin potassium and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

€œThe time of exposure is really important.”A 30-minute shopping trip should be relatively safe if you mask up, keep your distance and avoid touching your face, said Dr. Marr. Bring a shopping list, and have substitutes in mind in case the store runs out of an item.

Avoid crowded aisles or mobs around the produce bins. Keep your distance from others in the checkout line and at the register.Dr. Marr notes that the 30-minute time limit is not based on a particular study, but on the work of ventilation experts and other scientists who have analyzed how the ventolin spreads.

€œA half-hour seems like about the right time, where hopefully you can get something done, but you’re not putting yourself in a higher risk situation,” said Dr. Marr.Here’s more advice for navigating holiday food shopping.Check your store policies.Many stores have added new restrictions and taken additional precautions for the holidays. Be prepared to wait in line outdoors.

Walmart, Wegmans and Kroger, for example, have all said they will limit the number of customers in the store. Many stores have imposed purchase limits on high-demand items, like toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, disinfecting wipes and hand soap. Costco members with a medical condition used to be exempt from wearing a mask.

Now everyone over the age of 2 must wear a mask or face shield.Avoid peak shopping times.Avoiding crowds lowers your risk. It’s best not to shop Saturdays from 12 p.m. To 3 p.m.

€” that’s been the busiest food shopping time in recent months, according to Google Maps data. Grocery stores are least crowded on Mondays at 8 a.m. During a typical Thanksgiving week, Wednesday is the busiest shopping day.

Bakeries were most crowded at noon, grocery stores were packed between 5 p.m. And 6 p.m. And liquor store shopping peaked at 6 p.m.Some stores are offering senior shopping hours and posting information about the best time to shop to avoid crowds.

Wegmans is adding live outdoor cameras at major stores so customers can check online to see how busy the store is before leaving home.Should I wipe down my cart?. Shopping carts are germy during the best of times, but it’s not essential to clean the cart if you’re careful about not touching your face and washing your hands. Many stores offer sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer at the entrance, or you can bring your own.

Some stores sanitize the carts several times a day as part of their regular cleaning procedures. Dr. Marr said she used to wipe down her cart before shopping, but doesn’t do that anymore.

€œI just try to pay attention to not sticking my hands and fingers in my eyes, nose or mouth, and washing my hands when we’re done,” she said.Should I wear gloves?. Gloves are not recommended or necessary if you wash your hands after shopping. In fact, people often contaminate their phone or steering wheel with their gloves, which defeats the purpose of wearing them.

Skip the gloves and just wash your hands.How do I stay safe during checkout?. Grocery store workers are front line workers who come into contact with the masses. One study of 104 workers at a Boston grocery store found that about 20 percent of the workers tested positive, even though the prevalence of the ventolin in the community at that time was only about 1 percent.

Many stores have added clear plexiglass shields to separate employees and shoppers, and adopted regular testing programs for workers. At Wegmans, cashiers are required to clean and sanitize their register belt and station at least once an hour and take a hand-wash break every 30 minutes. At checkout, keep your mask on, limit conversation, opt for contact-free payment (swiping your own credit card) and bag your own groceries if possible to speed things up.

Remember, the store workers are facing the biggest risk, so be patient and thank them for their service.Should I wipe down my groceries?. Many of us spent the early days of the ventolin wiping down groceries, and leaving boxed goods to sit untouched for a few days just in case they were contaminated with the ventolin. But scientists have since learned that your risk of catching asthma from a surface, including food containers, is extremely low.

€œIf it makes you feel better, there’s nothing wrong with doing a quick wipe down with a soapy rag,” said Dr. Asaf Bitton, executive director of Ariadne Labs at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

€œThe key thing that is necessary is that you wash your hands, really, really well.”Dr. Marr notes that even if an infected person touched your food items, it’s still your hands that pose the bigger risk of transmission. €œIf someone has left a blob of ventolin on the groceries that you have touched, once you’ve touched it, it’s on your hand,” she said.

€œThere’s not going to be lot more that is still there on the yogurt container or milk carton. Between buying it, putting it on the conveyor belt, unpacking it and putting it away, there’s been a lot of chance for it to transfer to your hands, which is why I think washing your hands is important after shopping and putting things away.”Is my risk of contracting the ventolin while shopping higher now?. While it may feel like a more hazardous time to shop compared to earlier months of the ventolin, the level of risk varies around the country.

Your risk of crossing paths with an infected person is higher when an indicator called the test positivity rate is above 5 percent in your community. In 28 states, test positivity rates were in double digits as of Wednesday, including Wyoming (90 percent), South Dakota (56 percent) and Iowa (51 percent). By comparison, New York City’s test positivity rate now is hovering around 3 percent, meaning your risk is lower compared to last April, when the rate was close to 70 percent.

That said, case counts and test positivity rates are beginning to rise everywhere, which is why everyone needs to take precautions.To find out how your state is doing, use this chart from Johns Hopkins University. To find the test positivity rate in your local community, check your state or county health department website or try the asthma treatment Act Now website.Is it safer to have food delivered?. Online shopping and delivery is a lower-risk shopping option if it’s available in your area.

Your favorite grocery store probably offers delivery or curbside pickup, or you can use a service like Fresh Direct, Amazon Fresh, Instacart or Peapod. If you prefer the in-person experience, use a delivery service for staples and shelf-stable items for delivery, which will allow you to shorten your time in the store shopping for fresh produce and perishable goods. Wear a mask when accepting the delivery, give your delivery person a generous tip and always wash your hands after unpacking the groceries.And remember, risk is cumulative.

Try to consolidate your shopping to one trip or have part of it delivered. Every new store you visit, every extra shopping trip you make, adds to your risk of crossing paths with the ventolin.Do you have a health question?. Ask WellExercising during the ventolin has been challenging for many of us.

Gyms have closed or limited occupancy, as have parks, pools, pathways and other recreational facilities. If trails are open, they often are jammed, making it difficult to socially distance while we hike, stroll, ride, jog or otherwise work out.Mask recommendations and requirements have created additional complications. Few people who exercise, including me, don masks with enthusiasm when it comes to vigorous workouts, convinced that they will make our faces sweaty, breathing labored and workouts more draining.

We rejigger the timing and locales of our runs and rides so we can exercise when few other people are about and leave our faces uncovered. Or we skip workouts altogether.But for those of us convinced that wearing a mask will make exercise harder or more unpleasant, two new studies offer a bracing counterpoint. Both find that masks do not negatively affect vigorous workouts, whether the mask is cloth, surgical or an N95 respirator model.

The findings may surprise but also encourage anyone hoping to remain safe and active in the coming weeks and months, as asthma cases surge nationwide.Most of our expectations about masks and exercise are based on anecdotes and preconceptions. Little past science has examined whether and how masks affect serious workouts. The few relevant earlier experiments focused primarily on masked health care workers while they walked, to see if being active while masked affected their thinking or other capabilities.

(It did not, the studies show.)But gentle strolling is not running, cycling or other more vigorous routines, and we have not had scientific evidence about how wearing a mask might alter those workouts. So, recently, two helpful groups of scientists separately decided to look into the issue.The first of the groups to release their findings, which were published in September in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine &. Science in Sports, concentrated on surgical and N95 respiratory masks during exercise.

The researchers, most of them affiliated with the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, invited 16 healthy, active adult men to come into the lab, where they checked heart rates, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiratory rates and current carbon dioxide levels. Then they fitted the men with thin, nasal tubes that would collect their expired breaths for testing and, on three separate visits to the lab, asked them to ride a stationary bicycle.At each visit, the men, in fact, completed a pedal-to-exhaustion test, during which the researchers gradually increased the resistance on the stationary bike, as if on a long, relentless hill climb, until the men could barely turn the pedals. Throughout, the researchers monitored the riders’ heart rates, breathing and other physiological measures and asked them repeatedly how hard the riding felt.During one ride, the men’s faces were uncovered.

But for the two other sessions, they donned either a disposable paper surgical mask or a tightfitting N95 respirator mask.Afterward, the scientists compared the riders’ physiological and subjective responses during each ride and found few variations. Masking had not made the cycling feel or be more draining and had not tired riders sooner. The only substantial effect was from N95 masks, which slightly increased levels of carbon dioxide in riders’ breaths, probably because the masks fit so tightly.

But none of the riders complained of chest tightness, headaches or other breathing issues.Most expressed some surprise, instead, that the masks had not bothered them, says Dr. Danny Epstein, an attending physician in the internal medicine department at Rambam Health Care Campus, who led the new study. They “had believed that their performances would be decreased by masking,” he says.Similarly, the researchers in the second masking study, which was published this month in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, hypothesized that masking would make exercisers uncomfortable and tired.

For confirmation, they ran a group of 14 healthy, active men and women through the same ride-to-exhaustion sessions as in the Israeli study, while the volunteers alternately wore no mask or a three-layer cloth or a surgical face covering. The researchers monitored oxygen levels in the riders’ blood and muscles, heart rates, other physiological measures and the riders’ sense of how hard the exercise felt.Afterward, contrary to their hypothesis, they found no differences in the riders’ experience, whether they had worn a mask or not.“From the results of our study, I don’t think masks are likely to make workouts feel worse,” says Philip Chilibeck, a professor of kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, who oversaw the study.Of course, both of the new studies recruited healthy, active adults. We do not know if the results would be the same in people who are older, younger, in worse shape or have existing breathing problems.

The studies also involved cycling. The outcomes probably would be similar in running, weight training and other vigorous activities, both Dr. Epstein and Dr.

Chilibeck say, but that idea, for now, remains a presumption. And, obviously, the studies looked at how masks affect the wearer, not whether and to what extent different facial coverings prevent the spread of respiratory droplets during exercise.Still, the findings suggest that anyone who hesitates to wear a mask during exercise should try one — although not an N95 mask, Dr. Epstein says, since they slightly up riders’ carbon dioxide levels and, anyway, should be reserved for health care workers.“asthma treatment changes almost every aspect of our lives and makes simple things more complicated,” Dr.

Epstein says. €œBut we can learn how to keep doing the essential things, such as exercise. I learned to spend long hours with P.P.E.” — meaning full face masking and other protective clothing — “at the hospital.

So, I believe we can get used to going to the gym,” and paths and sidewalks and busy trails, “with a mask.”.

So you’ve canceled your Thanksgiving buy ventolin nebules 2mg travel plans, quarantined the college student and created can i get ventolin over the counter a scaled-back, family-only holiday menu. Good job.Now you just need to tackle the food shopping.The crush of grocery store shoppers on the days leading up to Thanksgiving can be maddening in the best of times, but it’s especially stressful this year. The asthma is raging around the country, and many communities are imposing new restrictions and closings.The good news is that everyone has learned a lot about how to safely navigate a grocery store in the months since asthma lockdowns first started.“People have been shopping throughout the ventolin,” said Linsey Marr, an aerosol scientist at Virginia Tech and buy ventolin nebules 2mg one of the world’s leading experts on airborne disease transmission. €œThere’s no evidence that grocery shopping has led to large outbreaks or a significant amount of transmission.”We talked to Dr. Marr, other buy ventolin nebules 2mg public health experts and store officials about the safest way to shop amid a new wave of s.

The bottom line. Wear a well-fitting mask the entire time, buy ventolin nebules 2mg avoid close contact with other shoppers, keep the trip short and wash your hands.Most people catch the ventolin by spending extended time with an infected person in an enclosed space — and the infected person may not have symptoms or know they are contagious. Wearing a mask reduces your risk but doesn’t eliminate it, which is why you shouldn’t linger in the food aisles.“Don’t count on your mask to be a total blockade,” said Michael Osterholm, a member of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s asthma advisory group and director of the Center for buy ventolin nebules 2mg Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. €œThe time of exposure is really important.”A 30-minute shopping trip should be relatively safe if you mask up, keep your distance and avoid touching your face, said Dr.

Marr. Bring a shopping list, and have substitutes in mind in case the store runs out of an item. Avoid crowded aisles or mobs around the produce bins. Keep your distance from others in the checkout line and at the register.Dr. Marr notes that the 30-minute time limit is not based on a particular study, but on the work of ventilation experts and other scientists who have analyzed how the ventolin spreads.

€œA half-hour seems like about the right time, where hopefully you can get something done, but you’re not putting yourself in a higher risk situation,” said Dr. Marr.Here’s more advice for navigating holiday food shopping.Check your store policies.Many stores have added new restrictions and taken additional precautions for the holidays. Be prepared to wait in line outdoors. Walmart, Wegmans and Kroger, for example, have all said they will limit the number of customers in the store. Many stores have imposed purchase limits on high-demand items, like toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, disinfecting wipes and hand soap.

Costco members with a medical condition used to be exempt from wearing a mask. Now everyone over the age of 2 must wear a mask or face shield.Avoid peak shopping times.Avoiding crowds lowers your risk. It’s best not to shop Saturdays from 12 p.m. To 3 p.m. €” that’s been the busiest food shopping time in recent months, according to Google Maps data.

Grocery stores are least crowded on Mondays at 8 a.m. During a typical Thanksgiving week, Wednesday is the busiest shopping day. Bakeries were most crowded at noon, grocery stores were packed between 5 p.m. And 6 p.m. And liquor store shopping peaked at 6 p.m.Some stores are offering senior shopping hours and posting information about the best time to shop to avoid crowds.

Wegmans is adding live outdoor cameras at major stores so customers can check online to see how busy the store is before leaving home.Should I wipe down my cart?. Shopping carts are germy during the best of times, but it’s not essential to clean the cart if you’re careful about not touching your face and washing your hands. Many stores offer sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer at the entrance, or you can bring your own. Some stores sanitize the carts several times a day as part of their regular cleaning procedures. Dr.

Marr said she used to wipe down her cart before shopping, but doesn’t do that anymore. €œI just try to pay attention to not sticking my hands and fingers in my eyes, nose or mouth, and washing my hands when we’re done,” she said.Should I wear gloves?. Gloves are not recommended or necessary if you wash your hands after shopping. In fact, people often contaminate their phone or steering wheel with their gloves, which defeats the purpose of wearing them. Skip the gloves and just wash your hands.How do I stay safe during checkout?.

Grocery store workers are front line workers who come into contact with the masses. One study of 104 workers at a Boston grocery store found that about 20 percent of the workers tested positive, even though the prevalence of the ventolin in the community at that time was only about 1 percent. Many stores have added clear plexiglass shields to separate employees and shoppers, and adopted regular testing programs for workers. At Wegmans, cashiers are required to clean and sanitize their register belt and station at least once an hour and take a hand-wash break every 30 minutes. At checkout, keep your mask on, limit conversation, opt for contact-free payment (swiping your own credit card) and bag your own groceries if possible to speed things up.

Remember, the store workers are facing the biggest risk, so be patient and thank them for their service.Should I wipe down my groceries?. Many of us spent the early days of the ventolin wiping down groceries, and leaving boxed goods to sit untouched for a few days just in case they were contaminated with the ventolin. But scientists have since learned that your risk of catching asthma from a surface, including food containers, is extremely low. €œIf it makes you feel better, there’s nothing wrong with doing a quick wipe down with a soapy rag,” said Dr. Asaf Bitton, executive director of Ariadne Labs at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard T.H.

Chan School of Public Health. €œThe key thing that is necessary is that you wash your hands, really, really well.”Dr. Marr notes that even if an infected person touched your food items, it’s still your hands that pose the bigger risk of transmission. €œIf someone has left a blob of ventolin on the groceries that you have touched, once you’ve touched it, it’s on your hand,” she said. €œThere’s not going to be lot more that is still there on the yogurt container or milk carton.

Between buying it, putting it on the conveyor belt, unpacking it and putting it away, there’s been a lot of chance for it to transfer to your hands, which is why I think washing your hands is important after shopping and putting things away.”Is my risk of contracting the ventolin while shopping higher now?. While it may feel like a more hazardous time to shop compared to earlier months of the ventolin, the level of risk varies around the country. Your risk of crossing paths with an infected person is higher when an indicator called the test positivity rate is above 5 percent in your community. In 28 states, test positivity rates were in double digits as of Wednesday, including Wyoming (90 percent), South Dakota (56 percent) and Iowa (51 percent). By comparison, New York City’s test positivity rate now is hovering around 3 percent, meaning your risk is lower compared to last April, when the rate was close to 70 percent.

That said, case counts and test positivity rates are beginning to rise everywhere, which is why everyone needs to take precautions.To find out how your state is doing, use this chart from Johns Hopkins University. To find the test positivity rate in your local community, check your state or county health department website or try the asthma treatment Act Now website.Is it safer to have food delivered?. Online shopping and delivery is a lower-risk shopping option if it’s available in your area. Your favorite grocery store probably offers delivery or curbside pickup, or you can use a service like Fresh Direct, Amazon Fresh, Instacart or Peapod. If you prefer the in-person experience, use a delivery service for staples and shelf-stable items for delivery, which will allow you to shorten your time in the store shopping for fresh produce and perishable goods.

Wear a mask when accepting the delivery, give your delivery person a generous tip and always wash your hands after unpacking the groceries.And remember, risk is cumulative. Try to consolidate your shopping to one trip or have part of it delivered. Every new store you visit, every extra shopping trip you make, adds to your risk of crossing paths with the ventolin.Do you have a health question?. Ask WellExercising during the ventolin has been challenging for many of us. Gyms have closed or limited occupancy, as have parks, pools, pathways and other recreational facilities.

If trails are open, they often are jammed, making it difficult to socially distance while we hike, stroll, ride, jog or otherwise work out.Mask recommendations and requirements have created additional complications. Few people who exercise, including me, don masks with enthusiasm when it comes to vigorous workouts, convinced that they will make our faces sweaty, breathing labored and workouts more draining. We rejigger the timing and locales of our runs and rides so we can exercise when few other people are about and leave our faces uncovered. Or we skip workouts altogether.But for those of us convinced that wearing a mask will make exercise harder or more unpleasant, two new studies offer a bracing counterpoint. Both find that masks do not negatively affect vigorous workouts, whether the mask is cloth, surgical or an N95 respirator model.

The findings may surprise but also encourage anyone hoping to remain safe and active in the coming weeks and months, as asthma cases surge nationwide.Most of our expectations about masks and exercise are based on anecdotes and preconceptions. Little past science has examined whether and how masks affect serious workouts. The few relevant earlier experiments focused primarily on masked health care workers while they walked, to see if being active while masked affected their thinking or other capabilities. (It did not, the studies show.)But gentle strolling is not running, cycling or other more vigorous routines, and we have not had scientific evidence about how wearing a mask might alter those workouts. So, recently, two helpful groups of scientists separately decided to look into the issue.The first of the groups to release their findings, which were published in September in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine &.

Science in Sports, concentrated on surgical and N95 respiratory masks during exercise. The researchers, most of them affiliated with the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, invited 16 healthy, active adult men to come into the lab, where they checked heart rates, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiratory rates and current carbon dioxide levels. Then they fitted the men with thin, nasal tubes that would collect their expired breaths for testing and, on three separate visits to the lab, asked them to ride a stationary bicycle.At each visit, the men, in fact, completed a pedal-to-exhaustion test, during which the researchers gradually increased the resistance on the stationary bike, as if on a long, relentless hill climb, until the men could barely turn the pedals. Throughout, the researchers monitored the riders’ heart rates, breathing and other physiological measures and asked them repeatedly how hard the riding felt.During one ride, the men’s faces were uncovered. But for the two other sessions, they donned either a disposable paper surgical mask or a tightfitting N95 respirator mask.Afterward, the scientists compared the riders’ physiological and subjective responses during each ride and found few variations.

Masking had not made the cycling feel or be more draining and had not tired riders sooner. The only substantial effect was from N95 masks, which slightly increased levels of carbon dioxide in riders’ breaths, probably because the masks fit so tightly. But none of the riders complained of chest tightness, headaches or other breathing issues.Most expressed some surprise, instead, that the masks had not bothered them, says Dr. Danny Epstein, an attending physician in the internal medicine department at Rambam Health Care Campus, who led the new study. They “had believed that their performances would be decreased by masking,” he says.Similarly, the researchers in the second masking study, which was published this month in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, hypothesized that masking would make exercisers uncomfortable and tired.

For confirmation, they ran a group of 14 healthy, active men and women through the same ride-to-exhaustion sessions as in the Israeli study, while the volunteers alternately wore no mask or a three-layer cloth or a surgical face covering. The researchers monitored oxygen levels in the riders’ blood and muscles, heart rates, other physiological measures and the riders’ sense of how hard the exercise felt.Afterward, contrary to their hypothesis, they found no differences in the riders’ experience, whether they had worn a mask or not.“From the results of our study, I don’t think masks are likely to make workouts feel worse,” says Philip Chilibeck, a professor of kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, who oversaw the study.Of course, both of the new studies recruited healthy, active adults. We do not know if the results would be the same in people who are older, younger, in worse shape or have existing breathing problems. The studies also involved cycling. The outcomes probably would be similar in running, weight training and other vigorous activities, both Dr.

Epstein and Dr. Chilibeck say, but that idea, for now, remains a presumption. And, obviously, the studies looked at how masks affect the wearer, not whether and to what extent different facial coverings prevent the spread of respiratory droplets during exercise.Still, the findings suggest that anyone who hesitates to wear a mask during exercise should try one — although not an N95 mask, Dr. Epstein says, since they slightly up riders’ carbon dioxide levels and, anyway, should be reserved for health care workers.“asthma treatment changes almost every aspect of our lives and makes simple things more complicated,” Dr. Epstein says.

€œBut we can learn how to keep doing the essential things, such as exercise. I learned to spend long hours with P.P.E.” — meaning full face masking and other protective clothing — “at the hospital. So, I believe we can get used to going to the gym,” and paths and sidewalks and busy trails, “with a mask.”.