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Start Preamble how to buy ventolin in usa Federal Transit how much does ventolin cost in australia Administration (FTA), DOT. Notice of funding opportunity. The asthma Disease 2019 (asthma treatment) public health emergency Start Printed Page 63654has had a significant impact how much does ventolin cost in australia on transit operations.

During a series of FTA listening sessions held over the last three months, transit agencies asked FTA to support research to identify solutions to address the operational challenges that they are facing as a result of asthma treatment. In response, FTA makes available through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) funding to support research demonstration grants to public transit agencies to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies, as well as enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the asthma treatment public health emergency. Demonstration grants under this NOFO how much does ventolin cost in australia are authorized under FTA's Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C.

5312). Eligible projects will demonstrate innovative solutions to improve the operational efficiencies of transit systems and enhance mobility for their communities in four major areas. (1) Vehicle, how much does ventolin cost in australia facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis.

(2) exposure mitigation measures. (3) innovative mobility such as contactless payments. And (4) measures that strengthen public confidence in how much does ventolin cost in australia transit services.

The total funding available for awards under this NOFO is $10,000,000. FTA may supplement this amount if how much does ventolin cost in australia additional funding becomes available. Applicants must submit completed proposals for funding opportunity FTA-2020-015-TRI through the GRANTS.GOV “APPLY” function by 11:59 p.m.

Eastern Time on November 2, 2020. Prospective applicants should register as soon as possible on the GRANTS.GOV website to ensure they can complete the application process before how much does ventolin cost in australia the submission deadline. Application instructions are available on FTA's website at http://transit.dot.gov/​howtoapply and in the “FIND” module of GRANTS.GOV.

FTA will not accept mail and fax submissions. Start Further how much does ventolin cost in australia Info Please send any questions on this notice to Jamel El-Hamri email. Jamel.El-Hamri@dot.gov phone.

2020-366-8985. A Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) is available for individuals who are deaf or hard how much does ventolin cost in australia of hearing at 1-800-877-8339. End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information Table of Contents A.

Program Description how much does ventolin cost in australia B. Federal Award Information C. Eligibility Information D.

Application and Submission Information E how much does ventolin cost in australia. Application Review Information F. Federal Award Administration Information G.

Federal Awarding Agency Contact Information A how much does ventolin cost in australia. Program Description The Public Transportation asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program is funded through the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 5312), with the goal to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies, as well as enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the asthma treatment public health emergency.

Eligible projects will propose to develop and deploy how much does ventolin cost in australia innovative solutions in four major areas. (1) Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis. (2) exposure how much does ventolin cost in australia mitigation measures.

(3) innovative mobility such as contactless payments. And (4) measures that strengthen public confidence in transit. As required how much does ventolin cost in australia by 49 U.S.C.

5312(e)(4), projects funded under this NOFO must participate in an evaluation by an independent outside entity that will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the success or failure of the projects funded under this subsection and any plan for broad-based implementation of the innovation promoted by successful projects. B. Federal Award Information FTA makes available $10,000,000 in fiscal year (FY) how much does ventolin cost in australia 2020 funds under the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C.

5312) to finance the Public Transportation asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program. FTA may supplement the total funds available if additional funding becomes available at the time project selections are made. FTA will grant pre-award authority starting on the date of the project award announcement for selected projects and should be completed within 24 months from the date how much does ventolin cost in australia of award.

Funds are available only for eligible expenses incurred after the announcement of project selections. C. Eligibility Information (1) Eligible Applicants Eligible applicants include State and local how much does ventolin cost in australia governmental authorities, direct recipients of Urbanized Area (49 U.S.C.

5307) and Rural Area (49 U.S.C. 5311) formula funds, and how much does ventolin cost in australia Indian tribes. Eligible applicants are limited to FTA grantees or subrecipients who would be the primary beneficiaries of the innovative products and services that are developed—typically public transit agencies.

Except for projects proposed by Indian tribes, proposals for projects in rural (non-urbanized) areas must be submitted as part of a consolidated State proposal. States and other eligible applicants also may how much does ventolin cost in australia submit consolidated proposals for projects in urbanized areas. The submission of the Statewide application will not preclude the submission and consideration of any application from other eligible recipients in an urbanized area in a State.

Proposals may contain projects to be implemented by the recipient or its subrecipients. Eligible subrecipients include public agencies, how much does ventolin cost in australia private nonprofit organizations, and private providers engaged in public transportation. Eligible applicants may submit consolidated proposals for projects.

(2) Cost Sharing or Matching The maximum Federal share of project costs is 100 percent. FTA may how much does ventolin cost in australia give additional consideration to applicants that propose a local share and may view these applicants as more competitive. The applicant must document the source(s) of the local match, if any, in the grant application.

For any how much does ventolin cost in australia applicants proposing match, eligible local match sources include the following. Cash from non-Government sources other than revenues from providing public transportation services. Revenues derived from the sale of advertising and concessions.

Revenues generated how much does ventolin cost in australia from value capture financing mechanisms. Funds from an undistributed cash surplus. Replacement or depreciation cash fund or reserve.

New capital how much does ventolin cost in australia. Or in-kind contributions. (3) Eligible Projects Eligible projects will propose innovative solutions to improve operational efficiencies of transit agencies and enhance the mobility of transit users, through projects that demonstrate innovative solutions for.

Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis how much does ventolin cost in australia. Exposure mitigation measures such a real-time notification of rail and bus passenger loads. New multi-modal payment innovative mobility systems such how much does ventolin cost in australia as contactless payments.

And measures that strengthen public confidence in transit. Each applicant may only submit one proposal.Start Printed Page 63655 D. Application and Submission Information (1) Address and Form of Application Submission Applications must how much does ventolin cost in australia be submitted through GRANTS.GOV.

Applicants can find general information for submitting applications through GRANTS.GOV at www.fta.dot.gov/​howtoapply, along with specific instructions for the forms and attachments required for submission. Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted. (2) Content how much does ventolin cost in australia and Form of Application Submission a.

Proposal Submission A complete proposal submission consists of at least two forms. 1. The SF-424 Mandatory Form (downloadable how much does ventolin cost in australia from GRANTS.GOV) and 2.

The supplemental form for the FY 2020 asthma treatment Demonstration Program (downloadable from GRANTS.GOV), which is available on FTA's website at (placeholder for FTA asthma treatment Demonstration Program). The application must include responses to all sections of how much does ventolin cost in australia the SF-424 mandatory form and the supplemental form unless a section is indicated as optional. FTA will use the information on the supplemental form to determine applicant and project eligibility for the program and to evaluate the proposal against the selection criteria described in part E of this notice.

FTA will accept only one supplemental form per SF-424 submission. FTA encourages applicants to consider submitting a single supplemental form that includes multiple activities to be how much does ventolin cost in australia evaluated as a consolidated proposal. Applicants may attach additional supporting information to the SF-424 submission, including but not limited to letters of support, project budgets, or excerpts from relevant planning documents.

Supporting documentation must be described and referenced by file name in the appropriate response section of the supplemental form, or it may not be reviewed. Information such as applicant name, Federal amount requested, local match amount, description of areas how much does ventolin cost in australia served, etc., may be requested in varying degrees of detail on both the SF-424 form and supplemental form. Applicants must fill in all fields unless stated otherwise on the forms.

If applicants copy information into the supplemental form from another source, they should verify that the supplemental form has fully captured pasted text and that it has not truncated the text due to character limits built into the form. Applicants should use both the “Check how much does ventolin cost in australia Package for Errors” and the “Validate Form” validation buttons on both forms to check all required fields. Applicants should also ensure that the Federal and local amounts specified are consistent.

Addressing the deteriorating conditions and disproportionately high fatality rates on our rural transportation infrastructure is of critical interest to the Department, as rural transportation networks face unique challenges in safety, infrastructure condition, and passenger and freight usage. Consistent with the how much does ventolin cost in australia R.O.U.T.E.S. Initiative, the Department encourages applicants to consider how the project will address the challenges faced by rural areas.

B. Application Content The SF-424 Mandatory Form and the supplemental form will prompt applicants for the required information, including. I.

Applicant Name ii. Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number iii. Key contact information (contact name, address, email address, and phone number) iv.

Congressional district(s) where project will take place v. Project Information (title, executive summary, and type) vi. A detailed description of the need for the project vii.

A detailed description of how the project will support the Program objectives viii. Evidence that the applicant can provide the local cost shares ix. A description of the technical, legal, and financial capacity of the applicant x.

A detailed project budget xi. Details on the local matching funds xii. A detailed project timeline xiii.

Whether the project impacts an Opportunity Zone (3) Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM) Each applicant is required to. (1) Be registered in SAM before submitting an application. (2) provide a valid unique entity identifier in its application.

And (3) continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which the applicant has an active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by FTA. These requirements do not apply if the applicant. (1) Is excepted from the requirements under 2 CFR 25.110(b) or (c).

Or (2) has an exception approved by FTA under 2 CFR 25.110(d). FTA may not make an award until the applicant has complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM requirements. If an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time FTA is ready to make an award, FTA may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making a Federal award to another applicant.

All applicants must provide a unique entity identifier provided by SAM. Registration in SAM may take as little as 3-5 business days, but there can be unexpected steps or delays. For example, the applicant may need to obtain an Employer Identification Number.

FTA recommends allowing ample time, up to several weeks, to complete all steps. For additional information on obtaining a unique entity identifier, please visit www.sam.gov. (4) Submission Dates and Times Project proposals must be submitted electronically through GRANTS.GOV by 11:59 p.m.

Eastern on November 2, 2020. Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted. FTA urges applicants to submit applications at least 72 hours prior to the due date to allow time to correct any problems that may have caused either GRANTS.GOV or FTA systems to reject the submission.

Proposals submitted after the deadline will only be considered under extraordinary circumstances not within the applicant's control. Deadlines will not where can you buy ventolin be extended due to scheduled website maintenance. GRANTS.GOV scheduled maintenance and outage times are announced on the GRANTS.GOV website.

Within 48 hours after submitting an electronic application, the applicant should receive two email messages from GRANTS.GOV. (1) Confirmation of successful transmission to GRANTS.GOV. And (2) confirmation of successful validation by GRANTS.GOV.

If the applicant does not receive confirmation of successful validation or receives a notice of failed validation or incomplete materials, the applicant must address the reason for the failed validation, as described in the email notice, and resubmit before the submission deadline. If making a resubmission for any reason, applicants must include all original attachments regardless of which attachments were updated and check the box on the supplemental form indicating this is a resubmission. Applicants are encouraged to begin the process of registration on the GRANTS.GOV site well in advance of the submission deadline.

Registration is Start Printed Page 63656a multi-step process, which may take several weeks to complete before an application can be submitted. Registered applicants may still be required to update their registration before submitting an application. Registration in SAM is renewed annually and persons making submissions on behalf of the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must be authorized in GRANTS.GOV by the AOR to make submissions.

(5) Funding Restrictions Funds may be used for post-award expenditures only. Funds under this NOFO cannot be used to reimburse projects for otherwise eligible expenses incurred prior to the date of project award announcements. (6) Other Submission Requirements FTA encourages applicants to identify scaled funding options in case insufficient funding is available to fund a project at the full requested amount.

If an applicant indicates that a project is scalable, the applicant must provide an appropriate minimum funding amount that will fund an eligible project that achieves the objectives of the program and meets all relevant program requirements. The applicant must provide a clear explanation of how a reduced award would affect the project budget and scope. FTA may award a lesser amount whether or not the applicant provides a scalable option.

E. Application Review Information (1) Project Evaluation Criteria Addressing the deteriorating conditions and disproportionately high fatality rates on our rural transportation infrastructure is of critical interest to the Department, as rural transportation networks face unique challenges in safety, infrastructure condition, and passenger and freight usage. Consistent with the R.O.U.T.E.S.

Initiative, the Department will consider how the project will address the challenges faced by rural areas. In addition, the Department will review and consider applications for funding pursuant to this Notice in accordance with the President's September 2, 2020 memorandum, entitled Memorandum on Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients of Federal Funds that Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities, consistent with guidance from the Office of Management and Budget and the Attorney General and with all applicable laws. FTA will evaluate proposals submitted according to the following criteria.

(a) Project Innovation and Impact. (b) Project Approach. (c) National Applicability.

(d) Commercialization and/or Knowledge Transfer. And (e) Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity. FTA encourages each applicant to demonstrate how a project supports all criteria with the most relevant information the applicant can provide, regardless of whether such information has been specifically requested or identified in this notice.

A. Project Innovation and Impact i. Effectiveness of the project in achieving and demonstrating the specific objectives of this program.

Ii. Demonstration of benefits in addressing the needs of the transit agency and industry and impacts to infrastructure, equipment, transit workforce, and riders. Iii.

Degree of improvement over current and existing technologies, designs, and/or practices applicable to the transit industry. B. Project Approach i.

Quality of the project approach such as existing partnerships, collaboration strategies and level of commitment of the project partners. Ii. Proposal is realistic in its approach to fulfill the milestones/deliverables, schedule and goals.

C. National Applicability i. Degree to which the project could be replicated by other transit agencies regionally or nationally.

Ii. Ability to evaluate technologies, designs and/or practices in a wide variety of conditions and locales. Iii.

Degree to which the technology, designs and/or practices can be replicated by other transportation modes. D. Commercialization and/or Knowledge Transfer i.

Demonstrates a realistic plan for moving the results of the project into the transit marketplace (patents, conferences, articles in trade magazines, webinar, site visits, etc.). Ii. How the project team plans to work with the industry on improving best practices, guidance and/or standards, if applicable.

Iii. Demonstrate a clear understanding and robust approach to data collection, access and management. E.

Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity Capacity of the applicant and any partners to successfully execute the project effort. There should be no outstanding legal, technical, or financial issues with the applicant that would make this a high-risk project. (2) Review and Selection Process An FTA technical evaluation committee will evaluate proposals based on the published project evaluation criteria.

Members of the technical evaluation committee will rate the applications and may seek clarification about any statement in an application. The FTA Administrator will determine the final selection and amount of funding for each project after consideration of the findings of the technical evaluation committee. Geographic diversity, diversity of the project type, the amount of local match to be provided, and the applicant's receipt and management of other Federal transit funds may be considered in FTA's award decisions.

Prior fare payment innovation efforts may receive priority consideration. The FTA Administrator will consider the following key DOT objectives. A.

Utilizing alternative funding sources and innovative financing models to attract non-Federal sources of investment. B. Whether the project is located in or supports public transportation service in a qualified opportunity zone designated pursuant to 26.U.S.C.

1400Z-1. And c. The extent to which the project addresses challenges specific to the provision of rural public transportation.

(3) FAPIIS Review Prior to making a grant award, FTA is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) accessible through SAM. An applicant may review and comment on information about itself that a Federal awarding agency previously entered. FTA will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in FAPIIS, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in 2 CFR 200.205 Federal Awarding Agency Review of Risk Posed by Applicants.

F. Federal Award Administration Information (1) Federal Award Notices FTA will announce the final project selections on the FTA website. Project recipients should contact their FTA Regional Office for additional information regarding allocations for Start Printed Page 63657projects.

At the time project selections are announced, FTA will extend pre-award authority for the selected projects. There is no blanket pre-award authority for these projects before announcement. There is no minimum or maximum grant award amount, but FTA intends to fund as many meritorious projects as possible.

FTA only will consider proposals from eligible recipients for eligible activities. Due to funding limitations, projects selected for funding may receive less than the amount originally requested. In those cases, applicants must be able to demonstrate that the proposed projects are still viable and can be completed with the amount awarded.

(2) Administrative and National Policy Requirements a. Pre-Award Authority FTA will issue specific guidance to recipients regarding pre-award authority at the time of selection. FTA does not provide pre-award authority for competitive funds until projects are selected, and there are Federal requirements that must be met before costs are incurred.

For more information about FTA's policy on pre-award authority, see the FY 2020 Apportionments Notice published on June 3, 2020, at https://www.govinfo.gov/​content/​pkg/​FR-2020-06-03/​pdf/​2020-11946.pdf. b. Grant Requirements Selected applicants will submit a grant application through FTA's electronic grant management system and adhere to the customary FTA grant requirements for research project (insert Circular name).

All competitive grants, regardless of award amount, will be subject to the Congressional notification and release process. FTA emphasizes that third-party procurement applies to all funding awards, as described in FTA Circular 4220.1F, “Third Party Contracting Guidance.” However, FTA may approve applications that include a specifically identified partnering organization(s) (2 CFR 200.302(f)). When included, the application, budget, and budget narrative should provide a clear understanding of how the selection of these organizations is critical for the project and give sufficient detail about the costs involved.

C. Planning FTA encourages applicants to engage the appropriate State Departments of Transportation, Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, or Metropolitan Planning Organizations in areas to be served by the project funds available under this program. D.

Standard Assurances The applicant assures that it will comply with all applicable Federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, FTA circulars, and other Federal administrative requirements in carrying out any project supported by the FTA grant. The applicant acknowledges that it is under a continuing obligation to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement issued for its project with FTA. The applicant understands that Federal laws, regulations, policies, and administrative practices might be modified from time to time and may affect the implementation of the project.

The applicant agrees that the most recent Federal requirements will apply to the project unless FTA issues a written determination otherwise. The applicant must submit the Certifications and Assurances before receiving a grant if it does not have current certifications on file. E.

Free Speech and Religious Liberty In connection with any program or activity conducted with or benefiting from funds awarded under this notice, recipients of funds must comply with all applicable requirements of Federal law, including, without limitation, the Constitution of the United States. Statutory, regulatory, and public policy requirements, including without limitation, those protecting free speech, religious liberty, public welfare, the environment, and prohibiting discrimination. The conditions of performance, non-discrimination requirements, and other assurances made applicable to the award of funds in accordance with regulations of the Department of Transportation.

And applicable Federal financial assistance and contracting principles promulgated by the Office of Management and Budget. In complying with these requirements, recipients must ensure that no concession agreements are denied or other contracting decisions made on the basis of speech or other activities protected by the First Amendment. If the Department determines that a recipient has failed to comply with applicable Federal requirements, the Department may terminate the award of funds and disallow previously incurred costs, requiring the recipient to reimburse any expended award funds.

(3) Reporting The post-award reporting requirements include submission of the Federal Financial Report (FFR) and Milestone Progress Report in TrAMS. An evaluation of the grant will occur at various points in the demonstration process and at the end of the project. In addition, FTA is responsible for producing an Annual Report to Congress that compiles evaluation of selected projects, including an evaluation of the performance measures identified by the applicants.

All applicants must develop an evaluation plan to measure the success or failure of their projects and describe any plans for broad-based implementation of successful projects. FTA may request data and reports to support the evaluation and Annual Report. A.

Independent Evaluation To achieve a comprehensive understanding of the impacts and implications of each proposed asthma treatment Research Demonstration Program, projects funded under this announcement will require the recipient to conduct a third party independent evaluation of their project. Recipients will be required to contract with a third party independent evaluator to assist in developing an evaluation plan, and collecting, storing and managing data required to fulfill the evaluation requirement. No more than 10 percent of the Federal share of the project may be used to hire the third-party independent evaluator and the inclusion of a third-party independent evaluation should be described in the grant application.

If the project duration is more than two years, an interim evaluation report would need to be submitted to FTA, otherwise the evaluation report should be included as part of the final project report. B. asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program Evaluation Projects funded under this announcement will be required to establish a set of performance metrics set by the third-party independent evaluator and shared with FTA.

G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts Information For questions about applying, please contact Jamel El-Hamri email. Jamel.El-Hamri@dot.gov phone.

202-366-8985. A TDD is available at 1-800-877-8339 (TDDFIRS). To ensure that applicants receive accurate information about eligibility or the program, applicants are encouraged to contact FTA directly with questions, rather than through intermediaries or third parties.Start Printed Page 63658 FTA staff also may conduct briefings on the competitive grants selection and award process upon request.

Start Signature K. Jane Williams, Deputy Administrator. End Signature End Supplemental Information [FR Doc.

2020-22316 Filed 10-7-20. 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 4910-57-P.

Start Preamble Federal where can you get ventolin Transit Administration (FTA), home DOT. Notice of funding opportunity. The asthma Disease 2019 (asthma treatment) public where can you get ventolin health emergency Start Printed Page 63654has had a significant impact on transit operations.

During a series of FTA listening sessions held over the last three months, transit agencies asked FTA to support research to identify solutions to address the operational challenges that they are facing as a result of asthma treatment. In response, FTA makes available through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) funding to support research demonstration grants to public transit agencies to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies, as well as enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the asthma treatment public health emergency. Demonstration grants under where can you get ventolin this NOFO are authorized under FTA's Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C.

5312). Eligible projects will demonstrate innovative solutions to improve the operational efficiencies of transit systems and enhance mobility for their communities in four major areas. (1) Vehicle, facility, equipment where can you get ventolin and infrastructure cleaning and dis.

(2) exposure mitigation measures. (3) innovative mobility such as contactless payments. And (4) measures where can you get ventolin that strengthen public confidence in transit services.

The total funding available for awards under this NOFO is $10,000,000. FTA may where can you get ventolin supplement this amount if additional funding becomes available. Applicants must submit completed proposals for funding opportunity FTA-2020-015-TRI through the GRANTS.GOV “APPLY” function by 11:59 p.m.

Eastern Time on November 2, 2020. Prospective applicants should register as soon as possible on the GRANTS.GOV website to ensure they can complete the where can you get ventolin application process before the submission deadline. Application instructions are available on FTA's website at http://transit.dot.gov/​howtoapply and in the “FIND” module of GRANTS.GOV.

FTA will not accept mail and fax submissions. Start Further Info Please send any questions on this notice to where can you get ventolin Jamel El-Hamri email. Jamel.El-Hamri@dot.gov phone.

2020-366-8985. A Telecommunication Device for the where can you get ventolin Deaf (TDD) is available for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing at 1-800-877-8339. End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information Table of Contents A.

Program Description where can you get ventolin B. Federal Award Information C. Eligibility Information D.

Application and where can you get ventolin Submission Information E. Application Review Information F. Federal Award Administration Information G.

Federal Awarding where can you get ventolin Agency Contact Information A. Program Description The Public Transportation asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program is funded through the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 5312), with the goal to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies, as well as enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the asthma treatment public health emergency.

Eligible projects will propose to develop and where can you get ventolin deploy innovative solutions in four major areas. (1) Vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and dis. (2) exposure where can you get ventolin mitigation measures.

(3) innovative mobility such as contactless payments. And (4) measures that strengthen public confidence in transit. As required by 49 U.S.C where can you get ventolin.

5312(e)(4), projects funded under this NOFO must participate in an evaluation by an independent outside entity that will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the success or failure of the projects funded under this subsection and any plan for broad-based implementation of the innovation promoted by successful projects. B. Federal Award where can you get ventolin Information FTA makes available $10,000,000 in fiscal year (FY) 2020 funds under the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C.

5312) to finance the Public Transportation asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program. FTA may supplement the total funds available if additional funding becomes available at the time project selections are made. FTA will grant pre-award authority starting on the date of the project award announcement for selected projects where can you get ventolin and should be completed within 24 months from the date of award.

Funds are available only for eligible expenses incurred after the announcement of project selections. C. Eligibility Information (1) Eligible Applicants Eligible applicants include State and local governmental authorities, direct where can you get ventolin recipients of Urbanized Area (49 U.S.C.

5307) and Rural Area (49 U.S.C. 5311) formula where can you get ventolin funds, and Indian tribes. Eligible applicants are limited to FTA grantees or subrecipients who would be the primary beneficiaries of the innovative products and services that are developed—typically public transit agencies.

Except for projects proposed by Indian tribes, proposals for projects in rural (non-urbanized) areas must be submitted as part of a consolidated State proposal. States and other eligible applicants also may submit consolidated proposals for projects where can you get ventolin in urbanized areas. The submission of the Statewide application will not preclude the submission and consideration of any application from other eligible recipients in an urbanized area in a State.

Proposals may contain projects to be implemented by the recipient or its subrecipients. Eligible subrecipients include public agencies, private nonprofit where can you get ventolin organizations, and private providers engaged in public transportation. Eligible applicants may submit consolidated proposals for projects.

(2) Cost Sharing or Matching The maximum Federal share of project costs is 100 percent. FTA may give additional consideration to applicants that propose a local share and may where can you get ventolin view these applicants as more competitive. The applicant must document the source(s) of the local match, if any, in the grant application.

For any applicants proposing match, eligible local match sources include the following where can you get ventolin. Cash from non-Government sources other than revenues from providing public transportation services. Revenues derived from the sale of advertising and concessions.

Revenues generated from where can you get ventolin value capture financing mechanisms. Funds from an undistributed cash surplus. Replacement or depreciation cash fund or reserve.

New capital where can you get ventolin. Or in-kind contributions. (3) Eligible Projects Eligible projects will propose innovative solutions to improve operational efficiencies of transit agencies and enhance the mobility of transit users, through projects that demonstrate innovative solutions for.

Vehicle, facility, equipment where can you get ventolin and infrastructure cleaning and dis. Exposure mitigation measures such a real-time notification of rail and bus passenger loads. New multi-modal payment innovative where can you get ventolin mobility systems such as contactless payments.

And measures that strengthen public confidence in transit. Each applicant may only submit one proposal.Start Printed Page 63655 D. Application and where can you get ventolin Submission Information (1) Address and Form of Application Submission Applications must be submitted through GRANTS.GOV.

Applicants can find general information for submitting applications through GRANTS.GOV at www.fta.dot.gov/​howtoapply, along with specific instructions for the forms and attachments required for submission. Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted. (2) Content and Form of where can you get ventolin Application Submission a.

Proposal Submission A complete proposal submission consists of at least two forms. 1. The SF-424 Mandatory where can you get ventolin Form (downloadable from GRANTS.GOV) and 2.

The supplemental form for the FY 2020 asthma treatment Demonstration Program (downloadable from GRANTS.GOV), which is available on FTA's website at (placeholder for FTA asthma treatment Demonstration Program). The application must include responses to all sections of the SF-424 mandatory form where can you get ventolin and the supplemental form unless a section is indicated as optional. FTA will use the information on the supplemental form to determine applicant and project eligibility for the program and to evaluate the proposal against the selection criteria described in part E of this notice.

FTA will accept only one supplemental form per SF-424 submission. FTA encourages where can you get ventolin applicants to consider submitting a single supplemental form that includes multiple activities to be evaluated as a consolidated proposal. Applicants may attach additional supporting information to the SF-424 submission, including but not limited to letters of support, project budgets, or excerpts from relevant planning documents.

Supporting documentation must be described and referenced by file name in the appropriate response section of the supplemental form, or it may not be reviewed. Information such as applicant name, Federal amount requested, local match amount, description of areas served, etc., may where can you get ventolin be requested in varying degrees of detail on both the SF-424 form and supplemental form. Applicants must fill in all fields unless stated otherwise on the forms.

If applicants copy information into the supplemental form from another source, they should verify that the supplemental form has fully captured pasted text and that it has not truncated the text due to character limits built into the form. Applicants should use both the “Check Package for where can you get ventolin Errors” and the “Validate Form” validation buttons on both forms to check all required fields. Applicants should also ensure that the Federal and local amounts specified are consistent.

Addressing the deteriorating conditions and disproportionately high fatality rates on our rural transportation infrastructure is of critical interest to the Department, as rural transportation networks face unique challenges in safety, infrastructure condition, and passenger and freight usage. Consistent with where can you get ventolin the R.O.U.T.E.S. Initiative, the Department encourages applicants to consider how the project will address the challenges faced by rural areas.

B. Application Content The SF-424 Mandatory Form and the supplemental form will prompt applicants for the required information, including. I.

Applicant Name ii. Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number iii. Key contact information (contact name, address, email address, and phone number) iv.

Congressional district(s) where project will take place v. Project Information (title, executive summary, and type) vi. A detailed description of the need for the project vii.

A detailed description of how the project will support the Program objectives viii. Evidence that the applicant can provide the local cost shares ix. A description of the technical, legal, and financial capacity of the applicant x.

A detailed project budget xi. Details on the local matching funds xii. A detailed project timeline xiii.

Whether the project impacts an Opportunity Zone (3) Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM) Each applicant is required to. (1) Be registered in SAM before submitting an application. (2) provide a valid unique entity identifier in its application.

And (3) continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which the applicant has an active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by FTA. These requirements do not apply if the applicant. (1) Is excepted from the requirements under 2 CFR 25.110(b) or (c).

Or (2) has an exception approved by FTA under 2 CFR 25.110(d). FTA may not make an award until the applicant has complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM requirements. If an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time FTA is ready to make an award, FTA may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making a Federal award to another applicant.

All applicants must provide a unique entity identifier provided by SAM. Registration in SAM may take as little as 3-5 business days, but there can be unexpected steps or delays. For example, the applicant may need to obtain an Employer Identification Number.

FTA recommends allowing ample time, up to several weeks, to complete all steps. For additional information on obtaining a unique entity identifier, please visit www.sam.gov. (4) Submission Dates and Times Project proposals must be submitted electronically through GRANTS.GOV by 11:59 p.m.

Eastern on November 2, 2020. Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted. FTA urges applicants to submit applications at least 72 hours prior to the due date to allow time to correct any problems that may have caused either GRANTS.GOV or FTA systems to reject the submission.

Proposals submitted after the deadline will only be considered under extraordinary circumstances not within the applicant's control. Deadlines will not be extended due to http://worldwidedigitalinc.com/about-worldwide-digital/ scheduled website maintenance. GRANTS.GOV scheduled maintenance and outage times are announced on the GRANTS.GOV website.

Within 48 hours after submitting an electronic application, the applicant should receive two email messages from GRANTS.GOV. (1) Confirmation of successful transmission to GRANTS.GOV. And (2) confirmation of successful validation by GRANTS.GOV.

If the applicant does not receive confirmation of successful validation or receives a notice of failed validation or incomplete materials, the applicant must address the reason for the failed validation, as described in the email notice, and resubmit before the submission deadline. If making a resubmission for any reason, applicants must include all original attachments regardless of which attachments were updated and check the box on the supplemental form indicating this is a resubmission. Applicants are encouraged to begin the process of registration on the GRANTS.GOV site well in advance of the submission deadline.

Registration is Start Printed Page 63656a multi-step process, which may take several weeks to complete before an application can be submitted. Registered applicants may still be required to update their registration before submitting an application. Registration in SAM is renewed annually and persons making submissions on behalf of the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must be authorized in GRANTS.GOV by the AOR to make submissions.

(5) Funding Restrictions Funds may be used for post-award expenditures only. Funds under this NOFO cannot be used to reimburse projects for otherwise eligible expenses incurred prior to the date of project award announcements. (6) Other Submission Requirements FTA encourages applicants to identify scaled funding options in case insufficient funding is available to fund a project at the full requested amount.

If an applicant indicates that a project is scalable, the applicant must provide an appropriate minimum funding amount that will fund an eligible project that achieves the objectives of the program and meets all relevant program requirements. The applicant must provide a clear explanation of how a reduced award would affect the project budget and scope. FTA may award a lesser amount whether or not the applicant provides a scalable option.

E. Application Review Information (1) Project Evaluation Criteria Addressing the deteriorating conditions and disproportionately high fatality rates on our rural transportation infrastructure is of critical interest to the Department, as rural transportation networks face unique challenges in safety, infrastructure condition, and passenger and freight usage. Consistent with the R.O.U.T.E.S.

Initiative, the Department will consider how the project will address the challenges faced by rural areas. In addition, the Department will review and consider applications for funding pursuant to this Notice in accordance with the President's September 2, 2020 memorandum, entitled Memorandum on Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients of Federal Funds that Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities, consistent with guidance from the Office of Management and Budget and the Attorney General and with all applicable laws. FTA will evaluate proposals submitted according to the following criteria.

(a) Project Innovation and Impact. (b) Project Approach. (c) National Applicability.

(d) Commercialization and/or Knowledge Transfer. And (e) Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity. FTA encourages each applicant to demonstrate how a project supports all criteria with the most relevant information the applicant can provide, regardless of whether such information has been specifically requested or identified in this notice.

A. Project Innovation and Impact i. Effectiveness of the project in achieving and demonstrating the specific objectives of this program.

Ii. Demonstration of benefits in addressing the needs of the transit agency and industry and impacts to infrastructure, equipment, transit workforce, and riders. Iii.

Degree of improvement over current and existing technologies, designs, and/or practices applicable to the transit industry. B. Project Approach i.

Quality of the project approach such as existing partnerships, collaboration strategies and level of commitment of the project partners. Ii. Proposal is realistic in its approach to fulfill the milestones/deliverables, schedule and goals.

C. National Applicability i. Degree to which the project could be replicated by other transit agencies regionally or nationally.

Ii. Ability to evaluate technologies, designs and/or practices in a wide variety of conditions and locales. Iii.

Degree to which the technology, designs and/or practices can be replicated by other transportation modes. D. Commercialization and/or Knowledge Transfer i.

Demonstrates a realistic plan for moving the results of the project into the transit marketplace (patents, conferences, articles in trade magazines, webinar, site visits, etc.). Ii. How the project team plans to work with the industry on improving best practices, guidance and/or standards, if applicable.

Iii. Demonstrate a clear understanding and robust approach to data collection, access and management. E.

Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity Capacity of the applicant and any partners to successfully execute the project effort. There should be no outstanding legal, technical, or financial issues with the applicant that would make this a high-risk project. (2) Review and Selection Process An FTA technical evaluation committee will evaluate proposals based on the published project evaluation criteria.

Members of the technical evaluation committee will rate the applications and may seek clarification about any statement in an application. The FTA Administrator will determine the final selection and amount of funding for each project after consideration of the findings of the technical evaluation committee. Geographic diversity, diversity of the project type, the amount of local match to be provided, and the applicant's receipt and management of other Federal transit funds may be considered in FTA's award decisions.

Prior fare payment innovation efforts may receive priority consideration. The FTA Administrator will consider the following key DOT objectives. A.

Utilizing alternative funding sources and innovative financing models to attract non-Federal sources of investment. B. Whether the project is located in or supports public transportation service in a qualified opportunity zone designated pursuant to 26.U.S.C.

1400Z-1. And c. The extent to which the project addresses challenges specific to the provision of rural public transportation.

(3) FAPIIS Review Prior to making a grant award, FTA is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) accessible through SAM. An applicant may review and comment on information about itself that a Federal awarding agency previously entered. FTA will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in FAPIIS, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in 2 CFR 200.205 Federal Awarding Agency Review of Risk Posed by Applicants.

F. Federal Award Administration Information (1) Federal Award Notices FTA will announce the final project selections on the FTA website. Project recipients should contact their FTA Regional Office for additional information regarding allocations for Start Printed Page 63657projects.

At the time project selections are announced, FTA will extend pre-award authority for the selected projects. There is no blanket pre-award authority for these projects before announcement. There is no minimum or maximum grant award amount, but FTA intends to fund as many meritorious projects as possible.

FTA only will consider proposals from eligible recipients for eligible activities. Due to funding limitations, projects selected for funding may receive less than the amount originally requested. In those cases, applicants must be able to demonstrate that the proposed projects are still viable and can be completed with the amount awarded.

(2) Administrative and National Policy Requirements a. Pre-Award Authority FTA will issue specific guidance to recipients regarding pre-award authority at the time of selection. FTA does not provide pre-award authority for competitive funds until projects are selected, and there are Federal requirements that must be met before costs are incurred.

For more information about FTA's policy on pre-award authority, see the FY 2020 Apportionments Notice published on June 3, 2020, at https://www.govinfo.gov/​content/​pkg/​FR-2020-06-03/​pdf/​2020-11946.pdf. b. Grant Requirements Selected applicants will submit a grant application through FTA's electronic grant management system and adhere to the customary FTA grant requirements for research project (insert Circular name).

All competitive grants, regardless of award amount, will be subject to the Congressional notification and release process. FTA emphasizes that third-party procurement applies to all funding awards, as described in FTA Circular 4220.1F, “Third Party Contracting Guidance.” However, FTA may approve applications that include a specifically identified partnering organization(s) (2 CFR 200.302(f)). When included, the application, budget, and budget narrative should provide a clear understanding of how the selection of these organizations is critical for the project and give sufficient detail about the costs involved.

C. Planning FTA encourages applicants to engage the appropriate State Departments of Transportation, Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, or Metropolitan Planning Organizations in areas to be served by the project funds available under this program. D.

Standard Assurances The applicant assures that it will comply with all applicable Federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, FTA circulars, and other Federal administrative requirements in carrying out any project supported by the FTA grant. The applicant acknowledges that it is under a continuing obligation to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement issued for its project with FTA. The applicant understands that Federal laws, regulations, policies, and administrative practices might be modified from time to time and may affect the implementation of the project.

The applicant agrees that the most recent Federal requirements will apply to the project unless FTA issues a written determination otherwise. The applicant must submit the Certifications and Assurances before receiving a grant if it does not have current certifications on file. E.

Free Speech and Religious Liberty In connection with any program or activity conducted with or benefiting from funds awarded under this notice, recipients of funds must comply with all applicable requirements of Federal law, including, without limitation, the Constitution of the United States. Statutory, regulatory, and public policy requirements, including without limitation, those protecting free speech, religious liberty, public welfare, the environment, and prohibiting discrimination. The conditions of performance, non-discrimination requirements, and other assurances made applicable to the award of funds in accordance with regulations of the Department of Transportation.

And applicable Federal financial assistance and contracting principles promulgated by the Office of Management and Budget. In complying with these requirements, recipients must ensure that no concession agreements are denied or other contracting decisions made on the basis of speech or other activities protected by the First Amendment. If the Department determines that a recipient has failed to comply with applicable Federal requirements, the Department may terminate the award of funds and disallow previously incurred costs, requiring the recipient to reimburse any expended award funds.

(3) Reporting The post-award reporting requirements include submission of the Federal Financial Report (FFR) and Milestone Progress Report in TrAMS. An evaluation of the grant will occur at various points in the demonstration process and at the end of the project. In addition, FTA is responsible for producing an Annual Report to Congress that compiles evaluation of selected projects, including an evaluation of the performance measures identified by the applicants.

All applicants must develop an evaluation plan to measure the success or failure of their projects and describe any plans for broad-based implementation of successful projects. FTA may request data and reports to support the evaluation and Annual Report. A.

Independent Evaluation To achieve a comprehensive understanding of the impacts and implications of each proposed asthma treatment Research Demonstration Program, projects funded under this announcement will require the recipient to conduct a third party independent evaluation of their project. Recipients will be required to contract with a third party independent evaluator to assist in developing an evaluation plan, and collecting, storing and managing data required to fulfill the evaluation requirement. No more than 10 percent of the Federal share of the project may be used to hire the third-party independent evaluator and the inclusion of a third-party independent evaluation should be described in the grant application.

If the project duration is more than two years, an interim evaluation report would need to be submitted to FTA, otherwise the evaluation report should be included as part of the final project report. B. asthma treatment Research Demonstration Grant Program Evaluation Projects funded under this announcement will be required to establish a set of performance metrics set by the third-party independent evaluator and shared with FTA.

G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts Information For questions about applying, please contact Jamel El-Hamri email. Jamel.El-Hamri@dot.gov phone.

202-366-8985. A TDD is available at 1-800-877-8339 (TDDFIRS). To ensure that applicants receive accurate information about eligibility or the program, applicants are encouraged to contact FTA directly with questions, rather than through intermediaries or third parties.Start Printed Page 63658 FTA staff also may conduct briefings on the competitive grants selection and award process upon request.

Start Signature K. Jane Williams, Deputy Administrator. End Signature End Supplemental Information [FR Doc.

2020-22316 Filed 10-7-20. 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 4910-57-P.

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We have some 22 volunteer leaders in communities across how many puffs of ventolin can i take Thailand, who told me that read review while there is sufficient information and support for parents about asthma treatment, there is nothing specifically for children. So, I had the idea of designing and distributing a children’s activity book to teach children about best practices in avoiding asthma treatment while keeping them entertained at home. The initiative consists of three engagement opportunities. A story for children showing what they need to do to stay safe during the ventolin, a painting or illustration activity with winning designs chosen to illustrate a UNICEF booklet and a challenge to get volunteers to distribute UNICEF asthma treatment information.Loving the story and tears of joyAt first, we planned to produce only 4,000 copies of how many puffs of ventolin can i take the story booklet, but the requests have far exceeded the production quota.

The kids love it, which fills my heart with joy. I went to the community to help the emergency response distributing toolkits and supplies to those families in the slum areas. I saw quite a big smile how many puffs of ventolin can i take on their faces. Some of them shouted to their neighbour "I got something!.

" After that, all the kids in the area were standing at their doorstep waiting for us to walk over. There was one little how many puffs of ventolin can i take girl who ran to me after I gave her the booklet who said "Can I have one more, please?. I have a little brother. He is still very tiny but when he is bigger, I will give it to him” A few weeks after that we received more feedback from the community.

They said how many puffs of ventolin can i take that the booklet was effective. Children are learning while coloring the booklet and the content helps parents and caregivers to initiate conversations with them. I have read all the social media posts about the booklet, and my eyes are filled with tears of joy. UNICEF/Nipattra WilkesUNICEF volunteer Rasa how many puffs of ventolin can i take Pattikasemkul at work in Khon Kean, in northeastern Thailand.Role of volunteers “absolutely changed” during ventolinasthma treatment, which is now our main focus, absolutely changed the role of our volunteers.

Before the ventolin, we were able to go outside, organize a walk, talk to people, and advocate for children. Now, we have to be more cautious with no unnecessary physical contact between volunteers and children. That’s for the safety of how many puffs of ventolin can i take both sides. Most of our activities now are online.

For example, we recruited professional psychologists to volunteer with us to provide counseling sessions for youth who need mental health support. We also recruited a videographer and editor, to produce an interview with how many puffs of ventolin can i take a doctor and psychologist who provided tips and advice on how to cope with the lockdown. All the UNVs are now working from home. Personally, I don't think this change is a problem.

We have to how many puffs of ventolin can i take adapt to it, be flexible and have the right mentality of "nothing can stop you". We have worked with great team spirit and we were able to launch the three initiatives.Vulnerable children facing a “wide range of risks”Even prior to the ventolin, children were vulnerable in our society. Lockdown measures due to asthma treatment have exposed children to a wide range of risks. Many families lost their sources of income so there can how many puffs of ventolin can i take be heightened tensions in the household.

Stressed parents or caregivers, social isolation and increased risk factors for violence at home. The children I have spoken to are very resilient. Some say how many puffs of ventolin can i take it's good that they get to be with their parents more, some say that they want to go to school and play with their friends. Acting as “big sister”, following family lossMy little brother died on a rainy day in September 2018.

I loved watching him grow up, how he took his first steps. Sadly I had to how many puffs of ventolin can i take see the place where he took his last steps, as well. Ever since I lost my brother, I have wanted to recapture that feeling of being the big sister again. That is my passion.As a volunteer, I now have thousands of brothers and sisters who could benefit from my strength, my personal skills and my professional abilities.

I think this is my calling, this is my passion how many puffs of ventolin can i take. No matter what I do at UNICEF if I could make one child's life a little bit better. It's worth everything to me. Some people take pleasure in making someone's life a how many puffs of ventolin can i take little bit better.

I am one of those people.”Ahead of World Soil Day, marked on 5 December, FAO launched its first ever report on "The State of Knowledge of Soil Biodiversity". The report examines the potential of soil organisms in ensuring sustainable agri-food systems and mitigating climate change. "Soil biodiversity and sustainable soil management is a prerequisite for the achievement of many of the Sustainable Development Goals", said FAO Deputy Director-General Maria Helena Semedo how many puffs of ventolin can i take. "Therefore, data and information on soil biodiversity, from the national to the global level, are necessary in order to efficiently plan management strategies on a subject that is still poorly known", she added.

Biodiversity below According to the report, despite the fact biodiversity loss is at the forefront of global concerns, biodiversity below ground is not being given the prominence it deserves and needs to be fully considered when planning how best to boost sustainable development. "We hope that the knowledge contained in this report will facilitate the assessment of how many puffs of ventolin can i take the state of soil biodiversity as an integral part of national- and regional-level biodiversity reporting and any soil surveys", Ms. Semedo advanced. Being one of the main ‘global reservoirs’ of biodiversity, soils host more than 25 percent of the world's biological diversity.

In addition, more than 40 how many puffs of ventolin can i take percent of living organisms in terrestrial ecosystems are associated with soils during their life cycle. The report defines soil biodiversity as the variety of life belowground, from genes and animal species, to the communities they form, as well as the ecological complexes to which they contribute and to which they belong. From soil micro-habitats to landscapes. These include a wide range of organisms, from unicellular and microscopic forms, to invertebrates such as nematodes, earthworms, arthropods and their larval stages, as well as mammals, reptiles, and amphibians that spend a large how many puffs of ventolin can i take part of their life belowground, and a great diversity of algae and fungi.  Keep soil alive, protect biodiversity Plants nurture a whole world of creatures in the soil, FAO notes, that in return feed and protect the plants.

It is this diverse community of living organisms that keeps the soil healthy and fertile, which constitutes soil biodiversity, and determines the main biogeochemical processes that make life possible on Earth. This year, by addressing the increasing challenges of soil management, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) campaign "Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity" aims to raise awareness of the importance of sustaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being. By encouraging people around the world to engage in proactively improving soil health, the campaign how many puffs of ventolin can i take also aims to fight soil biodiversity loss. Threats to soil biodiversity Although soils are essential for human well-being and the sustainability of life on the planet, they are threatened by human activity, climate change and natural disasters.

[embedded content]The overuse and misuse of agrochemicals remains one of the major drivers to soil biodiversity loss, thus reducing the potential of soil biodiversity for a sustainable agriculture and food security. Other threats include deforestation, urbanization, soil structure degradation, how many puffs of ventolin can i take soil acidification, pollution, wildfires, erosion, and landslides, among other issues, the agency alerts. Soils and climate action Nature-based solutions involving soil microorganisms have a significant potential to mitigate climate change. They play a key role in carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The report also found that farming activities are the biggest source of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide gases emitted by soils, which derive from the overuse or misuse of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Future steps Generally, there is a lack of detailed data, policies and actions on soil biodiversity at local, national, regional, and global levels. The report highlighted the need to promote the necessary shift to include biological indicators of soil health along with physical and chemical ones.

We have some 22 volunteer leaders in communities across where can you get ventolin Thailand, who told me that while there can you buy ventolin over the counter is sufficient information and support for parents about asthma treatment, there is nothing specifically for children. So, I had the idea of designing and distributing a children’s activity book to teach children about best practices in avoiding asthma treatment while keeping them entertained at home. The initiative consists of three engagement opportunities. A story for children showing what they need to do to stay safe during the ventolin, a painting or illustration activity with winning designs chosen to illustrate a UNICEF booklet and a challenge to get volunteers to distribute UNICEF asthma treatment information.Loving the story and tears of joyAt first, we planned to produce where can you get ventolin only 4,000 copies of the story booklet, but the requests have far exceeded the production quota.

The kids love it, which fills my heart with joy. I went to the community to help the emergency response distributing toolkits and supplies to those families in the slum areas. I saw quite a big smile where can you get ventolin on their faces. Some of them shouted to their neighbour "I got something!.

" After that, all the kids in the area were standing at their doorstep waiting for us to walk over. There was one little girl who where can you get ventolin ran to me after I gave her the booklet who said "Can I have one more, please?. I have a little brother. He is still very tiny but when he is bigger, I will give it to him” A few weeks after that we received more feedback from the community.

They said that the where can you get ventolin booklet was effective. Children are learning while coloring the booklet and the content helps parents and caregivers to initiate conversations with them. I have read all the social media posts about the booklet, and my eyes are filled with tears of joy. UNICEF/Nipattra where can you get ventolin WilkesUNICEF volunteer Rasa Pattikasemkul at work in Khon Kean, in northeastern Thailand.Role of volunteers “absolutely changed” during ventolinasthma treatment, which is now our main focus, absolutely changed the role of our volunteers.

Before the ventolin, we were able to go outside, organize a walk, talk to people, and advocate for children. Now, we have to be more cautious with no unnecessary physical contact between volunteers and children. That’s for the where can you get ventolin safety of both sides. Most of our activities now are online.

For example, we recruited professional psychologists to volunteer with us to provide counseling sessions for youth who need mental health support. We also recruited a videographer and editor, where can you get ventolin to produce an interview with a doctor and psychologist who provided tips and advice on how to cope with the lockdown. All the UNVs are now working from home. Personally, I don't think this change is a problem.

We have to adapt to where can you get ventolin it, be flexible and have the right mentality of "nothing can stop you". We have worked with great team spirit and we were able to launch the three initiatives.Vulnerable children facing a “wide range of risks”Even prior to the ventolin, children were vulnerable in our society. Lockdown measures due to asthma treatment have exposed children to a wide range of risks. Many families lost their sources of income so there where can you get ventolin can be heightened tensions in the household.

Stressed parents or caregivers, social isolation and increased risk factors for violence at home. The children I have spoken to are very resilient. Some say it's good that they get to be with their parents more, some say that they want to go to school and play with where can you get ventolin their friends. Acting as “big sister”, following family lossMy little brother died on a rainy day in September 2018.

I loved watching him grow up, how he took his first steps. Sadly I had to see the place where he took his last where can you get ventolin steps, as well. Ever since I lost my brother, I have wanted to recapture that feeling of being the big sister again. That is my passion.As a volunteer, I now have thousands of brothers and sisters who could benefit from my strength, my personal skills and my professional abilities.

I think where can you get ventolin this is my calling, this is my passion. No matter what I do at UNICEF if I could make one child's life a little bit better. It's worth everything to me. Some people take pleasure in making someone's life a little bit where can you get ventolin better.

I am one of those people.”Ahead of World Soil Day, marked on 5 December, FAO launched its first ever report on "The State of Knowledge of Soil Biodiversity". The report examines the potential of soil organisms in ensuring sustainable agri-food systems and mitigating climate change. "Soil biodiversity and sustainable soil management is a prerequisite for the achievement of where can you get ventolin many of the Sustainable Development Goals", said FAO Deputy Director-General Maria Helena Semedo. "Therefore, data and information on soil biodiversity, from the national to the global level, are necessary in order to efficiently plan management strategies on a subject that is still poorly known", she added.

Biodiversity below According to the report, despite the fact biodiversity loss is at the forefront of global concerns, biodiversity below ground is not being given the prominence it deserves and needs to be fully considered when planning how best to boost sustainable development. "We hope that the knowledge contained in this report will facilitate the assessment of the state of soil where can you get ventolin biodiversity as an integral part of national- and regional-level biodiversity reporting and any soil surveys", Ms. Semedo advanced. Being one of the main ‘global reservoirs’ of biodiversity, soils host more than 25 percent of the world's biological diversity.

In addition, more than 40 percent of living organisms in terrestrial where can you get ventolin ecosystems are associated with soils during their life cycle. The report defines soil biodiversity as the variety of life belowground, from genes and animal species, to the communities they form, as well as the ecological complexes to which they contribute and to which they belong. From soil micro-habitats to landscapes. These include a wide range of organisms, from unicellular and microscopic forms, to invertebrates such as nematodes, earthworms, arthropods and their larval stages, as well as mammals, reptiles, and amphibians that spend a large part of their life belowground, and a great diversity of algae and fungi.  Keep soil alive, protect biodiversity Plants nurture a whole world of creatures in the soil, FAO notes, where can you get ventolin that in return feed and protect the plants.

It is this diverse community of living organisms that keeps the soil healthy and fertile, which constitutes soil biodiversity, and determines the main biogeochemical processes that make life possible on Earth. This year, by addressing the increasing challenges of soil management, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) campaign "Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity" aims to raise awareness of the importance of sustaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being. By encouraging people around the world to engage in proactively improving soil health, the campaign also aims where can you get ventolin to fight soil biodiversity loss. Threats to soil biodiversity Although soils are essential for human well-being and the sustainability of life on the planet, they are threatened by human activity, climate change and natural disasters.

[embedded content]The overuse and misuse of agrochemicals remains one of the major drivers to soil biodiversity loss, thus reducing the potential of soil biodiversity for a sustainable agriculture and food security. Other threats include where can you get ventolin deforestation, urbanization, soil structure degradation, soil acidification, pollution, wildfires, erosion, and landslides, among other issues, the agency alerts. Soils and climate action Nature-based solutions involving soil microorganisms have a significant potential to mitigate climate change. They play a key role in carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The report also found that farming activities are the biggest source of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide gases emitted by soils, which derive from the overuse or misuse of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Future steps Generally, there is a lack of detailed data, policies and actions on soil biodiversity at local, national, regional, and global levels. The report highlighted the need to promote the necessary shift to include biological indicators of soil health along with physical and chemical ones.

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A level playing fieldI guess the ‘brochure’ never ventolin ep claimed that (much as we want it to be wrong) the world is balanced and equitable. As the selections illustrate, it is, though, what we should continue to aspire to – being on the same field is a reasonable place to start.Costs of illness. Child pneumonia in low and middle income countriesLet’s start with some positives. In 2000, global child deaths ventolin ep from pneumonia numbered around 1.7 million, but, by 2017 had dropped (by GBD estimates) to 809 000.

The introduction of haemophilus B and penumococal vaccination to routine surveillance has been a big factor as have enhanced recognition (through the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness approaches) and improved pre-, peri- and postnatal care of children whose mothers have HIV. There is though, an elephant in this particular room. The costs of care for many families, both direct medical and non-medical (accomodation, for example) and indirect in the form of loss of productivity and salary is daunting ventolin ep. In an estimated costs of illness study, Marufa Sultana and colleagues from the ICDDB-R assessed the household financial impact of a hospital admission for a child with pneumonia.

The results provide a pretty clearcut pointer for intervention with an admission costing a poor urban family the equivalent of 43% of a monthly income and, for their rural counterparts, 20%. Add to this that approximately 80% of global pneumonia mortality is out of hospital so any ventolin ep means of encouraging families to seek help early but ensure this is economically feasible is to be welcomed. Health insurance seems to be the key. See page 539CholesterolConceptually, screening is quite straightforward.

For a ventolin ep programme to ‘work’, the prerequisites are as follows. A common problem. A sensitive test with a high positive predictive value. Feasibility.

Acceptability and an effective treatment. Cardiovascular disease stubbornly remains at the top table for mortality and the origins are acknowledged to be early in life. Familial hypercholesterolaemia is a major contributor to coronary heart disease. There is a simple sensitive and specific screening test and, once identified is treatable with statins at an appopriate age currently 8 years.

There’s another bonus too, if children are identified, their parents (who will be at high risk) can also be screened and, if also positive, saved, by starting statin treatment rather than dying prematurely. The earlier treatment starts, the better the chance for the parent and, later on once statins can be started, the child. Combining the screen with the 1 year vaccinations, would spare both appointments and distress. David Wald and Andrew Martin argue the case ‘for’.

See page 525A point in historyIn a poignant Voices from history, reflection, Samuel Schotland describes the inspiration for and development of the seminal Bridge programme for street youths and homeless in Boston at the start of the 1970s inaugurated by Andrew Guthrie an adolescent physician. Though one could argue the case for turmoil in many eras, before and after, but the then epidemic levels of homelessness, homophobia, drug addiction that had been fermenting during the 1960s makes this period stand out. The idea was a simple one. To provide support, medical, psychological and social help to the hordes of children who had found themselves in hard times.

The vehicle (literally and metaphorically) was a van which doubled as clinic, social work centre and rehabilition co-ordinator. Fast forward 50 years, multiple iterations (700 in the US alone) and numerous lives changed, it’s hard to overstate the influence of the project or the way in which it personified a decade which began with the US withdrawal from Vietnam and ended with the USSR wresting for control over Afghanistan. See page 615Have we gone forwards or backwards?. The WHO declared asthma treatment a ventolin in March 2020.

By the end of 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrated that the cumulative rate of asthma treatment-associated hospitalisations for patients <18 years of age was 23.9 per 100 000 population compared with adults 18 or older at 449.9 per 100 000 population.1 A recent assessment done by the Society of Critical Care Medicine estimated that the USA had 34.7 critical care beds per 100 000 population. 5% of which are paediatric critical care beds and 24% being neonatal intensive care beds.2 The resultant shortage of adult intensive care unit (AICU) resources due to the surge of asthma treatment s sparked ingenuity in a time when the world was thrust into chaos.Amid this, Sinha et al in this issue found creative ways for children’s doctors to care for sick adults with asthma treatment disease.3 In a carefully crafted rubric, the authors show how thoughtful planning and methodical implementation in England can mobilise emergency resources in a time of crisis. As such, their success met the demand to increase AICU resources during the early surge of the asthma treatment ventolin while still meeting the paediatric critical care needs of the country.At the beginning of the ventolin a number of adult and paediatric-trained critical care physician experts developed recommendations on how to care clinically for adults in paediatric settings.4 5 As the world disaster continued to unfold, several models to implement these recommendations began to take shape in three differing models. Exclusive management of adults in paediatric ICUs (PICU) with a centrally located PICU regionally to care for children, a hybrid adult and PICU, or the establishment of new AICUs staffed by paediatric critical care physicians (summarised in table 1).

These models were aptly developed by multiple institutions across the world. Sinha et al’s experience in England is unique due to the magnitude and coordination of their efforts across an entire country.View this table:Table 1 Models of paediatric physicians caring for critically ill adultsEarly in the ventolin our institution initially adopted a model of PICU physicians caring for critically ill adults in our paediatric hospital alongside children. However, in the second wave (Fall 2020), we mobilised PICU physicians and nurses to adult asthma treatment ICUs across our health system, as additional adult asthma treatment ICUs were developed when additional physical spaces were identified. From these experiences we were able to consider which aspects of these models worked well and further identify additional opportunities for growth.

While caring for adults in our PICU, we relied on our strong well-established communication systems among familiar team members to adapt to this new patient population. However, we were persistently aware that should adult-specific procedural care be required (ie, interventional catheterisation) adult patients would need to be transported back to the adult hospital, possibly resulting in delayed care. In the second wave, as PICU providers were covering the adult asthma treatment ICUs in the adult hospital, some patients did require emergent evaluation for acute coronary syndrome and cerebrovascular accident, which was facilitated with adult-specific providers—accustomed to providing these evaluations and interventions in their familiar surroundings. However, this ‘luxury’ of providing care in the adult hospital by paediatric providers was in part possible because of available physical space.

If capacity were reached in these locations, system-wide planning already deemed that overflow would return adults to be cared for in the PICU.Regardless of the model for using paediatric critical care physicians for adult critical care needs there are key differences in adult and paediatric critical care as children are not ‘little adults’, nor adults ‘big kids’. Recognising that adults can be cared for in paediatric settings or by paediatric practitioners in a different fashion than adult counterparts and acknowledge gaps in this care is paramount for success. To successfully deploy resources to a PICU repurposed for adults, a structure framework must be first undertaken to ensure success. This framework must include a fundamental understanding (or recognition where knowledge gaps exist) of potential adult diseases with complications, the availability of adult consultation services, the retraining of relevant staff, the ability to repurpose the PICU space, the ability to stock appropriate equipment and supplies and the development of a command centre that can oversee operations.

These needs occur only after a strong organisational leadership is developed that can focus on these aspects while managing in times of crisis and surge. Likewise, providing transparency in the system and to patients via effective communication that standards of care may be different during a ventolin than outside of a crisis surge is prudent for any repurposed model to engage success.4There are some key concerns and questions that still remain with all of these approaches that beckon the old adage ‘just because you can do something, should you?. €™ First, were clinical outcomes worse or better when paediatric practitioners were caring for adult patients?. Second, was standard of care for adults compromised with delays in management due to a lack of experience with diseases that require timely intervention, that is, delays to percutaneous coronary intervention in myocardial infarction or to alteplase administration in cerebrovascular accident?.

This may be difficult to ascertain as delays in care across all health systems were occurring with the flood of patients with asthma treatment disease. Nonetheless, these are important concerns that should be evaluated across all models to see if one method had improved outcomes. Third, did ICU workflow and ICU personnel need change in PICUs whether adult patients who were triaged were asthma treatment or non-asthma treatment, that is, in a ventolin is it prudent to triage the patient with the ‘ventolin disease’ to these settings or instead triage patients with known adult diseases (ie, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation, pancreatitis, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state) to the PICU setting or for paediatric practitioners?. Finally, with dual-trained internal medicine-paediatrics physicians and nurses, should there be a move in physician and nurse training for more adult (or paediatric) training to develop familiarity in clinical management?.

This training may be crucial as we work towards future ventolins, especially as the frequency of such has seemingly increased over the past 20 years (SARS, Zika, Ebola, asthma treatment). The answers to these questions with rigorous evaluation of not just ‘that we were able to do something’ but rather ‘that we were able to do so in a fashion that provided equal or even better patient outcomes’ are paramount for future considerations.Nonetheless, the asthma treatment ventolin has undeniably shown under times of great duress to the medical profession, the best of collegiality and truthfully humanity. The ability to manage patients outside the scope of standard practice to meet the needs of a country surging after careful and thoughtful strategic planning provides hope to many other regions that need guidance for this or any future ventolins. Crisis surge and implementation planning tenants have not changed per se in this ventolin but rather the manner and scope by which these have been applied by necessity has altered the manner in which systems may need to approach the delivery of healthcare to institutions, regions and countries.

Novel methods of system and ICU simulation may further refine methodology, system dynamics, group modelling, and improve rapid deployment to meet surge needs more expeditiously in future ventolins. Fortunately, these successful experiences with ICU repurposing are possible in a time where paediatric patients are largely unaffected en masse. However, the lessons learnt from these preparations are grossly important as the potential for a future ventolin that affects both adults and children may present unfathomable challenges..

A level playing fieldI guess the ‘brochure’ never claimed that (much as we want it to be wrong) the https://detailedbydesign.com/buy-real-cialis-online/ world where can you get ventolin is balanced and equitable. As the selections illustrate, it is, though, what we should continue to aspire to – being on the same field is a reasonable place to start.Costs of illness. Child pneumonia in low and middle income countriesLet’s start with some positives. In 2000, global child deaths from pneumonia numbered around 1.7 million, but, by 2017 had dropped where can you get ventolin (by GBD estimates) to 809 000.

The introduction of haemophilus B and penumococal vaccination to routine surveillance has been a big factor as have enhanced recognition (through the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness approaches) and improved pre-, peri- and postnatal care of children whose mothers have HIV. There is though, an elephant in this particular room. The costs of care for many families, both direct medical and non-medical (accomodation, for example) and indirect in the form of loss of productivity and where can you get ventolin salary is daunting. In an estimated costs of illness study, Marufa Sultana and colleagues from the ICDDB-R assessed the household financial impact of a hospital admission for a child with pneumonia.

The results provide a pretty clearcut pointer for intervention with an admission costing a poor urban family the equivalent of 43% of a monthly income and, for their rural counterparts, 20%. Add to this that approximately 80% of global pneumonia mortality is out of hospital so any means of encouraging families to seek where can you get ventolin help early but ensure this is economically feasible is to be welcomed. Health insurance seems to be the key. See page 539CholesterolConceptually, screening is quite straightforward.

For a programme where can you get ventolin to ‘work’, the prerequisites are as follows. A common problem. A sensitive test with a high positive predictive value. Feasibility.

Acceptability and an effective treatment. Cardiovascular disease stubbornly remains at the top table for mortality and the origins are acknowledged to be early in life. Familial hypercholesterolaemia is a major contributor to coronary heart disease. There is a simple sensitive and specific screening test and, once identified is treatable with statins at an appopriate age currently 8 years.

There’s another bonus too, if children are identified, their parents (who will be at high risk) can also be screened and, if also positive, saved, by starting statin treatment rather than dying prematurely. The earlier treatment starts, the better the chance for the parent and, later on once statins can be started, the child. Combining the screen with the 1 year vaccinations, would spare both appointments and distress. David Wald and Andrew Martin argue the case ‘for’.

See page 525A point in historyIn a poignant Voices from history, reflection, Samuel Schotland describes the inspiration for and development of the seminal Bridge programme for street youths and homeless in Boston at the start of the 1970s inaugurated by Andrew Guthrie an adolescent physician. Though one could argue the case for turmoil in many eras, before and after, but the then epidemic levels of homelessness, homophobia, drug addiction that had been fermenting during the 1960s makes this period stand out. The idea was a simple one. To provide support, medical, psychological and social help to the hordes of children who had found themselves in hard times.

The vehicle (literally and metaphorically) was a van which doubled as clinic, social work centre and rehabilition co-ordinator. Fast forward 50 years, multiple iterations (700 in the US alone) and numerous lives changed, it’s hard to overstate the influence of the project or the way in which it personified a decade which began with the US withdrawal from Vietnam and ended with the USSR wresting for control over Afghanistan. See page 615Have we gone forwards or backwards?. The WHO declared asthma treatment a ventolin in March 2020.

By the end of 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrated that the cumulative rate of asthma treatment-associated hospitalisations for patients <18 years of age was 23.9 per 100 000 population compared with adults 18 or older at 449.9 per 100 000 population.1 A recent assessment done by the Society of Critical Care Medicine estimated that the USA had 34.7 critical care beds per 100 000 population. 5% of which are paediatric critical care beds and 24% being neonatal intensive care beds.2 The resultant shortage of adult intensive care unit (AICU) resources due to the surge of asthma treatment s sparked ingenuity in a time when the world was thrust into chaos.Amid this, Sinha et al in this issue found creative ways for children’s doctors to care for sick adults with asthma treatment disease.3 In a carefully crafted rubric, the authors show how thoughtful planning and methodical implementation in England can mobilise emergency resources in a time of crisis. As such, their success met the demand to increase AICU resources during the early surge of the asthma treatment ventolin while still meeting the paediatric critical care needs of the country.At the beginning of the ventolin a number of adult and paediatric-trained critical care physician experts developed recommendations on how to care clinically for adults in paediatric settings.4 5 As the world disaster continued to unfold, several models to implement these recommendations began to take shape in three differing models. Exclusive management of adults in paediatric ICUs (PICU) with a centrally located PICU regionally to care for children, a hybrid adult and PICU, or the establishment of new AICUs staffed by paediatric critical care physicians (summarised in table 1).

These models were aptly developed by multiple institutions across the world. Sinha et al’s experience in England is unique due to the magnitude and coordination of their efforts across an entire country.View this table:Table 1 Models of paediatric physicians caring for critically ill adultsEarly in the ventolin our institution initially adopted a model of PICU physicians caring for critically ill adults in our paediatric hospital alongside children. However, in the second wave (Fall 2020), we mobilised PICU physicians and nurses to adult asthma treatment ICUs across our health system, as additional adult asthma treatment ICUs were developed when additional physical spaces were identified. From these experiences we were able to consider which aspects of these models worked well and further identify additional opportunities for growth.

While caring for adults in our PICU, we relied on our strong well-established communication systems among familiar team members to adapt to this new patient population. However, we were persistently aware that should adult-specific procedural care be required (ie, interventional catheterisation) adult patients would need to be transported back to the adult hospital, possibly resulting in delayed care. In the second wave, as PICU providers were covering the adult asthma treatment ICUs in the adult hospital, some patients did require emergent evaluation for acute coronary syndrome and cerebrovascular accident, which was facilitated with adult-specific providers—accustomed to providing these evaluations and interventions in their familiar surroundings. However, this ‘luxury’ of providing care in the adult hospital by paediatric providers was in part possible because of available physical space.

If capacity were reached in these locations, system-wide planning already deemed that overflow would return adults to be cared for in the PICU.Regardless of the model for using paediatric critical care physicians for adult critical care needs there are key differences in adult and paediatric critical care as children are not ‘little adults’, nor adults ‘big kids’. Recognising that adults can be cared for in paediatric settings or by paediatric practitioners in a different fashion than adult counterparts and acknowledge gaps in this care is paramount for success. To successfully deploy resources to a PICU repurposed for adults, a structure framework must be first undertaken to ensure success. This framework must include a fundamental understanding (or recognition where knowledge gaps exist) of potential adult diseases with complications, the availability of adult consultation services, the retraining of relevant staff, the ability to repurpose the PICU space, the ability to stock appropriate equipment and supplies and the development of a command centre that can oversee operations.

These needs occur only after a strong organisational leadership is developed that can focus on these aspects while managing in times of crisis and surge. Likewise, providing transparency in the system and to patients via effective communication that standards of care may be different during a ventolin than outside of a crisis surge is prudent for any repurposed model to engage success.4There are some key concerns and questions that still remain with all of these approaches that beckon the old adage ‘just because you can do something, should you?. €™ First, were clinical outcomes worse or better when paediatric practitioners were caring for adult patients?. Second, was standard of care for adults compromised with delays in management due to a lack of experience with diseases that require timely intervention, that is, delays to percutaneous coronary intervention in myocardial infarction or to alteplase administration in cerebrovascular accident?.

This may be difficult to ascertain as delays in care across all health systems were occurring with the flood of patients with asthma treatment disease. Nonetheless, these are important concerns that should be evaluated across all models to see if one method had improved outcomes. Third, did ICU workflow and ICU personnel need change in PICUs whether adult patients who were triaged were asthma treatment or non-asthma treatment, that is, in a ventolin is it prudent to triage the patient with the ‘ventolin disease’ to these settings or instead triage patients with known adult diseases (ie, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation, pancreatitis, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state) to the PICU setting or for paediatric practitioners?. Finally, with dual-trained internal medicine-paediatrics physicians and nurses, should there be a move in physician and nurse training for more adult (or paediatric) training to develop familiarity in clinical management?.

This training may be crucial as we work towards future ventolins, especially as the frequency of such has seemingly increased over the past 20 years (SARS, Zika, Ebola, asthma treatment). The answers to these questions with rigorous evaluation of not just ‘that we were able to do something’ but rather ‘that we were able to do so in a fashion that provided equal or even better patient outcomes’ are paramount for future considerations.Nonetheless, the asthma treatment ventolin has undeniably shown under times of great duress to the medical profession, the best of collegiality and truthfully humanity. The ability to manage patients outside the scope of standard practice to meet the needs of a country surging after careful and thoughtful strategic planning provides hope to many other regions that need guidance for this or any future ventolins. Crisis surge and implementation planning tenants have not changed per se in this ventolin but rather the manner and scope by which these have been applied by necessity has altered the manner in which systems may need to approach the delivery of healthcare to institutions, regions and countries.

Novel methods of system and ICU simulation may further refine methodology, system dynamics, group modelling, and improve rapid deployment to meet surge needs more expeditiously in future ventolins. Fortunately, these successful experiences with ICU repurposing are possible in a time where paediatric patients are largely unaffected en masse. However, the lessons learnt from these preparations are grossly important as the potential for a future ventolin that affects both adults and children may present unfathomable challenges..

Ventolin cortisone

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) is the single biggest improvement in health insurance affordability since read the ventolin cortisone Affordable Care Act was implemented. For 2021 and 2022, it has increased the size of premium subsidies in the marketplace/exchange, and eliminated the “subsidy cliff.” The ARP ensures that Americans who receive unemployment compensation at any time in 2021 can enroll in a premium-free Silver plan with full cost-sharing reductions. (If you’re ventolin cortisone eligible for this benefit but enrolled in a non-Silver plan, you’ll need to switch to a Silver plan in order to take advantage of the cost-sharing reductions.

In most states, you have until August 15, 2021 to make this change.) It also provides subsidies to cover the full cost of COBRA or state continuation coverage, through September 2021, for people who involuntarily lose their jobs or have their hours reduced. To allow people an opportunity to access the enhanced premium subsidies in the marketplace, there’s a one-time special enrollment window that continues through August 15, 2021 in most states. Largely as a result of this enrollment opportunity and the ARP’s subsidy enhancements, effectuated enrollment in the marketplaces nationwide has almost certainly reached a record high, with an estimated 1.65 million people enrolling during the ventolin cortisone first three-and-a-half months of the special enrollment period.

ARP subsidies particularly valuable for older plan buyers People of all ages, including the “young and invincible” population, are finding that coverage is more affordable now that the American Rescue Plan has been implemented. But because the full-price cost of health insurance is based on age — and is therefore higher for older enrollees — the ARP’s additional subsidies are particularly valuable for older Americans. Some older consumers have been purchasing their own individual-market health insurance for years, and are now finding that their premiums are lower than they were ventolin cortisone before the ARP was enacted.

(This is true only if these consumers update their marketplace application to activate the new subsidies or claim them later on their tax returns. People who have off-exchange coverage will need to transition to the exchange in order to ventolin cortisone take advantage of the new subsidies, either upfront or on a tax return.) But the ARP is also making it easier for people to transition from employer-sponsored health insurance to a self-purchased health plan. This is especially true for older applicants, since their subsidies are larger (to offset the higher premiums they would otherwise have to pay).

So if you’re still a few years out from Medicare eligibility and facing the loss of your employer-sponsored health plan, rest assured that you’ll have options for health coverage. And thanks ventolin cortisone to the ACA and the ARP, it’s more likely you’ll be able to afford it. A closer look.

Age 60 and transitioning to the individual market You can use this spreadsheet to get a sense of how much the ARP has boosted premium subsidies, particularly for older Americans who didn’t previously qualify for a subsidy due to income. (See the second section, with examples ventolin cortisone for a 60-year-old.) But here’s an example to help illustrate the point. Let’s consider Giuseppe, a 60-year-old who lives in Dallas and has chosen to retire despite having another five years before he’s eligible for Medicare.

To show just how much the American Rescue Plan has improved the situation, we’ll assume that he’s already ventolin cortisone earned $55,000 in 2021 before leaving his job. Because his income level is above 400% of the federal poverty level for a single person, Giuseppe would not have been eligible for a premium subsidy at all under the pre-ARP rules, even for the months after he ceased to earn an income. And since Texas has refused to expand Medicaid eligibility under the ACA, he would also be ineligible for Medicaid – even if his monthly income drops to $0 due to the job loss.

(This is still the case, even with the American Rescue Plan in place.) Thanks to the ARP, Giuseppe will qualify for a premium tax credit (premium subsidy) of nearly $500/month once he transitions from his employer-sponsored plan to a plan in ventolin cortisone the Texas marketplace. (That’s based on the assumption that he won’t have any additional income for the remainder of the year, and that his annual income for 2021 will end up being $55,000.) Giuseppe will be able to choose from among 83 different plans, with after-subsidy premiums that start at just $84/month. That’s a plan with a high deductible.

Depending on his expected medical needs, it might make sense to pay more to get a more robust plan ventolin cortisone. But no matter what plan he chooses, out-of-pocket costs for in-network care won’t exceed $8,550 in 2021, essential health benefits will be covered on all of the available plans, and pre-existing conditions will also be covered. Before the American Rescue Plan was implemented, Giuseppe would have had to pay a minimum of $584/month for individual health insurance in 2021 (the full-price cost for the cheapest Bronze-level plan available in the marketplace), because he would have been ineligible for premium subsidies due to the income he earned earlier in the year.

ACA + ARP subsidy is particularly valuable for older enrollees If Giuseppe were 30 instead of 60, the full-price cost for the least expensive Bronze ventolin cortisone plan would only be $243/month. That disparity highlights the importance of the ACA/ARP subsidies. Without any ventolin cortisone subsidies, Giuseppe would be paying almost two and a half times as much as a 30-year-old.

But thanks to the subsidies, Giuseppe has access to plans that are significantly less expensive than the options he would have if he were 30 years old. If he were 30 and earning the same $55,000 in income this year, he would not qualify for a subsidy at all, even with the ARP in place. That’s because the cost of the benchmark plan would already be less than 8.5% of his income, which is the cap imposed by the ventolin cortisone ARP.

(For a 30-year-old in Dallas, the full-price cost of the benchmark plan is $371/month. It would have to be more than $390/month to trigger a subsidy.) But as we saw above, 60-year-old Giuseppe’s subsidy is large enough that it brings down the cost of the least expensive plan to just $84/month. (It will make the benchmark plan equal to about $390/month, which is 8.5% of his ventolin cortisone income.) Location matters Subsidy amounts vary from one place to another, as do the number of available plans and the pricing for the lowest-cost plans.

If 60-year-old Giuseppe lives in Orlando, for example, he’ll qualify for a subsidy of about $600/month, and will be able to choose from among 124 health plans. But the lowest-cost plan will be ventolin cortisone about $150/month. (Without the American Rescue Plan, it would have been about $750/month.) But in both Dallas and Orlando — and anywhere else in the country — Giuseppe will pay no more than $390/month (8.5% of his income) for the benchmark Silver plan.

Before the ARP was implemented, Giuseppe’s cost for the benchmark plan would simply have been the full-price cost for that plan — which varies from one place to another — as he wouldn’t have qualified for a subsidy since his income is more than 400% of the poverty level. Even if Giuseppe had an income below 400% of the poverty level, and would have been eligible for a subsidy before the ARP, his ventolin cortisone subsidy is now larger than it would have been (as illustrated in the other income scenarios here), since he’s now expected to pay a smaller percentage of his income in premiums. For many enrollees, plans are available with no premiums at all.

If you haven’t checked your subsidy eligibility lately, now’s a good time to do that!. Good subsidy news if you’re being laid off For Americans ventolin cortisone who involuntarily lose (or recently lost) their job or involuntarily have their work hours reduced and no longer qualify for employer-sponsored health insurance, the American Rescue Plan provides a full subsidy for COBRA or state continuation (mini-COBRA) plans through the end of September 2021. Assuming your coverage can be continued with COBRA or state continuation, you’ll have an option to do so regardless of whether you’re leaving your job voluntarily or involuntarily.

But if you’re being ventolin cortisone laid off, you’ll be able to continue your coverage for free through September. (If you’re choosing to retire, you’ll still be able to elect COBRA or state continuation, but you’ll have to pay the premiums yourself.) You’ll have 60 days to decide whether to extend your employer-sponsored coverage using the ARP’s COBRA subsidy (There is normally a 60-day window to elect COBRA in general, but that’s been extended during the asthma treatment emergency period, which is expected to remain in place throughout 2021. But the ARP’s COBRA subsidy does have to be elected within 60 days of the person being notified of eligibility for COBRA and the subsidy.) An option to take COBRA or state continuation coverage does not make a person ineligible for premium subsidies in the marketplace (as opposed to an offer of coverage from a current employer, which does generally make a person ineligible for marketplace subsidies).

But it has ventolin cortisone to be one or the other. You can either enroll in a marketplace plan with ACA/ARP subsidies, or extend your employer-sponsored plan using COBRA or mini-COBRA with the federal subsidy through September 2021. But if you choose to extend your employer-sponsored coverage and take the COBRA subsidy, HHS has confirmed that you’ll qualify for a special enrollment period to transition to a marketplace plan after the COBRA subsidy ends in the fall.

The ARP’s additional premium subsidies for marketplace plans will be in effect throughout 2022 as well (and could be extended by ventolin cortisone Congress at a later date), so that’s an option that will remain affordable for the time being. You’ll also have the option to keep the COBRA or state continuation coverage until it expires, but you’ll have to pay full price starting in October 2021. A marketplace plan may end up being much more affordable at that point, but it’s important to consider things like starting over with a new deductible when you transition from an employer-sponsored plan to an individual plan, as well as the different provider networks and drug formularies for the individual market plans.

The ARP’s COBRA subsidy and ventolin cortisone additional marketplace subsidies are available regardless of age. But because health insurance premiums are based on age — including, in most cases, premiums for employer-sponsored coverage — the ARP’s subsidies are particularly valuable for older Americans. Since the cost of coverage is ventolin cortisone higher, the subsidies are larger as well.

A couple of other points to keep in mind if you’re using the ARP’s COBRA subsidy. You’ll want to check the cost of individual coverage through the marketplace during the open enrollment period that starts November 1, 2021. You’ll be seeing prices for 2022 coverage, so use your 2022 ventolin cortisone income projection to see what your after-subsidy premium will be.

Even if you keep your COBRA coverage until the end of 2021, you might find that you’re better off switching to a marketplace plan as of January 2022. If you’ll become eligible for Medicare during the time your COBRA will be in place, be sure you understand the rules regarding enrollment in Medicare Part B and D. You can delay Medicare Part B if you’re covered under an active employee ventolin cortisone plan, but not if you’re covered under COBRA.

And your COBRA coverage may or may not be considered creditable coverage for Medicare http://www.warehousesorlando.com/rent-lease-orlando-warehouse-college-park Part D. Guaranteed-issue coverage makes a ventolin cortisone smooth transition to Medicare Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, older Americans can rely on individual market coverage in the years prior to Medicare, without having to worry about pre-existing medical conditions. €œJob lock” — continuing to work just for the health insurance benefits — doesn’t exist with the same level of urgency that it once did.

And the individual/family plans that are available to early retirees are comprehensive, without the sort of coverage holes that often existed in individual market plans prior to the ACA. The ACA ventolin cortisone already provided premium subsidies to many individuals who needed coverage prior to aging into Medicare. And the ARP has made those subsidies more substantial and more widely available — particularly for older enrollees.

If you’re nearing Medicare eligibility but not quite there yet, health insurance may not be as much of a retirement obstacle as you thought it would be. You might ventolin cortisone be pleasantly surprised to see how affordable the coverage options are. And if you’re already in need of coverage, time is of the essence.

The asthma treatment-related special enrollment period ends in most states on August 15, 2021 ventolin cortisone. After that, unless you experience a qualifying event, you’ll have to wait until open enrollment to sign up for individual health insurance, with coverage effective January 1. But during the asthma treatment-related special enrollment period, you can enroll in health coverage through the marketplace and take advantage of the ACA/ARP subsidies, even if you don’t have a qualifying life event.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing ventolin cortisone about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.Most of the American Rescue Plan’s (ARP) additional premium subsidies have been available since April, and an estimated 1.65 million people have enrolled in health plans through the exchange (marketplace) during the asthma treatment-related special enrollment period that’s been ongoing since February.

But a major provision of the law will take effect on July 1, when HealthCare.gov makes additional subsidies available to people ventolin cortisone who have received unemployment compensation this year. DC and 14 states run their own exchanges, and some of them had already activated the additional unemployment-based subsidies in May or June. But in the 36 states that use HealthCare.gov, as well as some of the state-based exchanges, the additional subsidies will become available this Thursday, July 1.

Here’s what you need to know about these additional unemployment-based subsidies ventolin cortisone. The subsidies apply to both premiums and out-of-pocket costs The unemployment-based subsidies are two-fold. They provide full premium subsidies, which means they fully cover the cost of the benchmark ventolin cortisone plan (second-lowest-cost Silver plan) in your area.

They provide the most robust level of cost-sharing reductions, which means they’ll boost the benefits of any Silver-level plan so that it’s better than a Platinum plan. Who is eligible for unemployment-based subsidies?. The ventolin cortisone unemployment-based subsidies are available to anyone who has received or been approved to receive unemployment compensation at any time this year.

(If you’re eligible to receive unemployment compensation but haven’t applied or haven’t been approved to receive it, you’re not eligible for the additional health insurance subsidies.) Eligibility for the unemployment-based subsidies includes people whose income is under the federal poverty level, as long as they’re not eligible for Medicaid. (If a person is eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, they aren’t eligible for subsidies in the exchange. Nothing has changed about that.) People with income under the poverty level are normally not eligible for subsidies, which means there’s a coverage gap in the states that have refused ventolin cortisone to accept federal funding to expand Medicaid.

But a person who would otherwise be in the coverage gap can receive a full premium subsidy and full cost-sharing reductions in 2021, if they receive unemployment compensation at any time during the year. CMS has confirmed that the full premium subsidies are only available if it’s a taxpayer who is ventolin cortisone receiving the unemployment compensation. If it’s a dependent who is receiving it, the household is eligible for the cost-sharing reductions (assuming the household is otherwise also eligible for premium tax credits), but not the full premium subsidies.

Even if you only received unemployment compensation for one week of 2021, you’re potentially eligible for the enhanced subsidies for the entire year. But subsidy eligibility ventolin cortisone would end if and when you become eligible for employer-sponsored health coverage (that’s considered affordable and provides minimum value), or premium-free Medicare Part A. The ARP has not fixed the family glitch, so family members would also lose access to any subsidies in the exchange if they become eligible for employer-sponsored coverage that’s considered affordable for the employee.

How to claim the extra subsidies HealthCare.gov will not be able to automatically update these subsidies (although that’s something that may become available later on), so you’ll need to log back into your account and update your application to activate the subsidies. You can do this through HealthCare.gov, or through ventolin cortisone an enhanced direct enrollment entity if you use one. Some of the state-run exchanges are automatically applying the additional subsidies to accounts where applicants indicated that they’re receiving unemployment compensation this year.

But if you’re in a state that runs its own exchange, it’s in your best interest to log back into your account to confirm that ventolin cortisone you’re receiving all of the benefits for which you’re eligible. If you enroll or update your account between July 1 and July 31, your new subsidies will take effect August 1. The asthma treatment-related special enrollment period continues through August 15 in most states, but enrollments or updates completed in August won’t take effect until September.

If you’ve already got coverage through the exchange but you don’t update your application to start ventolin cortisone receiving the additional unemployment-based subsidies, you’ll be able to claim the premium subsidy on your 2021 tax return. However, there is no way to claim cost-sharing reductions after the fact. So it’s important to make sure you’re enrolled in a Silver plan as soon as possible, if you want to take advantage of that benefit.

You might need to switch plans to get the full benefit You can get the additional premium ventolin cortisone subsidies applied to any metal-level plan, although your subsidy can never be more than the cost of your plan. So if you’re enrolled in a plan that’s less expensive than the benchmark plan, you might find that you’re able to upgrade to a better plan without paying any additional premium. But you can only get the enhanced cost-sharing reductions if you’re enrolled in a Silver plan.

So if you currently have a Bronze or Gold plan, ventolin cortisone you might choose to switch to a Silver plan to get the full benefits available under the ARP. Although switching to a new plan mid-year usually means starting over with a new deductible and out-of-pocket maximum, many states and insurers are allowing enrollees to keep their accumulated out-of-pocket costs, as long as they switch to a new plan from the same insurer. What you’ll ventolin cortisone pay each month The unemployment-based subsidies will cover the full cost of the benchmark plan.

So you’ll have access to two Silver plans that have no premium, and you’ll likely have access to a variety of Bronze plans — and possibly some Gold plans — that have no premium. If you pick a plan that’s more expensive than the benchmark plan, including the higher-cost Silver plans, you’ll pay at least some premium each month. If you’re in a state that has additional state-mandated benefits that aren’t covered by premium subsidies, you may find that you have to pay at least a dollar or two each month in premiums, regardless of ventolin cortisone which plan you select.

What you’ll pay when you need medical care If you enroll in a Silver plan, you’ll get the full benefits of the unemployment-based subsidies, meaning that you’ll have fairly low out-of-pocket costs if you need medical care later this year. Any Silver plan you choose will have a maximum out-of-pocket of no more than $2,850 in 2021, and it’s common to see these plans with deductibles that range from $0 to $500. Copays for office visits and many prescriptions also tend to be fairly low ventolin cortisone.

If you choose a non-Silver plan, the normal cost-sharing will apply. No matter what plan you select, your out-of-pocket maximum for in-network care won’t exceed $8,550 this year, ventolin cortisone but the specifics of the coverage will vary considerably from one plan to another. How big will your subsidy be?.

You can use our subsidy calculator to see the subsidy amount that will be available to you. For people ventolin cortisone receiving unemployment compensation, the exchange will disregard any income above 139% of the poverty level for 2021. The 2020 poverty level numbers are used to determine subsidy eligibility for 2021, so you can find the poverty level for your household size, multiply it by 1.39, and enter that number into the subsidy calculator.

And if you need help finding a plan, our direct enrollment entity can provide assistance. Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who ventolin cortisone has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org.

Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts..

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) is the single biggest improvement in health insurance affordability since the Affordable Care Act was where can you get ventolin implemented. For 2021 and 2022, it has increased the size of premium subsidies in the marketplace/exchange, and eliminated the “subsidy cliff.” The ARP ensures that Americans who receive unemployment compensation at any time in 2021 can enroll in a premium-free Silver plan with full cost-sharing reductions. (If you’re eligible for this benefit but enrolled in a non-Silver where can you get ventolin plan, you’ll need to switch to a Silver plan in order to take advantage of the cost-sharing reductions.

In most states, you have until August 15, 2021 to make this change.) It also provides subsidies to cover the full cost of COBRA or state continuation coverage, through September 2021, for people who involuntarily lose their jobs or have their hours reduced. To allow people an opportunity to access the enhanced premium subsidies in the marketplace, there’s a one-time special enrollment window that continues through August 15, 2021 in most states. Largely as where can you get ventolin a result of this enrollment opportunity and the ARP’s subsidy enhancements, effectuated enrollment in the marketplaces nationwide has almost certainly reached a record high, with an estimated 1.65 million people enrolling during the first three-and-a-half months of the special enrollment period.

ARP subsidies particularly valuable for older plan buyers People of all ages, including the “young and invincible” population, are finding that coverage is more affordable now that the American Rescue Plan has been implemented. But because the full-price cost of health insurance is based on age — and is therefore higher for older enrollees — the ARP’s additional subsidies are particularly valuable for older Americans. Some older consumers have been purchasing their own individual-market health where can you get ventolin insurance for years, and are now finding that their premiums are lower than they were before the ARP was enacted.

(This is true only if these consumers update their marketplace application to activate the new subsidies or claim them later on their tax returns. People who have off-exchange coverage will need to transition to the exchange in order to take advantage of the new subsidies, either upfront or on a tax return.) But the ARP is also making it easier for people to transition from employer-sponsored health insurance to where can you get ventolin a self-purchased health plan. This is especially true for older applicants, since their subsidies are larger (to offset the higher premiums they would otherwise have to pay).

So if you’re still a few years out from Medicare eligibility and facing the loss of your employer-sponsored health plan, rest assured that you’ll have options for health coverage. And thanks to where can you get ventolin the ACA and the ARP, it’s more likely you’ll be able to afford it. A closer look.

Age 60 and transitioning to the individual market You can use this spreadsheet to get a sense of how much the ARP has boosted premium subsidies, particularly for older Americans who didn’t previously qualify for a subsidy due to income. (See the second section, with examples for a 60-year-old.) But here’s where can you get ventolin an example to help illustrate the point. Let’s consider Giuseppe, a 60-year-old who lives in Dallas and has chosen to retire despite having another five years before he’s eligible for Medicare.

To show just how much the American Rescue Plan has improved the situation, we’ll assume that he’s already earned $55,000 in 2021 before where can you get ventolin leaving his job. Because his income level is above 400% of the federal poverty level for a single person, Giuseppe would not have been eligible for a premium subsidy at all under the pre-ARP rules, even for the months after he ceased to earn an income. And since Texas has refused to expand Medicaid eligibility under the ACA, he would also be ineligible for Medicaid – even if his monthly income drops to $0 due to the job loss.

(This is still the case, even with the American Rescue Plan in place.) Thanks to the ARP, Giuseppe will qualify for a where can you get ventolin premium tax credit (premium subsidy) of nearly $500/month once he transitions from his employer-sponsored plan to a plan in the Texas marketplace. (That’s based on the assumption that he won’t have any additional income for the remainder of the year, and that his annual income for 2021 will end up being $55,000.) Giuseppe will be able to choose from among 83 different plans, with after-subsidy premiums that start at just $84/month. That’s a plan with a high deductible.

Depending on his expected medical needs, it might make sense to pay more where can you get ventolin to get a more robust plan. But no matter what plan he chooses, out-of-pocket costs for in-network care won’t exceed $8,550 in 2021, essential health benefits will be covered on all of the available plans, and pre-existing conditions will also be covered. Before the American Rescue Plan was implemented, Giuseppe would have had to pay a minimum of $584/month for individual health insurance in 2021 (the full-price cost for the cheapest Bronze-level plan available in the marketplace), because he would have been ineligible for premium subsidies due to the income he earned earlier in the year.

ACA + ARP subsidy is particularly valuable for older enrollees If Giuseppe were 30 instead of 60, where can you get ventolin the full-price cost for the least expensive Bronze plan would only be $243/month. That disparity highlights the importance of the ACA/ARP subsidies. Without any subsidies, Giuseppe where can you get ventolin would be paying almost two and a half times as much as a 30-year-old.

But thanks to the subsidies, Giuseppe has access to plans that are significantly less expensive than the options he would have if he were 30 years old. If he were 30 and earning the same $55,000 in income this year, he would not qualify for a subsidy at all, even with the ARP in place. That’s because the cost where can you get ventolin of the benchmark plan would already be less than 8.5% of his income, which is the cap imposed by the ARP.

(For a 30-year-old in Dallas, the full-price cost of the benchmark plan is $371/month. It would have to be more than $390/month to trigger a subsidy.) But as we saw above, 60-year-old Giuseppe’s subsidy is large enough that it brings down the cost of the least expensive plan to just $84/month. (It will make the benchmark plan equal to about $390/month, which is 8.5% of his where can you get ventolin income.) Location matters Subsidy amounts vary from one place to another, as do the number of available plans and the pricing for the lowest-cost plans.

If 60-year-old Giuseppe lives in Orlando, for example, he’ll qualify for a subsidy of about $600/month, and will be able to choose from among 124 health plans. But the lowest-cost plan where can you get ventolin will be about $150/month. (Without the American Rescue Plan, it would have been about $750/month.) But in both Dallas and Orlando — and anywhere else in the country — Giuseppe will pay no more than $390/month (8.5% of his income) for the benchmark Silver plan.

Before the ARP was implemented, Giuseppe’s cost for the benchmark plan would simply have been the full-price cost for that plan — which varies from one place to another — as he wouldn’t have qualified for a subsidy since his income is more than 400% of the poverty level. Even if Giuseppe had where can you get ventolin an income below 400% of the poverty level, and would have been eligible for a subsidy before the ARP, his subsidy is now larger than it would have been (as illustrated in the other income scenarios here), since he’s now expected to pay a smaller percentage of his income in premiums. For many enrollees, plans are available with no premiums at all.

If you haven’t checked your subsidy eligibility lately, now’s a good time to do that!. Good subsidy news if you’re being laid off For Americans who involuntarily lose (or recently lost) their job or involuntarily have their work hours reduced and no longer qualify for employer-sponsored health insurance, the American where can you get ventolin Rescue Plan provides a full subsidy for COBRA or state continuation (mini-COBRA) plans through the end of September 2021. Assuming your coverage can be continued with COBRA or state continuation, you’ll have an option to do so regardless of whether you’re leaving your job voluntarily or involuntarily.

But if you’re being laid off, you’ll be where can you get ventolin able to continue your coverage for free through September. (If you’re choosing to retire, you’ll still be able to elect COBRA or state continuation, but you’ll have to pay the premiums yourself.) You’ll have 60 days to decide whether to extend your employer-sponsored coverage using the ARP’s COBRA subsidy (There is normally a 60-day window to elect COBRA in general, but that’s been extended during the asthma treatment emergency period, which is expected to remain in place throughout 2021. But the ARP’s COBRA subsidy does have to be elected within 60 days of the person being notified of eligibility for COBRA and the subsidy.) An option to take COBRA or state continuation coverage does not make a person ineligible for premium subsidies in the marketplace (as opposed to an offer of coverage from a current employer, which does generally make a person ineligible for marketplace subsidies).

But it has to where can you get ventolin be one or the other. You can either enroll in a marketplace plan with ACA/ARP subsidies, or extend your employer-sponsored plan using COBRA or mini-COBRA with the federal subsidy through September 2021. But if you choose to extend your employer-sponsored coverage and take the COBRA subsidy, HHS has confirmed that you’ll qualify for a special enrollment period to transition to a marketplace plan after the COBRA subsidy ends in the fall.

The ARP’s additional premium subsidies for marketplace plans will be in effect throughout 2022 as well (and could be extended by Congress at a later date), where can you get ventolin so that’s an option that will remain affordable for the time being. You’ll also have the option to keep the COBRA or state continuation coverage until it expires, but you’ll have to pay full price starting in October 2021. A marketplace plan may end up being much more affordable at that point, but it’s important to consider things like starting over with a new deductible when you transition from an employer-sponsored plan to an individual plan, as well as the different provider networks and drug formularies for the individual market plans.

The ARP’s COBRA subsidy and additional marketplace subsidies are available where can you get ventolin regardless of age. But because health insurance premiums are based on age — including, in most cases, premiums for employer-sponsored coverage — the ARP’s subsidies are particularly valuable for older Americans. Since the cost of coverage is higher, the where can you get ventolin subsidies are larger as well.

A couple of other points to keep in mind if you’re using the ARP’s COBRA subsidy. You’ll want to check the cost of individual coverage through the marketplace during the open enrollment period that starts November 1, 2021. You’ll be where can you get ventolin seeing prices for 2022 coverage, so use your 2022 income projection to see what your after-subsidy premium will be.

Even if you keep your COBRA coverage until the end of 2021, you might find that you’re better off switching to a marketplace plan as of January 2022. If you’ll become eligible for Medicare during the time your COBRA will be in place, be sure you understand the rules regarding enrollment in Medicare Part B and D. You can delay Medicare Part B if you’re covered under an active employee where can you get ventolin plan, but not if you’re covered under COBRA.

And your COBRA coverage may or may not be considered creditable coverage for Medicare Part D. Guaranteed-issue coverage makes a smooth transition to Medicare Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, older Americans can rely on individual market coverage in the years prior to Medicare, without having to worry where can you get ventolin about pre-existing medical conditions. €œJob lock” — continuing to work just for the health insurance benefits — doesn’t exist with the same level of urgency that it once did.

And the individual/family plans that are available to early retirees are comprehensive, without the sort of coverage holes that often existed in individual market plans prior to the ACA. The ACA already where can you get ventolin provided premium subsidies to many individuals who needed coverage prior to aging into Medicare. And the ARP has made those subsidies more substantial and more widely available — particularly for older enrollees.

If you’re nearing Medicare eligibility but not quite there yet, health insurance may not be as much of a retirement obstacle as you thought it would be. You might be pleasantly surprised to see how affordable the where can you get ventolin coverage options are. And if you’re already in need of coverage, time is of the essence.

The asthma treatment-related special enrollment period ends where can you get ventolin in most states on August 15, 2021. After that, unless you experience a qualifying event, you’ll have to wait until open enrollment to sign up for individual health insurance, with coverage effective January 1. But during the asthma treatment-related special enrollment period, you can enroll in health coverage through the marketplace and take advantage of the ACA/ARP subsidies, even if you don’t have a qualifying life event.

Louise Norris is where can you get ventolin an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.Most of the American Rescue Plan’s (ARP) additional premium subsidies have been available since April, and an estimated 1.65 million people have enrolled in health plans through the exchange (marketplace) during the asthma treatment-related special enrollment period that’s been ongoing since February.

But a major provision of the where can you get ventolin law will take effect on July 1, when HealthCare.gov makes additional subsidies available to people who have received unemployment compensation this year. DC and 14 states run their own exchanges, and some of them had already activated the additional unemployment-based subsidies in May or June. But in the 36 states that use HealthCare.gov, as well as some of the state-based exchanges, the additional subsidies will become available this Thursday, July 1.

Here’s what you need where can you get ventolin to know about these additional unemployment-based subsidies. The subsidies apply to both premiums and out-of-pocket costs The unemployment-based subsidies are two-fold. They provide full premium subsidies, which means they fully cover the cost of the benchmark where can you get ventolin plan (second-lowest-cost Silver plan) in your area.

They provide the most robust level of cost-sharing reductions, which means they’ll boost the benefits of any Silver-level plan so that it’s better than a Platinum plan. Who is eligible for unemployment-based subsidies?. The unemployment-based subsidies are available to anyone who has received or been approved to receive unemployment compensation where can you get ventolin at any time this year.

(If you’re eligible to receive unemployment compensation but haven’t applied or haven’t been approved to receive it, you’re not eligible for the additional health insurance subsidies.) Eligibility for the unemployment-based subsidies includes people whose income is under the federal poverty level, as long as they’re not eligible for Medicaid. (If a person is eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, they aren’t eligible for subsidies in the exchange. Nothing has changed about that.) People with income under the poverty level are normally not where can you get ventolin eligible for subsidies, which means there’s a coverage gap in the states that have refused to accept federal funding to expand Medicaid.

But a person who would otherwise be in the coverage gap can receive a full premium subsidy and full cost-sharing reductions in 2021, if they receive unemployment compensation at any time during the year. CMS has confirmed that the full premium where can you get ventolin subsidies are only available if it’s a taxpayer who is receiving the unemployment compensation. If it’s a dependent who is receiving it, the household is eligible for the cost-sharing reductions (assuming the household is otherwise also eligible for premium tax credits), but not the full premium subsidies.

Even if you only received unemployment compensation for one week of 2021, you’re potentially eligible for the enhanced subsidies for the entire year. But subsidy eligibility would end if and when you become eligible for employer-sponsored where can you get ventolin health coverage (that’s considered affordable and provides minimum value), or premium-free Medicare Part A. The ARP has not fixed the family glitch, so family members would also lose access to any subsidies in the exchange if they become eligible for employer-sponsored coverage that’s considered affordable for the employee.

How to claim the extra subsidies HealthCare.gov will not be able to automatically update these subsidies (although that’s something that may become available later on), so you’ll need to log back into your account and update your application to activate the subsidies. You can do this through HealthCare.gov, or through an enhanced where can you get ventolin direct enrollment entity if you use one. Some of the state-run exchanges are automatically applying the additional subsidies to accounts where applicants indicated that they’re receiving unemployment compensation this year.

But if you’re in a state that runs its own exchange, it’s in your best interest to log back into your account to confirm that you’re receiving all of the benefits where can you get ventolin for which you’re eligible. If you enroll or update your account between July 1 and July 31, your new subsidies will take effect August 1. The asthma treatment-related special enrollment period continues through August 15 in most states, but enrollments or updates completed in August won’t take effect until September.

If you’ve already got coverage through the exchange but you don’t update your application where can you get ventolin to start receiving the additional unemployment-based subsidies, you’ll be able to claim the premium subsidy on your 2021 tax return. However, there is no way to claim cost-sharing reductions after the fact. So it’s important to make sure you’re enrolled in a Silver plan as soon as possible, if you want to take advantage of that benefit.

You might need to switch plans to get where can you get ventolin the full benefit You can get the additional premium subsidies applied to any metal-level plan, although your subsidy can never be more than the cost of your plan. So if you’re enrolled in a plan that’s less expensive than the benchmark plan, you might find that you’re able to upgrade to a better plan without paying any additional premium. But you can only get the enhanced cost-sharing reductions if you’re enrolled in a Silver plan.

So if where can you get ventolin you currently have a Bronze or Gold plan, you might choose to switch to a Silver plan to get the full benefits available under the ARP. Although switching to a new plan mid-year usually means starting over with a new deductible and out-of-pocket maximum, many states and insurers are allowing enrollees to keep their accumulated out-of-pocket costs, as long as they switch to a new plan from the same insurer. What you’ll where can you get ventolin pay each month The unemployment-based subsidies will cover the full cost of the benchmark plan.

So you’ll have access to two Silver plans that have no premium, and you’ll likely have access to a variety of Bronze plans — and possibly some Gold plans — that have no premium. If you pick a plan that’s more expensive than the benchmark plan, including the higher-cost Silver plans, you’ll pay at least some premium each month. If you’re in a state that has additional state-mandated benefits that aren’t covered by premium subsidies, you may find that you have to pay at least a dollar or two each month in where can you get ventolin premiums, regardless of which plan you select.

What you’ll pay when you need medical care If you enroll in a Silver plan, you’ll get the full benefits of the unemployment-based subsidies, meaning that you’ll have fairly low out-of-pocket costs if you need medical care later this year. Any Silver plan you choose will have a maximum out-of-pocket of no more than $2,850 in 2021, and it’s common to see these plans with deductibles that range from $0 to $500. Copays for office where can you get ventolin visits and many prescriptions also tend to be fairly low.

If you choose a non-Silver plan, the normal cost-sharing will apply. No matter what plan you select, your out-of-pocket maximum for in-network care where can you get ventolin won’t exceed $8,550 this year, but the specifics of the coverage will vary considerably from one plan to another. How big will your subsidy be?.

You can use our subsidy calculator to see the subsidy amount that will be available to you. For people receiving unemployment compensation, the where can you get ventolin exchange will disregard any income above 139% of the poverty level for 2021. The 2020 poverty level numbers are used to determine subsidy eligibility for 2021, so you can find the poverty level for your household size, multiply it by 1.39, and enter that number into the subsidy calculator.

And if you need help finding a plan, our direct enrollment entity can provide assistance. Louise Norris is an individual where can you get ventolin health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org.

Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts..